You can say if you're LGBTQ+, or if you're a straight ally, or if you're homophobic, or just a simple yes or no!
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i do support pride despite being straight. everyone should have a choice to be who they feel they should be.
to be honest, It's your choice, and my opinion doesn't really matter.
Eh. Well. I guess..I don’t have a say in the matter so..just got to deal with it I guess. Can’t wait to get downvoted and have my comment hidden for posting something slightly negative. It’s just my opinion..yaaaaaay..
I feel you man... I don't support but I don't hate on people of that group. It's just an opinion, but people tend to get carried away in the whole 'if you don't support my evry decision you hate me' typa thing. I know it's not everyone but a lot of people do. And I respect you for putting your opinion out there. Upvote
Of course I do! I’m gay, and I’m also trans masc.
I'm a proud lesbian with a kind-of girlfriend, trying to shoot my shot, wish me luck!🏳🌈Love is love! Might post for some help because I LOVE HER but don't quite know how to do it, she would be my first girlfriend. LGBTQ+ Pandas, help me out! Also, pride, am I right?❤🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷
ABSOLUTELY -- HELL YEAHHHHHH I am actually straight, but yes i do support 🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈
Early millenial here.
I grew up in an intolerant society where coming out was synonym of being rejected by your whole family and friends and you would be looked like a curiosity.
Fortunately I was straight (and still am).
I was baffled by families who rejected their daughters or sons for not being 'normal' (as we were taught). Lovely people living in fear of being banished for something they couldn't change, something they were.
I'm so proud with the progresses of our society, even if there is still a lot to do and too many very dangerous places in the world.
If my son happened to be gay or whatever, I would simply go with it. I love him and I want the best for him.
Every child should have this level of love, care and understanding.
Love is love.
Heck yes. Straight ally all the way 🏳️🌈
"We thank you for your service" from Heartstopper. I couldn't resist saying it.
Yes!! I am bi and support all genders/sexualities!🏳🌈 Love is love!!:DD
Duh! First, I'm pansexual, and a demi-girl (she/they). Second, even if I was the straightest cisgender person there ever was, LGBTQIA+ are people too. It's just basic human decency. Love is love. PERIOD.
The thing is that I support any and all types of relationships. The main thing I DON'T support is those that feel that their lifestyle deserves better treatment than anyone else's. People should just accept people for whomever they are regardless of who they choose to have relationships with...but, this is humanity we're talking about here...
Totally one-hundo percent.
I have a question for pandas here, though. I've been acquaintances with this person for many months, and recently realized I was using the wrong pronouns- or at least, other people used different pronouns to reference them. Should I just use the pronouns this person's friends do, or should I ask them what they would prefer me use? And, if the latter, how would I best go about that?
Thank you so much pandas :)
Ask along the lines of "hey I love heard people using different pronouns and just want to make sure I call you the right pronouns and make sure you're comfortable 🙃"
As a Muslim I’m going to say no, but to clear it up, I will not preach about how much I hate lgbt+ because I don’t hate I just don’t support. Hope that cleared it up for you :) (I’m straight for y’all wondering)
Well I’m personally not part of the lgbtq community but I have two brothers one is pansexual and one is bi so I definitely support both of them
Read the whole thing!
“I don’t hate but don’t support” as my friend from camp wisely put it.
Of course I don’t hate pride. I may not think it’s the most perfect thing in the world, but it’s just a thing people are part of. Not my business.
Even though I am heavy, HEAVY Christian, I still love the people who are part of the community. I’m not going to shove it down their throats about how everyone should convert
Yes! (I'm Christian too, but I still don't hate pride)
Absolutely!! It doesn't matter what your sexuality or gender is, you're the same person to me. ☺️
Same person, like in terms of your personality.
absolutely. i'm bi and ace myself, and my uncle is gay, and all my best friends are gay, and my best friend's moms are gay, so it's kind of hard not to support. no, MORE than support. freaking LOVE gays lol
I totally support pride even though I don't always understand the terminology I have to Google a lot of words.
I do have a question when I was younger the word queer was an insult you never called anyone queer. But now it's used all the time does it have another meaning because I would stil be l reluctant to use it because I wouldn't want to insult anyone.
It is totally fine to use the word queer! Except if ure using it as an insult ofc haha
I *AM* pride
I present to you.. my poem about this:
I'm pretty sure I'm bi.
One time I liked a guy.
I think I like this girl.
She makes my head whirl.
There's nothing wrong with gay!
It's just how we are made!
Sometimes I go and cry
I feel like I'll die.
Because I might be bi.
What if I came out?
Comfortably walked about,
with a tri-colored pin on my jean jacket?
Would it start a crazy racket?
Would my parents make me go
Would they tell me no?
Or would they cry out yes?
If I were to confess.
I'm pretty sure I'm bi.
Yes!!! I’m lithoromantic/ace/genderfae!!
There is nothing wrong with lgbtqia!!
Idc you all taste the same to me 🤤
Cannibalism is legal if I don't get caught :)
I definitely support lgbtqia+, you guys are amazing! Lots of love from a straight ally!
Yesss!!! I'm genderfluid and pan by even if I was straight I would still support ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Also any tips on coming out to (supporting of pride)family?
It's probably going to be bad, but try coming out to one, then the rest, so that if you need help, that one will be able to put into words what you might not be able to in the moment. I did this, it went bad, but it could have been worse. Also text is your friend
Of course I do! All of my friends are, in some fashion, 🏳️🌈 and I support each and every one of them despite being straight myself.
My former friend, however, was raised in a heavily Christian house and was openly (and loudly) homphobic; whenever I tried to bring up our mutual friend being Trans (which, to this day, she still doesn't know) she would shoot me down with "i already told you, insert, it's only man and woman, and only man and woman can love each other, nothing else" I mean no offense to Christian ppl in general, but she was always snobby and pretty much a little *ahem* female dog about it, and she's since transfered schools and I haven't talked to her since June 2022
No because I don't support everyone equally. I want everyone to be equal, it'd be hypocritical
YES!!! I don't like that we have to show support at all. To me it is just part of life. We wouldn't have to show support for people who are born with green eyes or people who have unibrows or whatever so why is it something that people don't accept naturally? I mean, I have heard the arguments so no need to post them but I hope we get to a point when everyone can just be themselves and no one feels the need to shame them.
On the account of being not straight (still not sure what my label is), hell yeah I support pride! We should be proud of ourselves every day of every year ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Like, support the community? Meh. Based on my own personal experiences and second hand experiences, I think the community is sort of a joke. The inclusiveness and "togetherness" isn't really there. Some people are just really weird about definitions of sexualities and don't support other queer people just because of their sexuality. (Basic ones like bisexual) Don't even get me started on these "woke" 12 year olds telling people who don't "support" people who use nouns as pronouns to kill themselves. 🙄
People should be able to think and do what they want as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else is my opinion! :D
Yea, just have a good life and let others have a good life too!
I definitely support, although I am (probably) straight - my four best friends are a wonderful mix of bi, pan, lesbian, and asexual :) I have been referred to as the ‘gayest straight on the planet’ 😅 🌈🌈🌈
People should be able to think and do what they want as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else is my opinion! :D
Yea, just have a good life and let others have a good life too!
I definitely support, although I am (probably) straight - my four best friends are a wonderful mix of bi, pan, lesbian, and asexual :) I have been referred to as the ‘gayest straight on the planet’ 😅 🌈🌈🌈