Hey Pandas, Do You Think Businesses Should Provide Tampons/Pads For Employees?
I was thinking that first aid kits at work should have tampons, and I don't see why they don't. I buy a box and bring it to work in case anyone needs them. I'm sure many have experienced their period starting at work and not having any.
One time years ago at another job I got my period and nobody had a tampon or pad and I had to work the rest of my shift with rolled up toilet paper in between my legs. It's not fun and very gross! I think my employers should have tampons provided for their employees if needed instead of me buying them for community use. What does everyone else think?
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I think employers should pay their employees enough that the employees don't have to worry about being able to afford personal hygiene products.
My opinion is that pads and tampons should be free and yes they should be provided. Girls didn't choose to bleed
We just had a similar thread on this and I got massively downvoted. It was a little different. Some women were claiming that tampons and pads should be free and I pointed out that toilet paper isn't free. In an employment setting It would be nice if the employer provided them but shouldn't be mandatory. It would also be open to abuse with some women grabbing handfuls of them.
Men's and women's bodies are different. Sure, we don't have to buy tampons or pads but men are generally bigger so we have to spend more on food.
I'm not going to down vote you because our opinions differ. Employers do supply toilet paper though. Not having to pay for tampons would be awesome but i understand why they're not. What I meant was tampons/pads being added to the first aid at jobs. Any first aid kit at restaurants, stores, warehouse, and so on, have band aids, asprin, burn ointment, compression bandages, etc. So I think adding tampons in first aid kits is warranted since they are medically necessary. Regarding what you said about it being open to abuse, that could be true for any item in a first aid kit. Actually a few weeks ago I swiped a few Tylenol packets from the kit because my boyfriend hurt his back and the stores were closed by the time I got out of work. I don't know how men having to buy more food is true, (maybe I've never noticed), I'm not sure how it relates to the topic. Thanks for posting your opinion on the matter.