I started middle school about two months ago and I was wondering if you guys had any advice for me. 


Be kind, but be yourself. Don't worry about what others think.



    Dont waste your time on drama focus on adjusting to the new atmosphere, dont be embaresssed when changing out for pe, have fun cause this will be the year you want to have fun focus on getting good grades id recommened at least 70 or above which is passing take your time on your work when you have the time when you get home take a ten minute break away from everything and just relax always always try to spend time with your friends and family dont worry about having the latest phone (trust me i had a flip phone and it was lit) or hair color or clothes just BREATH its the most important thing you can do
    (sorry this was so long)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think I will ever not be embarrassed changing in front of people

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    Talk to people. I know it’s scary, but that way you will make friends. Also write in a planner! It helps you remember your homework.



    Hello there fellow 6th grade panda,

    I'm in 8th grade so I know what it's like to be in middle school. First of all, ignore boys as much as you can. Unless he is your friend from elementary school, ignore them. They are super mean and they are just chaotic. Second of all, finish your homework on time. Ask for help from teachers or your family if you don't know the material. Also be on time to your classes. In middle school, you generally have 6 periods. So, be on time. I think these are the most important things you should be aware of. Anyway, stay strong!

    -8th grade panda


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why did I think you guys were talking about periods, as in a girl's monthly bleeding? Just why? I was so confused and then I realised what you were actually talking about...

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    Don’t eat the cafeteria food. They don’t care if you get salmonella.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Great advice, but sometimes I don't have time to pack launch and I have to eat school lunch.(Even if it is gross)

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    Don't be afraid to ask for help. From teachers, a counselor, whomever your situation, if you have one, requires. There is no shame in not being able to do everything and handle everything right off the bat.

    From my son that is in 8th grade: Keep moving forward and don't worry a lot about what happened last week or even this morning. Just keep looking ahead and don't give up on yourself.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thanks for the advice, I talk to my counsellor about my anxiety.

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    Just vibe, don’t start anything, don’t get involved in any drama if you can help it. You got this girl!



    Don't feel obliged to join in on every trend or even any of them. It seriously doesn't matter if you don't have the same social media as everyone else, as long as you're comfortable, it's fine. Also, it's better to have a small group of close friends than have loads of friends that you're not as close to. I hope this helped! :)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree and besides, I don't actually have a phone to see these trends ;)


    Keep your head up and don't let what other people think or say bother you. You got this!


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    1. People are assholes and someone will hate you for no reason.
    2. If someone is trying to start an argument, which will happen, Just walk away
    3. Ask for help if you need it
    4. Try not to be an asshole


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    Don’t get any late assignments at all. You’ll never be able to recover even if you just get one. They will keep on piling up and you will not have time to do anything but homework. This is from my own personal experience. Also don’t eat cafeteria food if it’s from Sodexo or whatever that horrible company is. There is mold on the cheeseburgers and hair and oil in the milk.


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    Enjoy and appreciate your youth.
    Whenever you have the chance to go on an adventure, do it.


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    Always remember: What may seem like a big deal today, will most likely not matter a few years from now, so try to not take drama with people too seriously. If you are being bullied, that's another thing, and you should absolutely seek help from an adult you trust.


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    This is a 9th grade panda. I know everyone says to be yourself, but if you are like me, you might not know who you are yet, so don't be afraid to try different styles. Also, make sure be be organized. If you get bullied, tell someone. I don't know why but I never told anyone when I was bullied in middle school. I don't want to scare you with saying this, but lots of people get bullied, so it is normal to tell someone what's going on. Find people you can trust, and get away from the fake people. Good luck in 6th grade, have fun!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thanks for the advice, I talk to my counsellor about all of those things


    If someone tries to bully you DON’T BE SCARED... stand up to them immediately.
    Chances are, they are all bark and no bite.
    Bullies back off once they realize they have no power on you. Good luck!


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    ~hUmMuS vIbEs~
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly, I love how much schools have progressed when it comes to bullying, like it's taken seriously and teachers don't ignore kids who are bullied.

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    I will admit that I have never been in public school. However, I have different advice.
    1. You don't know everything. You never have and never will. That's fine. You're a human being, not the Encyclopedia Britannica.
    2. Generally, kids around 11-13 start doing whatever they can to fit in, because they start feeling like they are outsiders or freaks (and it's the first time they've ever cared). Don't. You are unique and special, and you don't need to conform to whatever everyone else already did.
    3. I have a brother in 5th grade. I love him to pieces, but he's an utter idiot. And that's all right, like I said in 1. He's still learning how to be a human being, and so are you. Don't be too hard on yourself for not knowing what you feel you should.
    4. I see that you mentioned that you have anxiety. I am fully aware that what works for me might not work for you, but here are some tips (you mentioned already seeing a school counselor, so I won't include that): exercise. Nothing crazy, just go for a walk every day or ask your parents to buy you a jump rope or something. Exercise gives you more energy to do the things you need to do, reducing anxiety if that's what's making you anxious. Figure out what triggers your anxiety. For me, I have trypophobia (fear of clusters of small holes and such) and feeling helpless triggers anxiety as well (not writing all my triggers down, too long). I have a bracelet, given by someone very important to me, that I use to help with the anxiety. Holding it and remembering nice memories is a good place for me.
    5. Finally, remember that you are just a child. You have plenty of time to grow up, darling. You don't need to do it right now. Remember also that having crushes is normal, but be wary of claiming to have fallen in love. Sometimes you really did, but sometimes it's just a crush. Thank you for reading my advice, sorry it was so long XD.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was not that long and I am aware of the difference between having a crush and being in love.

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    It can be hard, and with social media, there is a LOT of drama. You may worry about your appearance, but don’t don’t let any of it hurt you, be yourself, and for goodness sake do your homework, and try not to fall behind. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It will all be ok! Middle school is a really fun experience!


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    My country deosnt have a middle school, but I’m also in year 6. I would like to say try and keep your friends, you do not want to know how lonely and sad you will feel without them


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    It only gets worse, run while you still can

    New friends come everywhere, don´t get too attached

    Bring Lunch from home, trust me

    Bullies look for subtle ways to bully you like insensitive jokes, or lowering your self-esteem

    Escapism is not the best idea.

    When in traffic, stay at the sides, the middle is a sure way to get trampled

    Nobody likes the Teachers´ pet, even the teachers.


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    Try not to get upset over your grades. Even if you get a C, it’s still a passing grade.


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    Don’t lie to ur parents it will bite you in the ass


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    6th grade will go by very fast if you have a lot of fun, like I did. You will have fun adventures, make mistakes and learn, make friends, and get to learn your new middle school. You will find new interest, such as politics, as I did, and you will have a lot of new classes than in elementary school. But remember, you are still quite young. Don’t try standing up to 7th graders or especially 8th graders lol. Best of luck in 6th grade!


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