Hello, fellow Pandas. Share your coming out story with us! What was it like? Was it difficult? How did people react? Perhaps if you share your inspiring stories, you'll help people who are too scared to do it.

Maybe you know someone else's coming out story? Maybe you were the one they told? What was your reaction? Before sharing, please make sure the person the story is about agrees to you sharing it. Thank you.

Please be kind and understanding to each other in the comments below and spread some love and positivity.


I have a VERY interesting coming out story. At first I came out as pansexual, then realised I was a lesbain. THEN I started noticing my crossdressing, and finally put a name to it, then noticed what I was. So, to sum all this up, I am your friendly neighborhood nonbinary (they them) girl liker.



    My brother didn’t come out until he was 18. First, he wanted to speak to our mum and dad in private first and then he asked if they could tell everyone else. My mum told me and the first thing I did when I saw my brother gave him a hug and said I am here for you, I love you no matter what and that I am proud of you. He is in his 30’s now and I don’t know if he has dated anyone or not coz he is a very private person, and he is also Asexual. We have a close relationship and he can tell me anything, of course in his own time. I just ask him every so often if he is happy and that if he ever met someone not to be ashamed to introduce him to the family but I respect his privacy and if he wants to keep that part of his life private then that is his choice. I just want him to be happy.



    I didn't really do anything special on coming out to my family I just told them... the only person I didn't tell was my dad because hes really religious but one day I got a girlfriend and he saw me holding her hand after school one day I got in the car and he started yelling at me and said now your going to put up with this gay crap... it got me really mad so I started yelling back I told him that i'm his daughter and that he should be proud of me no matter what... we got home and he got into a fight with my mom... at that time we had a cps case so I had to move in with my grandma but a few months after that fight he came to visit me at my grandmas and told me that he was proud of me and that he never should have yelled at me for being me... hes still not a big fan of the idea of me liking girls but he tries his best not to say anything.



    I came out when I was twelve. I had told a couple of super really close friends. But no one else. My school was having a rainbow day, where everyone wore rainbows to support LGBTQ+. I ended up drawing a bunch of pansexual pride flags all over my arms. So, everyone found out by looking at my arms.



    I'm 13, i don't know my sexuality but i think I'm Lesbian or Bi with a preference of they/them and she/her. I'm still in the closet but i swear my dad knows, the other day her put on a song called everyone is gay and said "I think you'll love this song," He also feeds my obsession for She-Ra and takes my to conventions to cosplay, at night he says, goodnight dream of Catradora, i have a feeling once i come out my moms going to hand him 20 bucks ;P



    So when i was 14 i was gonna come out to my BFF and i was like so scared...
    Me: I have to tell you something..
    BFF: OK...
    Me: *Starts Crying Hysterically*
    BFF: Omg are you OK?
    Me: *sniff* I-I'm Lesbian..
    BFF: *Giggles* I Know!!!
    Me: Wait What?
    BFF: Ur Ex-Gf Told Me u Broke up w/ her!
    Me: WTF!
    BFF: U need a Tissue?



    Oh boy here we go. I came out to my mom as a lesbian about two years ago and to my surprise, she wasn’t surprised at all. Apparently when I was two years old my aunt told her that I was probably a lesbian.



    I came out to my sister through an inside joke. She laughed and then went
    "... wait, are you, like, actually?" (bi)



    I came out to my two friends and was super nervous. The conversation went a little like this:
    Me: guys, I have something really important to tell you
    Friend 1:*jumps up suddenly* YOU’RE BI!
    Me:*record scratch* Pan, actually.
    Friend 1: oh, well I’m bi.
    Friend 2: cool.
    Actually though, those two are still my best friends and they were super supportive!



    Heh, one night my mom was teasing me for having a boyfriend in the past, and so she kept bugging me about it and she was nagging me to tell her about my love life, so I was very mad at her for this, so as a joke I said: "mom i'm gay, could you leave me alone!?" we sat in silence for a while then she came and hugged me with no words. I felt good, but I was not lesbian. A couple years later, I realized I was lesbian. So, I came out (again) this time it was true and my mom said to me "Hon, you were already gay, why did you come out to me again?" and so I told her and she was laughing so hard she admitted she wet herself. Lord, what a story to tell.


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    When I was 13, I came out as Transgender. A year later I came out as Pansexual (Not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.) I think we should all take some time to remember how we got to today. Honesty I still get emotional when thinking about it, I remember being so scared.



    So I had know that I was a trans guy for a couple of months by now and my whole class knew that I was in the LGBTQ+ community so I thought that I should tell them my pronouns and name. A week later I talked to my school counsellor About what happened and that everyone toke it really well. So apparently if you come out to your class you have to come out to your family. She she called the priceable and some other people and called my family. So 1 hour later I was called up to the school office and they led me to a room. In the room was my family and the priceable. So that’s how I came out.



    I don't know if it's particularly interesting but here goes.
    The first unusual thing about my coming out is that I did it when I was 30 years old. I hadn't quite figured out my sexual orientation before that but I thought there was no rush (and there wasn't).
    So, I fell in love with another woman when I was 30 and we started dating. I lived very far away from my family and only saw them for Christmas. So, that year, I flew home and did my coming out to my parents the day before Christmas.
    And then, my very religious, formerly slightly homophobic mother, said the sweetest thing: "I suspected as much because in the pic you sent us, taken by your "friend", it was obvious you were looking at someone you are in love with". I had indeed sent them a pic of me taken by the love of my life a few months prior and told them it was taken by my female friend.
    Anyway, that's how my coming out at 30 went way better than I expected!


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    I haven't properly told my parents, but I'm pretty sure that they both know. I told my mom that I liked a girl in 8th grade. And I accidentally came out to my dad after talking about a doctors appointment.... I made him promise to pretend that he doesn't know. He hasn't mentioned it since.


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    I haven't come out to my parents yet; only my BFF. We were both new at a school for 6th grade, and then it was abruptly drawn to a close as covid 'zoom'ed in. Now we have online 7th grade (which sucks). Here's my story over text:
    Her: *sends a bunch of LGTBQ art*
    Me: ♥ There should be asexual and questioning ones too
    Her: Yeah. My fav is the lesbian Because I'm lesbian :)
    Me: :D I knew it!!! (I seriously did tho, I stacked up a bunch of evidence in a notebook)
    Me: I think I'm bi...
    Her: Yay!
    And that was it. Until a few days later when I sent her a text that took me 45 minutes to make declaring my crush for her. She responded saying that it's okay and she still thinks of me as a friend.
    I'm over that now. And single. But Zuko, if you're listening, I. SAID. I'M. SINGLE.


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    Well my birthday was in July and my niece loves unicorns. So I saw this rainbow unicorn cake at the store and I told my mom that I wanted that cake, she totally bought the whole “ Alexia will love this cake” card. Little did she know my gay heart was on a frenzy!!!

    My sisters pulled me aside later and asked me why I picked the cake. I said “Surprise I’m gay” they looked at each other and laughed and said they knew for years because when I was 6 I said that I was going to marry princess tiana and my my said no I will marry the prince but apparently I turned to her and said no I will marry tiana because she’s pretty and I want to kiss her.

    I don’t know why I didn’t know until this year🤪


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    I had really bad gender dysphoria but I thought it was just me being a teen and wanting to be perfect. A few days later I was talking with my (trans) friend, trying to figure out how to get it to stop and he said that what I was feeling was gender dysphoria and he started throwing out gender identities, genderfluid felt so right I started crying and had to call him and thank him 1000 times.

    A month later I'm getting more and more depressed, and listening to punk rock to help cope... needless to say my parents noticed and asked what was up. I told my friend that I might have to come out to my parents and he helped me write a lil' coming out speech.

    I've been out as genderfluid for about 3 months now and have already changed my name! I feel awesome!


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    Pansexual (In theory)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Congrats!!! :D (Wish my lesbian friend would help me with a coming out speech)

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    I casually brought up my gender fluidness via conversation. :)

    I found out one of my friends was non binary via a petition they sent me and their mutuals on allowing bathrooms for non binary folks.

    For another one of my friends, I knew for some time when they were questioning themselves.

    Another one came out to me as bisexual in Instagram dms.

    Another one came out to me as genderfluid than trans in Instagram dms. (An interesting thing to note with this friend is that we are almost a year apart in age, our birthdays are both in April.)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They should 100% have diffrent bathrooms for all gender identities

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    I'm aromantic. I don't come out to people. I give a full on vocabulary quiz instead.



    My friend came out to me when we were fairly young, middle schoolers, as bi. In 7th grade that was her entire identity ( not being a jerk, they themself admit that it was kind of annoying, I have no problem with you celebrating your pride, you do you, but for them, the only thing that mattered was the fact that they were bi. Then at the end of the year they were like, no actually I’m a lesbian, so yeah, long story short, it can take a bit, but you will discover yourself😁


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    One of my friends sisters told my other friend that she had had a crush on her for a while, not very dramatic but it was definitely a shock.


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    Me: "Umm, please don't think that it's weird but..."
    Friend: *literally assumes what I'm going to say*
    Friend: "Eh, it's fine."


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    I came out at sixteen and got kicked out of the house for it. Didn’t last a day before they cried and asked me to come back, but my relationship with them is never the same. I came back after a week, and since then never felt like that part of my life has to be open and known to them. It was such a relief and anticlimactic when I came out in a classroom, that I thought it would feel the same when I finally did to people closer to me. In the decade following, I still struggle with understanding myself and my orientation but it’s no longer of utmost importance. Everything connects with each other. By simply living my life, reflecting sometimes, interacting with others, relishing in my solitude it’s getting a bit more clear. Kindness is beautiful. Confidence and passionate are sexy. Humor is cute. Any gender, any person can have these qualities. I have been attracted to females, males, and trans women and men. I have dated, loved, broken some hearts, and gotten mine’s broken in the last decade. Regardless of your orientation, life and relationships are sometimes hard/tedious/demands effort.
