Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Advice For Coming Out To Parents As LGBTQ+? (Closed)
Me and surely lots of other people are having difficulty coming out to a loved one. If you need advice or can give some advice, welcome!
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Test the waters with a fake case. I.e. say that a close friend from school came out to their parents and that they reacted in a very bad way, and see what they think about that.
If they're hostile, I suggest getting some solid footing underneath you (both financially and mentally) before you tell.
It depends on who your talking about but you could gradually work your way up, starting by wearing a rainbow shirt, then talking about your support for LGBTQ people, and work your way up to wearing a subtle “IM GAY AND THATS OKAY” shirt. Let them initiate the conversation.
Be honest, don't drag anything out. If they hurt you, don't show it. Make sure you have a safe place to go should you need to. Summary: Just be yourself about it!
IF IT WILL PUT YOU IN AN UNSAFE SITUATION DONT DO IT!! If you can come out and know they’ll accept you than you can do it, but if your unsure or know they won’t take it well it’s better to just wait until you move out or you have a backup plan, you being you is very important but your safety is more important.
if you know it's going to be unsafe then I said you should tell someone that you know will support and you back you up. or even better find a relative you know it's going to be very supportive and tell them and when you feel ready they can come with you and back you up and support you and make sure that your parents don't do anything that is crazy/unsafe. also last tip; if you know it's going to be kind of unsafe but you really do need to tell them then make sure to record it with your phone and with another camera just in case so if it really is super unsafe then you can show it to child support/police (unless you're in a country where it's illegal to be like that or if you're just in a State/City/Country where all the cops are racist bastards.)though if not then they can take those terrible parents away and you can have a family that actually care for/about you