Mermaids, vampires, ghosts, etc. If you believe in them tell me why.


not me, but my little cousin is 100% POSITIVE she's seen a unicorn, and you can't really argue with solid logic like that



    Aliens yes ghosts, mermaids, vampires no. I believe in aliens because in an observable universe that is 93 billion light years across there has to be some intelligent life besides us.


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    Edward Treen
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Looking around me, and watching the news, I'd settle for some intelligent life here on Earth.

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    Yes!! I've had a few personal supernatural experiences that have happened to me. Plus, now with so many cameras all over the place, occurrences are vastly being caught on camera.



    I believe people have had experiences and/or illnesses that have led them to be labeled as many things, or to believe certain entities are real. I leave room for strange, but not fanged. I'm in medicine. We see strange. Not vampiric, werewolfy, etc.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The strangest happening in my life was when my family went from Colorado to Hershey Park for a singing engagement for my daughter and decided to tour Old Philadelphia. At the Liberty Bell, I turned around and was face-to-face with my oldest brother from Massachusetts, who I had not seen or talked with for many years. Being in front of a National attraction accounts for the same location. Being there at precisely the same time due to independent decisions is quite the coincidence. I'd love to know if this type of coincidence has happened to others.


    Most of the voices in my head agree that there is some unexplainable stuff going on pretty much all of the time.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to think having voices in my head would be cool, having someone to talk to and explore with. After reading about the experiences of people who had them had, I changed my mind.


    No. Supernatural means above nature, or not part of nature. Nature includes all of spacetime. Anything IN spacetime that can interact with nature is part of nature and uses the laws of physics. Therefore, anything that has an effect, is visible, etc., is part of nature and can be studied scientifically and shown to probably exist. Furthermore, you need replicability. It's no good saying you saw a ghost. I simply think you hallucinated. Unless you can take me to the same location and I see the same thing AND more importantly we can measure it, it does not exist except in your imagination. However if I can see it, photograph it, etc., then it has a natural scientific explanation because it is part of this world/universe. Aliens aren't supernatural, they are natural. They do not defy laws of physics. We understand the supernatural to be that which defies the laws of physics. Thus far, there is no documented replicable experimental proof of any such. The James Randi prize remains unclaimed.


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    K W-K
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You cant meassure pain, love or hate, but they exist. How can you be sure there is nothing in the world which is not meassurable? 200 years ago, we were not able to detect a Virus, but it existed.

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    Mermaids vampires werewolves not so much. Ghosts yes. Years ago when my son was a baby we moved into an apartment that the former tenant told us was haunted. Really thought they were a bit off. There were little things at first. Odd noises things that weren't quite where they were supposed to be. Sometimes I would hear my son babbling away and often he would look past me and laugh. Then it started in ernest with him. His blanket would be on the floor or his pacifier would be on the dresser etc. All somewhat explainable. One day I put him down for his nap with a bottle. A few minutes later I heard him screaming . When I went to check his bear was back in the toy box his bottle was across the room standing upright on the windowsill and there was a nasty red mark on his little hand. I stood in the middle of the room and screamed ' no more we are done". Started looking for a new place immediately and moved out within a month. There where no more incidents involving my son and only a few odd things after. So ghosts big yes


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    Without a doubt. I believe that there's more going on in the world (or outside of it) than meets the eye. And even though I respect people's opinions, there's part of me that dies a bit inside when someone isn't willing to except the possibilities. There's something so boring and flat about that, that I just can't shake.


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    While I don't believe in vampires or werewolves, I do believe that there are a lot of things that have yet to be explained by science, such as what happens after we die, psychic energy, and the Kardashians...that last one still doesn't seem natural...


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    Alethea Fletcher
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There really is something about The Kardashians. Their voices sound like forks scraping across plates๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ™‰


    I believe in spirits/ghosts. My brother passed at the age of 47 suddenly due to complications from surgery. Left behind was his wife of 20 years, his 13 year old nephew, 8 year old daughter, and 3 year old son who had been diagnosed as Autistic right before his passing. I spent a lot of time with my sister-in-law and my niece and nephews after his passing. My husband would join me when he could. One night shortly after his passing, my SIL asked if I could watch the kids for an hour or two and we went over. She had confided in me that they had argued horribly the day before and she threw her engagement/wedding bands at him in frustration (she wanted him to go to the hospital and he didn't want to go...he should have went). She was devistated not only because they argued, but she couldn't find her rings. She left and proceeded to begin getting all three ready for bed. My niece was in the shower and I stood by real close so she wasn't alone, but had her privacy. I started talking to my brother and was sitting on his side of the bed. I looked up towards heaven and asked him where he had put the rings. At that moment a feeling came over me (still am unable to explain) and I moved towards the end table on his side. I reached into the little remote holder and, yes, there were the rings. I called my husband upstairs and all I could do was hold my hand out with the rings. He started getting upset because he thought I was going through drawers looking for the ring (I would NEVER) and I stopped him and explained. When my SIL returned, I gently told her and she burst out crying. She asked me where I found them and I pointed to the remote caddy. She turned white and said that she had looked in there a couple of times. That same night, I was drying off the youngest getting his PJ's on him as he was laying on my SIL's bed and started giggling and reaching upwards all the while saying, "Hi Daddy!" So, yes, I do believe. I miss my brother...


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When my grandfather died I made a little shoe box shrine for him with a Christmas from from him in it and ever since I have inherited one of his hobbies. Coin collecting from various dates.

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    Heck yeah! Aliens 100%. I mean, come on! There's so much space we haven't explored. Ghosts? Probably. Why not? Unicorns did exist at one point, but they didn't look how we imagine them. More like a fluffy rhino with a really long horn. Also, they're *probably* extinct now. Any aquatic cryptids, or even any that live on land, I think have a potential to exist. I mean, how much of the earth have we really explored? There's probably something out there.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they came here then they have superior knowledge and we would most likely be their slaves. If we find them we'll lock them up and study them

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    Aliens are surely a thing somewhere, chances that we are alone in the universe are pretty slim.
    The rest most likely not as they are usually based on natural occurrences like Hypertrichosis (abnormal amount of body hair growth) or Renfield's syndrome (pathological urge to drink blood) throughout history


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    There's a lot of supernatural in this world and some of it can be explained by science, but in my experience, odd things happen and there is seldom a logical explanation. The house I grew up in was haunted, so seeing things at an early age opened my mind to the fact that anything is possible.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I went to an actual haunted house once and was scarred against towers. You know how flies follow heat in horror movies and stuff? Well guess what the floor of the tower was covered inโ€ฆ yep ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ edit: they were dead flies tho because they got an exterminator

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    Yes. My house is haunted by some child that talks to me in the morning. It woke me up by screaming today.



    I'm personally on the fence about the supernatural.

    It's possible that supernatural things, or even life on other planets (not exactly supernatural, but something that also has its existence put into question) could exist, but without seeing it for myself, I'm not going to concern myself with it too much.

    I'm open to the idea of supernatural elements really existing, but if they don't, no skin off my back.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree. I term it as agnostic (in the lesser used nonreligious sense).

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    "Do I believe in the Supernatural?" Well, that question covers a lot of territory. I believe there's a lot more going on in the Universe than we understand. I also believe that any living thing's ability to understand the universe is largely limited by the nature of its senses (natural senses, or augmented, as we do with technology). But even with tech, the pictures we build of how the universe works are conditioned by how our senses caused our minds and thoughts to develop. I don't know if there *can be* a 'Supernatural', since everything is part of the same universe, but there's a lot we have no clue about. And until we learn how Mind, Thought, and Memory couple into the material world, I don't think we *can* understand this. Do I believe in the Supernatural? Sure, I guess, but I think my definition of it is somewhat different. Is there life after death? I'll let you know...


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    Not at all. There's just a lot of normal, ordinary stuff that we don't know anything about yet. But the fact that we still don't know how to explain some things, doesn't make them supernatural.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People had to figure out a lot of things in the beginning. It was myths and magic until science found answers with proof.


    I believe humans in general have a limited understanding of the universe, and there are a lot of things that we simply do not understand or know. That's what scientific research is for. I don't have enough personal hubris to declare anything one way or the other; but, if "spirits", "gods", "angels", whatnot exist, they are a natural part of the world and therefore not supernatural. Their existence is just something we don't understand, and they appear supernatural to us because of that.

    I would also argue concepts like "vampire", "mermaid" and so on are based on humanity too much to exist like we imagine them, if some form of the ideas do exist. ("Mermaid"? As in something sentient that lives underwater? Why not, on this planet or the other. But that it's literally half-human, half-fish? Sounds unrealistic. Evolution doesn't work that way.)

    In short, am deeply agnostic.


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    Kevin the Manager
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your point about evolution not working that way in regards to mermaids is spot-on! To take it one step further, think about centaurs. If the horse part of the young centaur can walk after a few hours, but the human part is at risk for severe injury or death from being jostled about, then the poor beings would never be able to reproduce. The image in my head of a young centaur running around with its human half flopping about in distress is simultaneously awful & just plain silly!

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    I'm just very confused by what's real and what's not.


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    The only one I have very definite evidence for is poltergeist activity. We had it in the shop I worked at, way back in 1998. It wasn't too bad though, just occasionally quite annoying. It was the last year before the building was to be torn down for a new build, and we joked that the shop wasn't going to go down without one last fight.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd greatly enjoy hearing a few of your personal experiences.


    I believe in aliens and ghosts but not "fantasy" creatures.


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    We lost a couple of beloved family members a year and a half ago. We have ABSOLUTELY gotten messages from them that cannot be denied. I don't just "believe" anymore. I know.


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    I sure do. Am an ordained Vodun priest. I've seen things.


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    I watch a lot of Sam and Colby so yes. What really made me believe was the first Conjuring House video. Donโ€™t watch it at night.



    I believe there is some life form outside normal human perception based on our 5 limited senses. I don't know what it is but its intelligent and can appear as a milti coloured or intensely white being under some circumstances. I've had 3 encounters and I know it wasn't ghosts or ball lightning.



    I do believe in ghosts.


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    Yeah. ive seen a fair share of black magic where i live. Like voodoo dolls and pictures of people with spells written on them. I 100% believe in the supernatural.


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    No. I don't want to. It takes too much effort to care


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel like this could be applied to just about anything people care about, not just the supernatural.

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The truth of what you think, plain and simple. I admire that.

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    Yes. Aliens for scientific reasons, though I don't believe we will ever be able to realistically contact them. Ghosts etc, I don't have a concrete reason. Partially my faith, and partially just this feeling I get a lot where there's something *else* around.


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    Not at all but I love those ghost hunter shows


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    Red PANda (she/they)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Have you watched Sam and Colby on YouTube? I recommend the first Conjuring House video.


    Yes. When we went to my ancestor's old home, and me, my sister and my grandparents, the descendants, posed for a picture in front of the old house, we had a rainbow in the picture. Definitely a message or gift from my ancestors from heaven.



    I think statistically we absolutely can't rule out the likelihood of life elsewhere in the universe. All the cryptid stuff I find very hard to believe. But ghosts (or some noncorporeal form of human existence)? I have had exactly 3 too many experiences to say that that's not real. I remain a skeptic, but not a nonbeliever.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love the stories and myths behind cryptids tbh, but that's about as far as it goes.


    Not in the magic or paranormal, but I do strongly believe in the presence of extraterrestrials on this planet. Personally, I don't really care. I've always believed there had to be someone out there watching us. Frankly, I think all those assuming aliens would invade us are dumb. If aliens that are capable of traveling to this planet wanted to invade us, they would. I think we may need aliens. All these crises going on here on Earth, we may need help from above. So personally, I say "Come to us"!


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's a great description. To be accurate in my case, I'd change "strongly believe in" to "strongly hope for". The rest is well-stated. I too am greatly concerned about all the crises on Earth, not for myself (I'm 70yo), but for my children.

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    Yes, but I don't believe 95% of what is reported as supernatural is true. There are things that certainly can't be explained by science as we know it. But I think most of what we read/see/hear is bogus.


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    Aliens yes and certain cryptids that may in fact be previously undiscovered species. Other than that, no.


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    aliens yes to think we are the only planet with life on it out of an endless universe is a little egotistical and as for ghost yes yes and yes . when i was married a my abusive ex husband i was pregnant ( with my son that drs and ultrasounds had told me was a girl ) me and him got in an fight and he kicked me in the stomach that night my grandfather who had been dead for almost 10 years appeared in my room and told me not to worry that my baby boy was fine . my son was born 2 months later healthy and beautiful with a sweet soul just like my grandpa was


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    i don't know. as for magic, no ofc(sadly, magic is cool asf)

    but ghosts, afterlife(does that count as supernatural?), aliens, i don't know. we don't have enough proof since they are such vast things to explore. i try to not think of it just so my brain won't send me into a big spiral of anxious thoughts, but deep down i honestly don't know.


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    Absolutely and unequivocally not. Every single thing that has ever happened to me, near me, to someone I know, etc. that smacks of ghosts and angered spirits has been proven to be explainable by science and/or the TREMENDOUS power of our imaginations to come up with some truly funky sh*t!


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    #1I find dimes all of the time. Iโ€™ve always felt it was my granddaddy. Iโ€™ll be cooking and know thereโ€™s nothing on the counter and Iโ€™ll turn around and then back and Iโ€™ll find a some. #2 we had a very good older friend who passed from Covid. She watched a lot of tv. She gave me her big Sony tv when she moved in w her son & DIL. That tv will randomly turn on. Only that tv. We have four. Often since she passed. Same for the bedroom tv of a friend whose house sheโ€™d spend the night when she visited. also had a mystic tell me a few weeks ago that a female was pushing her to reach out to me. When I said โ€œoh thatโ€™s Denna,โ€ she got chills which is one of the indications she receives.


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    Wm Paul Robinson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The electrics/electronics doing bizarre things, partly bugs/short circuits, but when they are unplugged for hours and days, and suddenly jump to life, that is another thing! Welcome to the club. I am massively sceptical for mystics, or whatever they call themselves, but know some have incredable talents, and since moved to France, despite my disbelief in "magnetieseurs" etc, I visited one, to get my youngest sis in law to give my head peace. Bizarrely I felt a heat, and body hairs stood up where his hands passed several inches above my body. Able to descend the stairs easily, and walk back to the sis in laws in laws hous without using my cane. Of course slowly weeks after the old probs returned. Oh by the way, shhhh, I have two friends I do believe are white witches! Unfortunately they have never given me the good numbers for the โ‚ฌuromillions lottery! Bonne chance madame.

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    We already know many animals & birds can see & hear more than we can (different wavelengths in sound and light). It's not much of a stretch to say there could be lifeforms all around us that we cannot detect with our senses. Sometimes there is an overlap or very sensitive people who can just perceive something out of the ordinary and put it down to the 'Supernatural'.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's creeping me out when my cats watching something, that I can't see, and worst thing is, they start running from that thing, what hell :O

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    Thanks for your patience.
    I wouldnt say exactly where in Norway but my previous office building have seen ww2 and loss of lot of souls in that area along with german occupation but It is very well maintained due to strict laws. Add to the fact that very few people live in that area.
    When i started, i used to work late and sometimes alone, andi felt unease sometimes along with other noises but didnโ€™t think much of it. one of my colleague always left when there were still few people working.
    She told me about some SN experiences but i shrugged it off, until i talked to my boss and he confirmed of things moving and voices coming from other floor despite being alone.
    I focused a bit more next time when It happened so to find who is joking around but i was alone due to the fact that lights turn on automatically when they sense someone. Me being a skeptic, wanted to find the source of the voices and starting of elevators along with nice from walking in the top floor. No luck other than a quick walk out of building to my car. Later i found of that people died and got buried in the building.
    Lot of things happened there while working there.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes its the duct work in a building that can carry sounds. Some utility systems, even dishwashers, make a sound like a TV turned too low. Knowing people got buried IN the building would creep me out though.

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    (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

    Using this definition from the Oxford English Dictionary, then yes. Most of our reality would fall under this. Every day research physicists attempt to define and understand these laws of nature.

    Ghosts and that sort of thing? No, not really.

    source Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like the use of a generally accepted external source to create a framework for commenting. Helps reduce the chance of misinterpretation.


    me personally,i think after we live there isnt anything,and you should make the most of it while your here,no matter what,because in the end,do we really know whats after death?


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    Yes and no... I have not directly seen any evidence that proves its existence but then I haven't seen anything that proves it doesn't. I prefer to try and always keep an open mind about things until I see definitive proof one way or another.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Take a look at - they have tons of UFO videos.


    Three of my very close friends (brothers to me) have all died recently and unexpectadly, so I like to think that they are still with me


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's nothing wrong with that. I actually think this is a very sweet and wholesome way to keep them alive in your heart.


    It really scares me. But it almost everytime, when someone died, about week
    before that a big animal or, unusually for that time of year, flew into the house - a sparrow, a butterfly, a pigeon, a mega hornet, I know it could be a coincidence, but everytime when something bigger flies into our house, my heart aches with anxiety that someone will die again :(


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    I do believe in the supernatural, meaning things that aren't within our demonstrable, material world. Cryptids and aliens don't count, as they would be material and natural (not supernatural) in their own way. But I'm open to the idea of spirits and angels, out-of-body experiences, psychic phenomena, etc.


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    My friends say I lack the ability to believe, so no.


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    GHOSTS EXIST. Theses this one hotel/motel in I think Ohio but I don't remember and it's the most haunted place in the WORLD. They actually have pictures of the ghosts! Literal pictures! one of them is called Dennis (Whose name they don't know but he's a menace) and he has glowing eyes, he forced an employee to jump out of a window once. u cant stay that ghosts don't exist. also... on the back of a whiteboard I once wrote "respond if you are a ghost." next morning I found the word AWAIT written on. try to disprove me.


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    I don't have any proof either way so I can't answer that.


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    Not so much believe , as KNOW it's real. Yes, there are fakers, the deluded and the mistaken but there are phenomena that are subtle and demonstrable. I'm a medium, trained to communicate with Spirit and to be sensitive to psychic phenomena. I've seen, heard and felt so much spirit activity. That doesn't mean I'm credulous. You have to be sensible and logical to sift out what is what. If you think that everything must be material or it doesn't exist then your thinking is stuck in the 19thC. It's an eleven dimensional quantum universe - all spun from entangled primal energies.


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    Wm Paul Robinson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You lost me with the last sentence! However I agree there are many more dimensions, many being psychic, for want of a better word/term. I hesitate here to say I'm an empath, like my late mother, and for many years was in depression from emotional overload. Took on everybodies' probs, they walked away content, and I kept their pain. A bit clairaudient, and the solid/semi solid apparitions are rare. I had to learn to block. I'm reopening a bit again, and in my adoptive france, after my natal Northern Ireland a bit less opressive. I always question sceptically, before giving any credence to possible paranormal experiences, even though experienced myself (& still do), despite being a believer. identification of the "spirit" often a real problem. The "traditional" ghost is not always who they think it is.


    Well I always fascinated with many mythologies and would often spend a lot of my time reading stories about them, from folklore to urban legends. I may believe a few of them because sometimes life is still full of mysteries. Even though most could be just a story to teach children to be well behave, but even as an adults, I knew there's something that people don't see. I also do respected those who don't believe them since it's everyone opinion.


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    Definitely do. Convinced I experienced one a few years ago.

    My aunt lives near some fishing lakes and to get to said lakes you need to walk down a straight road that is straight for miles. This one day, we were visiting my aunt and my dad had decided to go fishing for the day. In the afternoon, my mom and I decided to go and check how my dad was doing. On the way down this straight road, I see this motorcycle right in front of us, coming our way. It's oddly silent but I put that down to how far away it was at the time, though it's still going at a sufficient speed to pass my mom and I in no time. I look away for a split second and turn back and there's no bike anywhere!

    Remember this road has no side roads to turn off. I then ask my mom 'hey, where did that bike go?'

    My mom's answer? 'What bike?'


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    Well it depends because if you mean monsters like the loch ness monster yes. but i think ghosts are only real if they were tied to something in life and they are not dangerous in most cases.



    Ghost absolutely ๐Ÿ’ฏ... I have witnessed it...


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    All of these entities exists, but not just on the earth 3Dplane. Some of these entities exist on the 3D, but they are extremely well hidden, and have the ability to "shield" themselves. There are energetic levels above 3D, which are called the astral levels. A massive variety of entities live on the astral plane. Highly intuitive psychic people can see and/or sense these entities. ETs live in the 3D, and higher vibrational levels. There are also entities who are actually thought-form beings > meaning, so much of humanity believed these being exists, that "we" all created a thoughtform being, like vampires. Mermaids are a type of human that broke away from homosapiens eons ago, and live, very secluded in parts of the oceans. Ghosts are just dead people who got stuck/confused transitioning to the astral. Unicorns are astral beings (btw -they are just as intelligent as humans). Why do I "believe" in them? I'm a psychic, and I've had many experiences beyond the 3D.


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    Wm Paul Robinson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hmm sceptic of psycics, despit often describing myself as an empath, whith spans both the living and the passed. I do completely trust three people I know through FB who are psychics, or describe themselves as whith witches and who accurately predicted some odd turns in my life. My life has gone off at some odd tangents, and they predicted them pretty closely. Northern Irish, who fell for a femme fatale, introduced on FB by a mutual friend. 12 years in France, zapping around in different circles. 8 years in my now wife's natal Nord-pas-de-Calais, where I relearned my out of date French, and northern Ch'ti dialect, before a brainstorm for both of us brought us to vannes in bretagne 4 years ago. The wife a very sceptical and frightened part believer, but coming more and more into my weird otherworld, sans coercion. Hope you are one of the true folks. You can be immesurabley reassurant to many in pain or confusion.


    Tomorrow going to probably be bombarded with comments on all the previous comments I've made. I've seen and experienced too much weird and wunnerful stuff, that nobody has yet completely explained b science (which i love by the way). I have debunked some of my own experiences after researching history, science medecine (take meds and now have vision problems - corner of eye sightings often because of different vision with the rods in the eyes). Ghosts/phantoms/spirits, whatever you want to call em, including peridolia, or misidentification, etc; exist. What they really are are the big question. Why do so many people see & experience the same things, in the same places, and I don't believe it is all because of myths and legends or urban legends? Very possible a psychological thing, yet still no overall explaination. I've seen sensed and experienced too many things with witnesses to believe the supernational is all in the mind. 12 years after moving to France language no barrier. Experience less, but thats cos they're racist! Pmsl. ETs exist but are natural. Gawd elp them, why would they want to stay here after a visit?! Different sorts of paranormal events. Some repetitive, some on anniversaires, others regular, many only with certain people. Its complicated. Will we ever have a definitave answer? I doubt it? We will continue to bicker, and be insulted by those who haven't had experiences, or passed them off as nothing. Good luck for the experiencers, and yes continue the scientific debunking for the rest. Each has their place.


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    I think there is definitely more than just us. Either in outer space, or here with us on earth.
    There are many life forms in the deep sea we haven't seen yet. So why would it be impossible to have more than one life forms on this very planet?


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    Maybe yes, maybe no.


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    Ghosts yes. I've had a few strange experiences to lead me to believe ghosts are real. But I don't necessarily think ghosts are dead people


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    So many classifying aliens as supernatural - they're not, they're extra-terrestrial.
    Supernatural stuff - nope, just imagination, hallucination, wishful thinking and the misinterpretation of physical phenomena, sorry.


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    Supernaturals can't exists. If they are exists, they will not be supernatural.
    Many of them are just attempts to explains natural things with non scientific methods.
    I always say: If science can't explain something it means only that science cannot explain it. Not less, not more.



    No. Why would I or anyone else? There is absolutely no empirical evidence or peer reviewed results that prove the existence of anything supernatural.
    It's a fun pretend thing and it makes great stories but ghosts, psychics and all that malarkey are not and never were real.


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    Wm Paul Robinson
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Any take on religion, and belief in the unseen and unexplicable?


    Obviously not. The moment we went from weird shadows in candlelight to fully illuminated electric lighting and quality cameras, all sightings stopped. Those two things are not unrelated.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thats when evidence for like ghosts stopped but like every other supernatural thing has more sightings. Obviously some used the higher tech to get a higher quality hoax but also the number of unexplained and proven non-tampered with film shot up for other things. Even a non believer has to admit thatโ€™s is unusual if nothing else

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