Post a useful life hack to help people who read this post.
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Bounce batteries from six inches above a surface. If they bounce once, they’re good. If they bounce anymore than that, they’re likely dead.
If you have long hair, you can spritz it with water so its damp then, twist it into a single rope. Blow dry the twisted hair rope until its dry, let it go and finish your hair with hairspray. Fool-proof 10 second waves!
When eating a hard shell taco, put a tortilla on the plate below, this way you get two tacos!
I always let the filling come out, then combine it with rice. TACO RICE!!!
Never be afraid to ask a question!
I have a feeling everyone is like deep and philosophical while I’m over here making memes and being afraid of sleep
Here's one if you dont like online classes:
with your computer take a picture of yourself writing or something. take multiple picture, like one with you looking at the cam, or looking down.
insert these as your background pictures, and change them constantly to make them look like you're glitching.
then ta-da it looks like you're going work!
Use baking paper when making hot sandwiches in a sandwich maker - it will change your life for the better.
When you parents is mad, don’t talk and wash the dishes. Then you most likely won’t get yelled at
If your bagel isn't soft enough for you, wrap it in a paper towel and put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds and it comes out super soft.
To make your hair more shiny and healthy, pour 2tbs of ACV diluted in one cup of cold water over your wet hair after you have washed it and leave it in for 10- 15 minutes before rinsing out. Do this every time you wash your hair.
Never be afraid to take a smart risk. If it won't harm you and you want to do it, then do it.