Hey Pandas, Do You Think World War Bored Panda Should End?
I really wish the trolls would have their accounts deleted but that may never happen. Until then, help in the cause.
Stay strong everyone!
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I believe it should. It’s getting really tiring. The trolls won’t stop trolling, at least not right now. We need to ignore them. Not just ‘DoWnVoTe AnD rEpOrT’, but ignore them completely. Pretend they don’t exist. Because they don’t. It’s my opinion, but it might work. (Ignore them completely if they’re trolling, if they’re being civil, do whatever, but if you acknowledge their trolling at all it’ll keep happening)
nah man. they’re not leaving. and we can’t do s**t, cause bp staff doesn’t care. so we just have to “bE tHe bEtTeR pErSoN”, since anything we say/do against them is soooo heinous, yet when they literally make death threats and bully us, it’s just “edgy jokes”. whatever. i’m done with this s**t. you can continue this “war” if you want, but it’s fruitless.
could you help me reassure toast that people would be nicer towards him if he simply made an apology? its in my message to him in the other entry on this Ask Pandas
Yes. But it is just like the Cold War, but there are actually good guys. But will it ever end? Unlikely. Even if we reported every troll, some trolls will pop up, and the cycle goes on forever. The best way to stop this war is not by feeding trolls downvotes. It is not by feeding them with hateful comments. It is by ignoring them, and if they ever say something good, upvote them. People like being liked. Trolls feel confused when that happens to them. I have seen that happen to them so many times. It’s actually funny. It’s like training a dog. Dogs. Get scared when they do something bad and they get punished. They soon become angry and snap. Let’s call that snap the trollsnap. If they get to the trollsnap, they go crazy with it. There are three ways to get rid of that snap. First one is the worst one. You hit them with a stick. But they may soon learn to fight back. The second one is by negative reward correlations; they lose things like food, shelter etc. The third one is the one that some people are trying, starting with me. Not giving out things that they may like when they do bad things, but by rewarding for good behavior. Some people here are doing the first method. The first method is similar to snapping back at them with force. It is likely to cause the troll to counter-counter attack, so it goes on and on and on. The second one is like a m y’s method. Ignore and downvote. It is hard to actually accomplish. Talking behind their back is also similar to the second.
I am the first to do the third method, and it might work. I just need people to join me with it.
As amy said. It's fruitless. What are you gonna do about it? The thing that hasn't worked for 7 months?
why do you do this toast? this war could stop with a simple "I'm sorry". If you did that, I would spread the word that you have reverted and have people stop downvoting you. I can't speak for Amy but I'm sure she would too.