Just for fun.


Try and work on my impulse control and positivity. I have severe depression, but try to stay positive. BTW if you are reading this, you are an amazing, special person. Just remember that sombody, somewhere admires you and wants to be like you!



    Having a silver-lining attitude. Ex: I was having a couple over for pre-Christmas dinner, but at the last minute they had to cancel. Instead of disappointment or anger, I thought, "Well, at least the house is really clean!"



    Finally get into therapy. And back to work. I lost my son in October to sids at only 15 days old. I have extream ptsd from it, since I'm the one who found him 1st and started cpr. Its time to heal myself and be there better for my family.


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    Lovin' Life
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I couldn't imagine. I'm sorry for your loss. Lots of love and hugs. I wish you healing and all the best.

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    First and foremost, to love and accept myself for once, just the way I am. That doesn't mean I will not work on improving myself. I will simply do it with a healthier, more mindful attitude; redefining what actually needs improving, and working on those things with compassion and grace.



    Going back to my precovid shape. Both physically and mentally.



    Survive the latest round of Covid variant.
    Fully vaxxed and boosted but still a bit paranoid and VERY cautious.


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    Anna Wu
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel this. I live in a state where kids are allowed to go to school without masks, there is no vaccine mandate, and the state is trying to cripple any federal requirements. Help!

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    Dry January!


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    Johnny U
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When you understand the reasons why you drink, really understand them. You will drink less, and less often.


    To enjoy every day and not fall as far as I did this year. No more unalive attempts



    My New Years Resolution is to NOT make any Resolutions, be kind to myself and cut myself a break.


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    Agnes Jekyll
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My favourite is Virginia Woolf's who promised not to make any, but then immediately broke it--the whole point, I think, is, like you've just said, to be kind to yourself.

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    To be healthier. Leave my current boyfriend since all we do is fight.



    That would definitely be being less irascible. That's is, unfortunately, a very rooted family trait. We all have what it's said to be a "very short wick" and tend to get so easy angry.

    I loathe that trait on myself and I'm constantly working on it. If there's something this whole succession of quarantine time has taught me, that'd be patience, and I'm hoping that my new, more patient state of mind can finally help me tune down my temper.

    Wish me luck.



    I want to graduate high school, get into honors college, and work towards my goal of becoming a teacher.
    I also want to visit what I consider my hometown; I'm a military brat who has lived in many places, but I loved Texas. Well, I hated it, but I loved the people and my community, and that's what matters.


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know you can do it! You have the brains and are so lovely that you would make a great teacher. The kids will be lucky to have you !

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    I’m trans masculine (female to male transgender) and my goal is to socially transition. Including asking people to use my preferred name and pronouns and being fairly open about being transgender . It is going to be a bit of a struggle, but I think I will be able to do it.



    I don't do resolutions. What I do is look back and list what I've accomplished. Feels a lot more real.



    byebye bulimia


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    Samantha Becker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You've got this! Your worth is not determined by a number on a scale. You are a goddess and you can beat this!

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    Getting back to the gym. But I’m not setting up an unrealistic goal, just want to make it a habit again.



    Probably getting off my phone more often. Since quarantine, I’ve been on my phone to “cure boredom” and “relax” whereas all I do is stress out over beauty videos or how much money I need to fit in. All I do is waste countless hours of my time zoning out on something that I won’t need in my future. I’m also on my phone a lot because I’ve been pretty depressed lately. Whenever I leave my room I feel like everyone is targeting me. Toxic friends, fighting parents, everything sees me and attacks me. Whenever I leave my room I’m just trying not to get hurt.
    So this is my “safe place”. But I’m just rotting my brain on useless crap.
    Maybe some of you could use a little break too. Maybe some of you staring at this post should take a little break.
    Heck, why wait for New Years? Go enjoy yourselves and care not to the toxic people in your life. All they do is feed off of your emotions.
    Happy 2022.
    Let’s hope it’s somewhat less shitty than 2020 or 2021


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    Samantha Becker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It sounds like the phone isn't your problem. If your room (with phone) is your safe space, then use your phone to learn new things. Look up cool historical facts and find out as much as you can about things that catch your interest. Study a new language. Resolve to learn one new thing a day. If you find yourself spending too much time on "useless crap", redirect to something useful. Good luck!

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    I've decided to make the world a better place by personally reducing the amount of alcohol in it. I'm a giver you see.


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    Wilko Lunenburg
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did that last year, now I'll try to reduce the amount of sugar in... almost everything.

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    To stop overthinking everything and to just generally live in the moment.
    I'm a chronic overthinker so it won't be easy but it will (hopefully) let me enjoy my life more.



    honestly just go outside more. I don't do it much, but really enjoy it every time I do



    Go on more walks with my dogs.


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    My resolution is to stand up for myself. I'm about to turn 40, have had some ROUGH years and have lived most of my life afraid of what others think of me. An in-law treated me terribly over the holidays, and I've decided to cut them out of my life. I'm pursuing an adhd diagnosis for myself and my child, as well as looking into autism. I'm going to try to stop letting other's opinions, real or imagined, stand in the way of things I want to accomplish. I'm going to try to allow myself to do things I enjoy, without feeling bad about them being "childish" or unproductive. It'll be hard, but I'm going to try, because I'm turning effing 40 and I'm effing tired.


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    Samantha Becker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good for you! Other people don't pay your bills, raise your kids, or help you sleep at night. You be the best, most authentic you that you can be and to hell with other people's opinions.


    Be a better listener!



    Keeping it simple:
    1) don't put it down, put it away; reduces clutter and will be less energy than cleaning up a larger mess later.
    2) fix one "stupid" thing a week; less pressure to complete task and may help reduce silly fights with my partner.
    3) follow up with something/someone only once; will reduce my anxiety and increase self-esteem.



    To love myself more and worry less about what others think of my appearance.



    My New Year's Resolution is doing next year without resolutions



    To react to my wonderful husband as well as I react to my cats.

    Some context here. I get angry really easily. I grew up in an abusive home, and many of my romantic relationships were also very abusive. And I never reacted to anything. I always held everything inside. I guess it was my survival strategy. Until I was about 39 or 40, and started seeing a really good therapist.. . . . I met my current husband when I was 47, and we've been married for almost 11 years now. The problem is that I have a very short fuse. Any little thing that is unexpected or not according to plan makes me flip out. Fortunately, my blow ups are over fast and I apologize 15 minutes later. And my husband is so understanding and forgiving most of the time.

    But I wish I could just head it off at the pass. You know? When the cats pee or throw up somewhere, I never yell at them. I just take it in stride and clear it up and move on. I don't know why I can't react that way all the time with the little things that my husband does or doesn't do. But that is my big goal to work towards this year.

    Less anger, more equanimity. More love and happiness all around.


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    Stephanie IV
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You deserve to look at yourself as kindly as you look at you cats. Being with a partner adds a feeling of being judged and found lacking to many people. You're maybe one of them. Speak kindly about and to yourself. You're worth it. You deserve kindness.

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    I’m 81 years old, making it to 82! That isn’t easy when you have lived like me.



    To try to be the best version of myself


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    I have 3.
    1. Start being more open about my gender and sexuality
    2. Improve my grades (I’m trying to apply to new schools)
    3. Smile more



    I want to come out to my mom as bi and try to find a BF. Unfortunately, the guy I’m into is straight. :(
    I also want to work on my anger management and see if I really do have ADHD. (I exhibit symptoms but I’d rather not self diagnose.)



    to continue to stay sober. that's it.


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    Lovin' Life
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am with you. Sobriety is my number one goal.!!! Good luck! We can do this.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I do but I couldn’t possibly share them. I’m sure they’re all crimes.


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    No not next year. I am just happy if I get away healthy and covid free.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    For over a decade, I buy a new book on NYE and spend all day/night reading it.



    I want to get serious with making one small change each month in order to better my physical, mental, and spiritual health.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I made a NY resolution years ago to not make NY resolutions. One of the few I actually followed through on :)



    Stop chewing my nails.


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    Summer Mason
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is a medicine you can buy at the local pharmacy store to help with this. I can't remember it's name but it's normally where the nail polish remover is.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Make a little more time for my family. My priorities have been in the wrong places for a while.


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    I typed out many answers; to be healthier, to work on myself, to work out, to paint more, to find my purpose in life, Yada yada yada.
    But then I remembered: to save a park. A large field where many people come to let their dogs out to play as there are so few places around here for that has recently been put up by city council for a bike park. This is a field surrounded by nature, it's gorgeous and peaceful and safe to let dogs off leash to run. I decided that in 2022 i will save it. That's my resolution.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Have a better birthday in 2022 than 2021... Not hard, considering my 2021 birthday cake with a body count and trauma!



    I have a lot of problems I'm planning on working on next year, but my main one is to not get so angry so quickly. I can go from 0-100 in like 10 minutes. I hate it because when I'm angry I'm really angry. I can even end up being sort of destructive and it's so terrible. I need to learn to stop that because one day I'm gonna hurt a person and I'll never be able to forgive myself for it.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I said this above but hoping you see. 1. The other person either doesn't mean to hurt you or if they did, it is revenge for something you did. 2. What did I do to make this other person angry? 3. An angry person is a scared or hurt person. If i am angry i ask myself what it is that i fear or what hurt me. If someone else is angry the same question. 4. Everything is caused by events. A person you are angry with did what they did due to a complex set of factors. Analyse those.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Not to follow the news so closely as it leads to depression.



    Less screen time


    See Also on Bored Panda

    To no longer allow my toxic ex fiancé space in my mind or my life. He’s destroyed my mental health & self esteem, stolen from me to fund his alcohol & drug addictions (that fyi were hidden super well when we were together), cheated on me, never provided a thing for our son (oops that’s a lie - he once bought him 2 Batman vests.. but that’s it in his 8 months of life. He never bought any of the big stuff that was needed for the baby’s arrival), lied to me, manipulated me, used me. I’ve finally gone no contact - best thing for me and my son.



    Making new friends. I already seem to have a lot of friends, but I get happiness from making other people happy. I'm constantly finding out new ways of impressing people and making them feel good. I feel safe when I'm around people I trust and I love it when I can support them and make them feel better.


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    I’ll try to be a better person and more attentive to others by allowing myself time to build up energy first. I will do it by reading, drawing and listening to music, taking a nap if I need it and so on.


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    Probably getting off my phone more often. Since quarantine, I’ve been on my phone to “cure boredom” and “relax” whereas all I do is stress out over beauty videos or how much money I need to fit in. All I do is waste countless hours of my time zoning out on something that I won’t need in my future. I’m also on my phone a lot because I’ve been pretty depressed lately. Whenever I leave my room I feel like everyone is targeting me. Toxic friends, fighting parents, everything sees me and attacks me. Whenever I leave my room I’m just trying not to get hurt.
    So this is my “safe place”. But I’m just rotting my brain on useless crap.
    Maybe some of you could use a little break too. Maybe some of you staring at this post should take a little break.
    Heck, why wait for New Years? Go enjoy yourselves and care not to the toxic people in your life. All they do is feed off of your emotions.
    Happy 2022.
    Let’s hope it’s somewhat less shitty than 2020 or 2021


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    Ryan Deschanel
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    3 years ago

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    I need to stop being too nice for my own good and to be more selfish. I will reject toxic positivity, mandatory fake happiness, silver-lining-count-your-blessings bullshit. Oh, and I will also work out even more and take more care of myself in general because being an over-achiever is actually not worth it.



    To finish my damn fursuit-


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    2022: 1)Zen.. letting go of bitterness

    2)recovering my health and weight after various things, mostly being sick and/or injured most of 2019-2021

    List of people who thought of raises my BP 10pts; is now down to 3 people I despise even after their death


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    Lara Löwenherz
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not letting injury holding you down is hard. I know that from experience. But taking a step in the right Direktion every day is more impressive then having a heathy body and just do some sports. You can do it. We can do it. Step by step


    1. Figure out my gender identity, and start being open about it with more people

    2. Be more accepting of who i am instead of pressuring myself into changing myself

    3. Stop overthinking, as well as apologising for everything even if its not my fault


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    Lovin' Life
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those are good goals. Always be yourself and true to yourself!


    Mine is a bit weird compared to everyone else's, but here they are

    1. Get over my shyness

    2. Break the world record for eating a jelly donut without using my hands

    3. Help my cat feel better so he doesn't need a feeding tube

    Yeah like I said, mine are weird, but to all those people struggling with things, hugs to you guys, stay positive, and don't forget you are amazing!



    Stay employed.



    Be healthier, happier, and overall taking better care of myself.


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    Not mine but one of my friends, who ultimately failed before the ball even dropped. Friend claimed they were gonna stop watching dirty videos and start going to church. His sis ended up messaging me that while the family was watching the ball drop, he was watching some blonde getting popped. He had a good laugh over it and said he would try next year.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's nothing wrong with letting others live their lives and be responsible for their own moral status. Not your business at all. Going to Church means zero on the moral scale. Two guys I knew who were total crooks at different jobs preached jesus a lot. Both should be in jail. Surprising how people think god is about goodness. Really what is about goodness is having respect for others. Respect your friend and let him decide his own life course


    Self-care in Form of actually taking care of my body. Take the time to use a body lotion after shower, using dental floss, oil my hair, keeping up sport and meditation every day.
    I'm worth of my own time.


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    Lovin' Life
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Self care is so important and you are definitely worth more of your own kind. I love this one.

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    (1) Full marathon (2) intermediate Japanese (3) beginner Thai (4) buy apartment in BKK



    Get a certification as a real estate inspector, and lose 30 pounds.


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    Spend more time with my friends, I’ve spent most of the quarantine alone and it’s been really hard on my mental health. I am alone other than my friends.


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    Plain and simple- work on my singing! I would also like to get better at lyrics and visual art! Just simple things like that make me very happy ^^


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