Some people like or don't like things a lot of people don't agree with. I won't judge you for your opinion!


I don't like tiktok


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AlanandLeila Hoyt
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Or Instagram. Or how people take selfies…especially if they use those stupid filters. Nobody is interested in people’s selfies… I want to read articles and read about people’s thoughts, stories, etc. Maybe see pictures of interesting things or your cute kids or pets. Share your cooking tips/recipes, life hacks…but not your stupid selfies.

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    Euthanasia of humans should be legal. I think this for multiple reasons.

    Firstly, we consider it inhumane to keep an animal alive if it will live a life of only pain. Yet it is considered inhumane to euthanize a human if they agree to it and will not recover from physical trauma.

    Secondly, many people want to kill themselves even with help, medicine, and therapy. If they cannot kill themselves painlessly and successfully, then they could risk permanently damaging their body. Of course, first all other resources should be exhausted to help the individual.

    Finally, with genetic testing, more people will know that they have a mental disorder which slowly destroys the brain, and they should be able to decide if they don't want to lose themselves.


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    Vision Jinx
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I work in a vet's office and have wondered this myself. I actually wrote a paper related to this topic in college. Not the euthanasia part but why do humans see themselves as superior to every other species on earth. We named ourselves "wise man" for goodness sakes! We think so highly of ourselves lol. I became a vegetarian after researching for that paper.

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    Having kids or pets is not a right. You need to be able to afford both when you plan to get 1


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    Id row
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I sincerely wish there was a good way to license people to have kids.

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    This might be an unpopular opinion. I think that if you’ve had the opportunity to get the Covid vaccine and declined, then if you come down with Covid you should NOT be allowed to go to the emergency room and put healthcare providers at risk


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    Mine Truly
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you decline the vaccine, you're deciding to risk spreading the infection to people who might die from it. So when you catch the infection and might die from it, why aren't you willing to suffer the same fate you inflicted on others? Especially if your decision is causing the hospitals to be overloaded with sick people? You decided to put other people's lives on the line. Now your life is on the line. What do you think is a fair consequence for that?

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    My unpopular opinion is how people come on to this site, answer about an unpopular opinion and then get bashed for it. time and again, not even JUST in this post. People are so rude and angry. It boggles my mind. I don't have to agree with you but I won't call you names and think you're a POS just because you disagree with me. That's what's wrong with this world. If we would just talk about things maybe we could see each other's point of view even if you don't agree in the end it's still not a reason to be nasty and rude. I can't believe how many keyboard warriors there are on here, and if you get angry at this, than it's you and you validated my point.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    AzKhaleesi I agree with you. I just scroll down if I don't share or like the opinion presented. I don't need to make myself feel more powerful, more intelligent nor feel that I have more value by arguing with a stranger or by being just, plain MEAN to one.

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    Starbucks coffee is the worst!



    When I was single I refused to use dating apps. I just don't see the, "we met on Tinder" as a cute meeting story. I prefer to meet people in real life where a connection is made not a swipe right.


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    Bec Jac
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I met my husband on But, I definitely understand your point. It was total luck...

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    Yes, many.


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    Earl Grey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is the correct answer. You now have ten points.

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    I don’t think it’s wrong to skip breaking the Kit Kat in half before I eat it



    You don't have to love your family.

    Yes, it's considered ideal, but sometimes toxic people are toxic and just because you happened to be born in a specific group of people, it doesn't mean that you're obliged to love them if they keep harming you. They're still normal humans, some of them are just awful people you shouldn't be around, and being related by blood doesn't change that.



    I don't care about celebrities dating, breaking up, getting married, or having children...literally everyone in the world does those things. It's not newsworthy just because a celebrity does it.
    AND there is nothing LESS newsworthy than a "celebrity feud"; two wealthy, famous people arguing over some petty thing? No thank you.


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    Tee Witt
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who makes them int celebrities, those are the people at fault.

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    black licorice tastes good

    yell all you want, it has a sweet herb flavor that i just LOVE



    Will Ferrell is overrated and not as funny as people make him out to be.


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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All of his characters are basically super irritating people you'd want to punch in real life if you ever encountered them. But on screen it's funny? I don't think so.

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    All religion should be abolished. It was invented as a way to explain the stars in the sky or why natural phenomenon like earthquakes, lightning and volcanoes happened. But it was quickly discovered that it was also a good tool to control the masses, so they expanded it to evolve into a tool for obtaining power and wealth.

    The Vatican is a supremely wealthy nation unto itself for an organization who claims to take vows to live a life of poverty. They are the most successful criminal empire in human history, responsible for large scale murder, rape, corruption, theft and so much more in a bid to increase their power and authority.

    Religion has been responsible for more murder and crimes against humanity than anything else in human history. It's still being used as an excuse to be terrible to people today. From middle eastern jihads and the Taliban, to China putting roughly 1.8 million Muslims in 're-education camps' to hypocritical Baptists judging others and leaving fake scripture $20 tips for servers. And don't forget the torturous conversion camps evangelicals make anyone who has the misfortune of being gay in their religion go to.

    And let's not forget Scientology or the Mormons, both of which are equally absurd and cruel and agenda driven. The LDS is well documented for their cruelty to women. I'm sure many have seen any of the many shows detailing the plight of their members and attempts to escape the church and abuse they've suffered. There's a whole underground system in place to rescue these poor people.

    The Amish will forever turn their backs on their own family, friends and neighbors if anyone dares to step out of line in their church. Religion is no longer about worship and wonder. It's about power, control, wealth and cruelty.

    Abolish religion and you take away humanity's excuse and motivation to be terrible. Imagine how much more peaceful the world would be without it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I see you’ve put a lot of thought into this. Religion is surely an interesting thing…but it shouldn’t be abolished. I do like, however, how you included other religions in your argument and not just Christians and Christianity.

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    A lot of people hate them but I love rats and mice, i think theyre really cute 🐭



    Dating is dumb, sexual relations are dumb. Like, can I just have friends and laugh like an idiot without someone asking if I like one of them???? I'm here for a plantonically good time!


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    Savannah Manis
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Right? I do want to date and get married one day, but if I have a guy friend, so what??? I don't like every freaking male I see. Most people just want to have fun and enjoy themselves without the "OOOOOOH YOU LIKE HIM/HER."

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    I don't think Steve Carell is funny.



    Video games are not just for children! And Animation is WAYYYY better than live action! It's way more expressive and has more soul to it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If I can't get around too well when I get older, I might start playing video games.

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    While I greatly admire and appreciate all of my sisters who fought so valiantly for “equal rights” for women in eras past, I also feel that the dawning of feminism has brought on a whole lot more work and pressure for women in modern times. Like, oh cool, you mean we are expected/required to work outside the home AND do the majority of the housework, the social planning, most or much of the child rearing, homework help, and be the point person for school and extra-curricular activities? June Cleaver had a sweet deal!
    PS. I AM a feminist …. Just a tired one.



    My pets are more important to me than the most people in my life.
    My step dad once asked me, when I was little, who I'd save in a fire: my neighbors or my dog. When I said my dog, he told me I should never tell my opinion out loud.



    The world is taxed; stopped having kids.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    According to the reports not having children has been a worldwide thing for the past 20 years and the numbers are still going down.

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    I love liquorish and pickles, I always see people post they hate them but
    I just don't get that.



    Owning a car is a privilege...a bloody expensive one too! Also folks need better responsibility when driving. Those who treat pedestrians terribly should have their driving revoked and forced to commute for a few weeks.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think there should be an age limit on driving. 16 to start, ~70 to not be allowed to drive on your own or at all

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    I can’t figure out why people think new born babies look like one parent or the other. They all look the same, very red, sqirmy and squashed. In all fairness they have been squashed


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even more annoying is when the dad says it looks nothing like him (usually when they want to deny fatherhood & maintenance payments) - guess what guys? - BABIES DONT HAVE TO LOOK LIKE YOU TO BE YOURS!

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    It’s ok if someone’s opinion is opposite to mine. Not ok to be slammed for having an opinion that doesn’t match theirs. Hence why it’s called an opinion.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's perfectly fine to disagree with me. I cannot force you to be correct 🤷‍♀️

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    Wishing for equality and not for equity


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    AlanandLeila Hoyt
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Big difference between the two. We already have equality (everyone realizing and respecting equal value and right of every human being). We don’t need to be giving everyone the same thing regardless of merit…nobody “deserves” or is entitled to anything. You have to work for things and follow the rules. Plain and simple. A safety net for the vulnerable people who really can’t (the disabled or emergencies) makes sense-but everyone else is capable and is responsible for meeting their own needs. That is fair.

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    Respecting everyone’s political belief, wether they are liberal or conservative


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    Lonely Tentacle
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can we acknowledge that there are more political beliefs than just liberal and conservative?

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    The way the western media industry handles diversity and inclusion is pretty bad.
    (Note: Before a rabid outrage happens, I mean the execution and display, not the touched topics themself)

    The "woke" content became boring and reppels the average customer, companies run right into their doom (saved by tax money bailouts) and they created a very hostile environment (mostly online).

    And while they claim to be "progressive" they hand out leftover scraps to any oppressed group in form of remakes or re-writes instead of creating original content.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I dont mind if the characters are genuine then be gay, trans, whatever but seems like its forced now in every show.. like there is no point to the plot but there has to be token people from some minority group.

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    Working towards a goal is not bad. Achieving that goal is not bad.
    working hard is not bad or racist.
    Being responsible for your actions and decisions is not anyone else's fault if you are an adult (18+).
    People who treat anyone different from themselves are poor humans.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If that goal is to dismantle our government in favor of an autocrat, like Trump, it is very bad.

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    Reality shows, Cooking shows apart from Anthony Bourdain who was FANTASTIC...the whitch-hunt of Chris Cuomo fired by CNN,he and Don Lemon were the reason I paid extra for getting to see CNN,Us...and his crime?supporting his brother (right or wrong) that had nothing to do with his work as a journalist and commentator. Racism and all small-mindedness and envy that seem rampant now-a-days.


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    Earl Grey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just finished listening to “Kitchen Confidential” on audio book, narrated by Tony himself. Wow.

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    The death penalty doesn't need to be canceled in fact it needs to be more enforced upon people with actual solid evidence against them in cases such as murder and rape / child abuse. Explain to me why someone can be recorded murdering or tempting murder, raping a child, raping or molesting a woman and such, but they don't deserve to have a death penalty. We let criminals such as this do multiple offenses, we live in fear of people like them and yet we can't wipe the garbage from our planet? I don't understand


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A few arguments against it: Justice systems and the evidence they produce can be imperfect; risky to make a 'final' decision from this! The death penalty costs taxpayers more in the US, since the state exhausts more legal resources into the deliberation. It has a negative moral connotation for society, in that it teaches us to seek revenge and that people are beyond redemption. Even if some people ARE beyond redemption, it doesn't behoove us to favor destructive options. We as a society are more spiteful and belligerent if 'wipe them from our planet' is always a solution.

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    Men should not have as much control over women and their bodies (esp. when it comes to abortion) and shouldn't feel entitled to sleep with a woman simply because he likes her. When men say that "remember, men were the ones to give you your rights!" tell them that men should never have been in a position to take those rights away. Most also need to learn that they can't just be a Nice Guy™️ and expect women to be tripping over themselves to get laid by him.

    On the flip side, women should understand that men can experience abuse, harassment, be manipulated, and get raped. It's not a "female-exclusive" thing.

    People,in general need to learn and remember that there is, in fact, still racism in America, and that just because YOU personally aren't experiencing it, someone else is. They also need to learn that we shouldn't judge people based on outward appearances, sexuality, race, or gender.

    TL;DR: People need to realize that things that people think happen exclusively to one gender or one race affects all of us collectively as a common species.


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    High Mamii Melo
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not, but women are the one's who exclusively become pregnant if they're raped and are then forced to abide by the b******t laws placed on their body by whatever state they live in.

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    Women have the right to an abortion


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One female Representative from Florida decided not to have an abortion, because her child might grow up to be president. No abortions for rape or incest victims. Then, the supporters of this law refuse to financially help these poor women.

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    I think Liz Cheney is a hero for investigating the Jan 6th insurrection and voting to impeach tRump twice. The woman has more balls than tRump ever had!



    Hiding downvoted submissions on this thread is so hypocritical that it's actually funny.



    No body knows what literally means anymore.



    Mint toothpaste and mouthwash are horrible! They ruin your ability to taste anything for hours, and if you have sensitive teeth, they can literally make your mouth hurt!



    trump is a mutant cheeto/orange



    Princess Diana….never got why people went nuts for her


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kinda sad that Mother Teresa died just five days after Diana, and her death was so overshadowed by Diana's.

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    Star Wars is boring.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Groundbreaking things often seem boring, irrelevant, or just stupid today. But if you were in a theater in 1977 when the first bar of the Star Wars theme hit the speakers and the opening crawl started, you would have felt the world change.

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    The USA isn't a good country.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, the people that are defiling our government are what is destroying the country. The country is still beautiful.

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    I don't enjoy kids performing alongside adults on stage.



    I once wanted a big family. Then I realized just how overpopulated the world is. I told myself I’d adopt a few. The one day, I was just scrolling through tiktok when I found a family with 22 bio kids. The comments said things like “are you not aware we’re going to run out of food in 200 years?” “You are crushing other peoples dreams by taking spots on this earth for their kids” even just outright “DEMON”

    Big families are for people who hate people who aren’t directly related to them. Adopted big families are for people with a heart for kids and the planet.


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    Who Panda 420
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My reason for no kids is genetic issues I don't wanna pass down but I agree on adoption being great. I'd consider it if my situation was a bit more stable.

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    The over sexualization of our culture leads to more objectification, sexual assault, rape, unwanted pregnancies and abortions, more kids in the foster care system, broken families, and divorce. It is extremely dysfunctional that the average person is exposed to porn at the age of 12 and that teens are expected to not only have sex, but be good at it, by 18. I don’t even think teens are mature enough to have sex.


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    Jude Fire
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In maryland, the legal age to have sex is 16. Like what the hell??? Just like with everything else adult like sex shouldn't be legal until 21. That's literally how so many teens have kids at a young age.

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    That ALL rapists should be castrated.


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    Rose Romano
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And not just castrated. You can seriously hurt women and girls sexually without a penis. People (notice I said people and not just men) have been known to abuse women and girls with hands, mouths and even sticks, pens, etc. Sick people find a way.

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    The white monster is the best one. I mean come on, it tastes like strawberries and oranges. so delicious.


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    Heather Vandegrift
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This proves why capitalization matters, because I thought this was about white people being monsters, but it's really about the Monster energy drink in the white can!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ My brother in law drinks these; I can't drink most zero sugar things, so I always wondered what they taste like!

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    I don't find monkeys cute nor likeable.



    My popular opinion is that not everyone should have a drivers license. Teaching someone how to drive a car is easy. You can even teach a monkey how to operate a car. But no one in his right mind would allow a monkey to drive unsupervised on the open road, because it has no notion of the dangers and responsibility it takes to operate a 2000 kg or 3000kg killing machine. Sadly no one is tested if they have the mental capacity and attitude to drive a car responsibly and safely. In my country people pass an exam and get their license. Only when they prove to be a dangerous driver, they get an evaluation if they are even fit to drive. Why can't we integrate an evaluation in the exam?
    I've been a driver instructor and I had people in my car that I wouldn't even trust with a bicycle. They got their license, they are driving unsupervised, all of them have caused major accidents, most of them have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.



    Dolly Parton is like a modern day saint, beautiful on the inside and out and consistent with her practical yet positive views and suggestions for being a responsible, common-sensed, balanced contributor to our collective society.



    I love black licorice, pickles, and tootsie rolls.



    Can't stand Nicolas Cage. I am not speaking to who he is as a person but as an actor. He always seems to play the same exact roles and I am so sick of seeing him.


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    Tee Witt
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sylvester Stallone, always plays the same character, never liked him either.

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    I'm begging the internet with all my little heart, stop making, like, every fandom into Gacha lmao-



    people should not be prejudiced, discriminated or oppressed base on their gender, skin color, ethnicity or sexual preference... they should however be discriminated based on their dumbness... and vast majority of people are dumb, that's just a fact


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    Marion Goriak
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll agree. Every day I meet people, and I wonder who gave them a job, and who tied their shoes.

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    women's rights being eroded by hard-line LGBTQ...we all need to support each other. All of us



    People think it’s a sin to terminate a pregnancy. It’s the mother’s responsibility to make that decision. If a child is created by rape, how is it right that the poor woman should look at that child every day and love it, knowing she didn’t want it? Especially if the woman is just a 14 year old girl? And developing fetuses born with horrid abnormalities that would cost millions of dollars to care for over its lifetime. And who’s going to take care of it when the parents are gone?


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    High Mamii Melo
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I 100% agree with you, especially since there are a lot of people out there who are really, really into father's rights. Getting some pregnant, especially against their will, does not make you a father or capable of being one. Nobody should be forced to have a child that they don't want, let alone one that is a product of rape and forced birth, then forced to have contact with a rapist for the rest of their lives.

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    The whole 'Lord of the Rings' series just never really did anything for me.


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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To each his own. I thought Harry Potter and the Twilight Series' were absolute garbage.

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    Youtubers who just have a whole channel about reacting on news and videos Shouldn't be famous,they add no content or information to the video.


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    Eglė Bukauskaitė
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are plenty of react videos with an informed feedback (i.e. vocal coaches). But yes, YT algorithm should not be as generous to content that takes 5 min to film

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    Most soldiers are not heroes


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    Ryan Deschanel
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Heroes and victims both deserve respect, but they are not the same.


    My unpopular opinion is that the obsession with STEM education in K-12 schools is a slow moving disaster. Kids can build robots in 2nd grade, but show up to high school unable to write 5 sentences about a robot. We blow technology funding on buying everyone an expensive touch screen laptop, whether they need it, have the means to use it, or use it as anything other than a smartphone esile.
    I'm not suggesting we refuse to adapt to increased technology use, but STEM, and STEAM (adding an "a" for arts) results in the near decimation of history, government, and civics education.
    Now we have kids who can develop an app to share the poems they write about robots. Unfortunately, they can't recognize media bias, the constitution, or the march toward fascism that's eroding their rights to do anything.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Education on media bias is a great idea. Even just a little, like as part of a psychology or health class or something. People need critical thinking skills and should be able to form opinions based on their own research.

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    Less of an opinion, more of a life choice. I'm lesbian, and if I adopt a child and end up with a wife I'm going to get them to call me Dad. Makes them feel less left out on Fathers' day, and helps them differentiate between my wife and I. A lot of people think this is not good, idk why.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don’t see why it’s a problem, Dad is a sacred name between you and your child, and if anyone has a problem with that, then screw them.

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    can't stand the *famous* reality types, no talent, don't need to see you everywhere


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So called tv reality “ celebrities “ who haven’t really done anything to earn that status.

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    Consent matters even with family


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    Marion Goriak
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they can't so no to someone they trust, how they are they going to say no to someone with bad intentions? Don't teach your kids to be victims - autonomy and agency are the best gifts to give a child.

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    I think opinions are like A$$ holes .Everyone has one ,and they all stink .



    The Game of Thrones ending was fine.

    From the very start, the show was renowned for unexpected twists, callous killings of beloved characters, and generally avoiding predictable tropes to tell a brutally unique story. I feel like the ending did the very same thing, but then the fans complained because they didn't get a predictable happy ending? Were they expecting that the person saying 'I'm gonna rule the kingdom' for the past 7 seasons was going to rule the kingdom in season 8? Were they expecting the beautiful man and beautiful woman to fall in love and live happily ever after?

    *SPOILER* Moreover, there's an element of historical precedent to Daenerys' shocking character climax. She was orphaned from the start and the family she found were the Dothraki, who were a textbook equivalent of the Mongols. This was where she learned her values and made her kin. From there, she took on the role of Genghis Khan: travel, overrun and rule from afar. Do not stop to rule any one city, but instead install a leader there to turn it into one of your own and your allies before moving on to the next. The Mongols were never the type to settle down, and they damn sure weren't the type to recognize any other ruler over them. So Daenerys tool her Mongol values throughout life and they played out the way a Mongol would in the end; if you can't rule it, destroy it - people included.


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    Lonely Tentacle
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree!!! Except I hated one thing, that Bran ended up in that position. Never really cared for him, I wish it was Tyrion in the end. But other than that, yeah, totally fine ending, I don't get all the rage.

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    Calculus is literally nothing other than how to describe the world around you. Sadly, people believe it can't be taught to most high-school students because the way they learned calculus was purposely designed to weed out all but a certain type of thinker. Insanely, American schools spend years prepping kids to understand calculus, but then never teach them calculus. Trigonometry's only purpose is to understand how calculus describes curves. On the other hand, people major in art without studying how to describe curves? Journalists try to understand economics without understanding derivatives? That's insane!


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    GMOs. People have modifide genes in crops for 1000s of years. Doing it a lab is just faster.



    I feel like TV is just getting worse and worse, and video games/movies are SOOO much better

    Also, I prefer putting ketchup on my tuna sandwiches and eating potato chips with ketchup as well.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Brown sauce on a plain crisp, cheap white bread sandwich is heaven (in the UK)

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    hasbro sucks at making beyblades



    This is a serious sore subject in my house. Hubby thinks Pete Rose should be admitted to the Baseball Hall of Fame. He lost that privilege when he admitting to betting on games when he was a manager. I think he should never be allowed into the hall of fame because of that. Them's the rules, people!


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    I have some

    1. Family Guy ruined western adult animation. Adult animation got worse and worse ever since Family Guy came out.

    2. Western comics are not as creative as graphic novels and manga anymore. All comics I've read are mostly about superheroes I mostly don't care about anymore.

    3. Fanfics can be great. Not much to say for this one.

    4. Coffee is bitter no matter how much sugar I put in it AND it makes me tired.

    5. Cats vs dogs debate is just a snowclone of boys vs girls. To the mainstream, cats are seen as destructive, timid, aloof and just pets for lonely people; whilst dogs are seen as brave, kind, helpful and loyal.

    6. Modern American video games all look the same.

    7. Snake vs tiger, fox vs chicken and bunny vs bird are better than cat vs dog.

    8. Mainstream American humor is getting more dated.

    9. Talkshow hosts are rude to their guests.


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    Ariom Dahl
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    On #3; yes, fan fiction can be excellent. It can also be incredibly terrible. If the writer gets the character right it's a plus. Poor grammar etc can be a real turn off.

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    The Beatles were a good pop band who stole almost everything from people who were not as young, white and attractive as they were. They don't deserve the hype.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    THIS IS SO TRUE! I recently saw a documentary about the Beatles, and they basically stole their music from a Black man who never got credit. Idk what the hype is!

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    Black Karen's are worse than White Karen's



    I liked the way Supernatural ended. Imo, it seemed fitting.
    I think many people disliked the way it ended because it was absolute so people couldn't imagine they just went off and did whatever brotherly things forever.


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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I haven't gotten their yet, so don't ruin it for me, but death seemed pretty absolute and that never stopped Sam or Dean, so...


    Believe in evolution and creation. Who's to say that 1 day 4 God wasn't millions compared 2 us.


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    Paul Jervis
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because a day is literally defined as the length of time it takes the planet to complete a rotation. Unless you are claiming the planet spun at a different rate back then?

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    Root Beer lollipops are the best


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    The Twilight Saga is s**t.


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    Amelia Williams
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    why is this all the way down here when there's literally a whole-ass joke about "still a better love story than twilight"??? someone pls explain?

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    I can't stand Ryan Reynolds.

    He seems like a perfectly nice guy, but I think he is a terrible actor and his quippy smart mouth routine grates against my nerves.



    Any other ending of Seinfeld would be an injustice. Seriously, I used to get upset being in a room with Seinfeld on because everyone on the show was so terrible. Since seeing that ending, I now can love every episode of Seinfeld. These are bad people, not people to emulate. That episode when George did the opposite of what he thought he would normally do? The tragedy is that he stopped.


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    Sure, I do! I think this "woke"-movement makes more harm, than good stuff, in the end. Because, let's just see the race/religion-thing. If the mainstream communication doesn't allow to say openly, if an aggressor belongs to which race or religion, even if it's "unofficially" known, that will just raise more negative feelings towards those groups. With racists one can't do very much... they are existing from the time cro magnoni met neanderthals. But the waste amount of the population is neutral to this thing. Basically. And unless, with your "woke"-movement, you are starting to protect criminals of given races or religion, will remain so. Because in everyday life no one gives a s**t about your race or religion, if you are not pushing it, and are a decent human being.
    But with this shitty "woke" moment you are generating conflicts between people, just because you want to make money from generating artificial conflicts between races or, for example the BLM-movement showed us, whose founders made money from donations, spend buying houses in white-neighborhood in US. Even they don't trust their "n***a-bros"!


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    Luther von Wolfen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel comfortable ignoring the "woke" and those who hate them. I'm much more interested in treating people around me with kindness than manufactured outrage.

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    Europe is not a separate continent. Europe is just Western Asia.



    I eat the crust first on pizza so that the last bites are of toppings instead of crust. Don't get me wrong, I like the crust, I just like the rest of the pizza more.

    I also twist apart oreos and eat the frosting first, but must when I'm alone. In public, I eat them whole. (As in, not taken apart. Depending on the size, I may take bites out of them)

    I don't peel string cheese

    I slice whole oranges into their sections and then suck the juice out of each section. I don't like the white stuff or the stringy bits. If it's orange slices that come in a can, I'll eat them whole bc no white stuff.

    I don't like ham because it always seems to be either too fatty or too stringy and tough

    I eat the outside of the banana first (the white part) and then the inner yellow stuff that's sweeter and less chalky. I peel them upside-down by pinching off the little spiky bit on the bottom and peeling it.

    I have soooo many food-related ones lol


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me too with the pizza crust! It's the bread I eat with my salad. Keep thinking about finding ways to eat the whole banana peel, since I've read it's really nutritious, and we paid for it so maybe we should eat it.

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    idont do Facebook; metta, or whatever they want to call no insta; facetime.


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    Over The Hedge was a fantastic movie!



    Megolavania is overrated


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    Probably only relevant to UK folk but I think Victor Meldrew had a point in most of the episodes with what he was moaning about - maybe I've just got to THAT age :)



    Please stop cultural appropriation. It is very much a thing and in fact very prominent today. While I do believe that culture should be celebrated amongst everyone, I think different cultures have their different customs, clothing, hairstyles, etc for them and them only, and it’s important to recognize and respect that. For example: eating Mexican food or Chinese food or African food isn’t cultural appropriation, BUT dressing up like an “Indian” (Native American/Indigenous peoples), wearing box braids, cornrows, or trying to look like another race and not showing respect to it IS CULTURAL APPROPRIATION. I think all cultures are good and should be cherished amongst all, but some things aren’t for everybody.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So when the black girls asked to practice hairstyles on me, a white blue-eyed blonde, I was not being respectful? They asked me! And we all laughed when my cornrows left me with a huge Afro. My hair was waist length. No one was offended. I was/am still respectful to people that deserve it.

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    I hate gum in general. When it runs out of flavor and you have to keep chewing it, I just get a headache and also the idea of mint is just too much, I hate it.


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    emmeline vance
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ????? you know you can spit it out when it runs out of flavor....and theres not just mint... im sorry but im really confuse

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    "The Handmaid's Tale," a novel by Margaret Atwood, has won awards and been made into graphic novels and television series. It's been called strong, moving, an important book for women's rights. A lot of people like it.

    I think it sucks. It's superficiale, immature, and ridiculous. Maybe it's because I read George Orwell's "1984" when I was in high school. Orwell creates a "real" world and gives good reasons for how it came about. Atwood doesn't give reasons. She explains nothing.

    I don't remember exactly what happens in a particular scene, whether Offred had to lie underneath Fred's wife while he had sex with her, Offred, or whether she had to lie underneath the wife while she, Offred, gave birth, and I don't think it's worth the trouble to re-read, but the scene just cracked me up. It reminded me of cabbage patch dolls.

    And don't be thinking I'm not a feminist, because I am.



    As someone born and raised in the Cincinnati area i think Skyline is nasty


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    Jesus Christ was a wealthy man who grew up in Tiberius across the Sea of Galilee from the Golan Heights. His father Joseph was a wealthy Carpenter, one of the highest paid professions in the Roman world.
    They lived four hours by horse from Damascus, where Jesus learned healing as a doctor. He was also a Rabbi, meaning He was married.
    Jesus had paid servants, possibly slaves, and commonly visited the Temple in Jerusalem, not something a poor man could ever do.
    Jesus was exiled, not crucified. His bones can be found at a monastery in northern Spain. He lived about 80 years and died.



    I think having a pet, unless it's a rescue, is selfish. Pets have no control over their lives, their routine, what they are given to eat or allowed to do. They are completely dependent on their owners' decisions and values; and get punished/trained if not complying. I don't think it's ethical to breed living creatures just for the purpose of entertaining humans/being their friends.


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    Rose Romano
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pets have a little bit of control. (We're not in complete control, either.) Sometimes they can decide what they eat or are allowed to do. I've never punished a pet. I've had arguments with them, but I've never punished them. I don't think it's ethnical to have pets just to amuse us. But there's nothing like earning the love and trust of someone of another species.


    I hate Peanut Butter Chocolate....(I am looking at you , Reese )



    I think that the death penalty is morally wrong. I have always felt this way. Civilized countries don't do this.
    See response #37; apparently both sides of this coin are unpopular.



    an unpopular opinion i have is that LGBT+ people are not special, and i don't mean that in a bad wag, we are just normal people, no need for an entire month for us where the only thing we get is a company with a rainbow in their logo, just treat us like normal people.


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    Dachshunds #1
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Isn't pride month supposed to let people know that its nothing to be ashamed of being different from other. But I get what you mean- people seriously needed to dedicate a month to people so people notice their difference

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    People who got stupid degrees shouldn't have their student loans forgiven. Tax payer money isn't an infinite resource, and there are much more important things to use it on, such as infrastructure, criminal justice, humanitarian aid for developing countries, transitioning to renewable energy, etc.

    I'd rather see my tax dollars go to those things than see it go to some philosophy degree barista.


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    Biting the string cheese is the right way to eat it



    Unless it's a rescue, I think it's mean to own
    birds. They have wings!


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    Curry on...
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree. My mom said she would never own a bird as a pet only to put it in a cage or clip its wings. In its natural state, it's one of the freest creatures on earth. I feel the same way about most animals.


    Anchovies are good.


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    I hate Peanut Butter Chocolate....(I am looking at you , Reese..... )


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    I don’t like watermelon, cilantro, cucumber, and kale.
    I said it.



    I'm so over people talking about Crypto. Yes, I own crypto... it's the 'speak' I hate.


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    Eglė Bukauskaitė
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i find it informative, the videos about how NFT is a glorified pyramid scheme.

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    It's OK to be fat as long as you're otherwise healthy. Well it's unpopular with my doctor anyway despite my heart rate always being normal my blood pressure is perfect as is my cholesterol level.


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    Eglė Bukauskaitė
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i used to say the same (i'm not even that fat in my eyes) but at 35 my joints are starting to protest ;(

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    The people who came out during the whole #MeToo thing after not reporting their own assaults for decades hold some responsibility in every person after them being assaulted by the same individual.


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    Jonahs Mrs
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No. No. No. No. The responsibility for every assault lies with the perpetrator NOT their victims

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    Korea was better off as part of the Japanese Empire


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    Eglė Bukauskaitė
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh wow, now that is a very bold unpopular opinion. Congrats! (do not have any opinion on issue itself)


    Cemeteries, and any means of preserving remains. Cemeteries are a waste of perfectly good space. I do like the greenery they add and would love to see them all converted to green space and community gardens. Why do we need to preserve remains?? Seriously just let them decomp and enrich the soil.


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    Juno French
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Exactly! The dead should be respected, but it's better to have them create new life. My plan for when I die is to get either cremated or buried without preservatives and have a tree planted over me. This means no chemicals are leeching into the ground and a tree is happy. A win for everyone. Besides, if enough people do that, we'll have real haunted forests, and that's awesome.

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    Clickbait-y youtubers, like Unspeakable, Preston, family channels and the like



    We need population control. competency test to be a good parent is needed.


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    There is no abiding essence in any thing.



    Camilo is best


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    Dachshunds #1
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i dont get why this one is so downvoted... hes funny (if you mean from encanto i dont know any other camilos)

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    Fight Club was a terrible movie.


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    vaccine discrimination


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    Dachshunds #1
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i'd rather get poked by a needle and get a small fever than a deadly virus


    ban all private transportation. only feasible solution is mass transit.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you think farmers should have to use public buses? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Bacon is NOT GOOD! It’s greasy, salty, and horribly unhealthy.



    Nothing ruins a fandom/online community more than LGBTQ ships and shippers. Their discusting attitude and the drama ruins the experience for everybody.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, the attitude is incredibly “discusting”. Well done, man.

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    Apple pie sucks. The texture is like baked slugs.


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    Curry on...
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You need to find the right cook who can make a wonderful apple pie.

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    80% of the global human population needs to go. The planet cannot sustain this high of a population, we are condemning ourselves and every living thing on this planet to death. Also, a lot of you are completely selfish A-holes, you're not welcome and won't be missed.


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    Amelia Williams
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh and you're somehow "better" than everyone else? sorry but you're human too y'know. I agree that we could be doing better, but killing 6.32 billion people seems a little extreme.

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    Rabbits are better pets than dogs and cats.

    Sorry, but it's true.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That depends on the person. Also, rabbits as pets are more expensive to care for than most dogs and cats. Ask a veterinarian.

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    I (firmly) believe the legal majority should be set at 13/14. everytime i say it, people treat me as if i were mad. what can i do. i think most of society problems have their roots into the youth frustrations. remove the frustrations (or reduce them drastically), and lot of nowadays problems vanishes


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    Robert Thompson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Could you imagine a world where we didn't have to change all the bathroom signs in the entire country just to accommodate the 1% (or less) of people who feel so entitled that the opinion of the 99% doesn't matter.

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    I'm a woman, and I don't believe women should be able to collect alimony unless they have been married over 5 years and have not worked in that time. That would prove to a reasonable judge that there was an agreement for her to stay home with the kids, etc. And even then, alimony should be temporary and should be enough to pay for reasonable accomodations and she should have to get a job within a year or so. I would make exceptions for anyone over 50 years old because getting a job at that age is incredibly hard and if you've been a stay at home wife for 20 years, it's not reasonable to expect someone to go back into the job market with no skills. But alimony is kind of ridiculous in some states. You shouldn't be looking for a payday when you break up and that goes for men, too. You should have to pay child support for sure...but I have issues with some women (and some men) being married a year and getting alimony in the millions.

    Also I have a real problem with trial-by-twitter. Accusing people of major crimes like rape or abuse should be handled with the police. If you're brave enough to put it on twitter than be brave enough to go to the cops. As a woman I can tell you I have literally been in rooms with other women who have said things like how they are going to claim their husband abused them or their kids in order to get custody, or to use it as leverage to get more support money. Stop precious-izing women by acting like they can't lie...they can and do. And yes, about abuse, too. It's really so anti-feminist to act like we have to protect women and believe them no matter what. And people found to be lying about the crime should go to jail for a significant amount of time. No slaps on the wrist.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And men never lie, hide assets, or abuse their wives or children. How many times have you been married? Should you have to stay married for 5 years to an abusive husband just to get alimony? If someone gets millions after one year of marriage, then there was no-prenup. This is not a black-and-white situation.

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    only women can give birth



    Aviator glasses are ugly on everyone. I know people love them. I think they look awful.


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    Dachshunds #1
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    have you tried wearing them upside-down though? it makes you look like a alien you must try it :-)


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