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i dont rlly know. there isnt much evidence. if there is tho, that would hopefully explain a lot about what happens to your soul/consciousness after you die, which im very curious about.

i try not to think about it because the possibility of not having anything after we die kinda scares me. thinking about something inevitable being something i dont like is very stressful for me so i just dont really think about it.

i really hope there is something after we die


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I don’t. I think that there are things people can’t explain, so they use the paranormal to give a reason for things, or for comfort. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they exist.


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I believe in ghosts. Not in the horror-movie sense, but more in the sense that people's souls can dissipate back into the world, but they can also stick around for various reasons. They're not ready to leave a certain place yet, someone in the living world needs them, etc. I've had a few experiences that might be related to ghosts, maybe it was just a coincidence but who knows? :)


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Yes. And I’m not ashamed to say it because I know I’m not crazy.
I’d never had any experiences with this before we moved into our home that is about 120 years old. The home has been in the family for years. One example. At night. While sitting in the kitchen I will see someone come out of the bedroom and think my husband is coming to the kitchen. (We are the only 2 people here) Only to find he’s still laying in the bed watching tv. The first few times I saw similar things as this, I was kinda freaked out. But, whoever it is, they never bother us. Not the usual ghost reeks havoc stories type stuff. Just a glimpse every now and then.


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No, but I do enjoy watching ghost hunter shows once in a while. The best is Jack Osborne's Night of Terror.


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Yes and no . Growing up around 12-16 years old I always hear things that other people don’t ( humming , people clapping , someone called my name, statics and laughing ) and saw tall dark figures with unsettling body shape, I used to believe everything was paranormal until I was diagnosed with PDD ( President depressive disorder) and Psychosis during my final year in high school. The doctor explained to my what was all the noises and things I’ve experienced before but I still think those things exist because I watched and read too much horror stuff . I guess that’s what childhood traumas does to my brain LOL


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No. I believe, to paraphrase Agent Scully, that nothing exists outside the natural laws; it's our understanding of those laws that is incomplete. With that being said,


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