We all have them sometime in life.


My Then BFF (we were about 6) said Trump was good but as I said we were 6 so I didn't really think about it much and now we're 10 and a few months ago we were talking and she said Biden was bad but then I said "well Obama was a good president " but she said that he MURDERED someone. We're not friends anymore.


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i had this one friend, ok? she was nice and we were like best friends. Then she started to become closer with my sister and started to kind of like made their own little group. they sometimes said things like "your too young" or making me feel kind of left out. Then, that girl started to become like obsessed with boys and them liking her and I kinda really didn't like that because she would go to near my desk just to talk to this one guy that i was kinda friends with. Over the course of a year, we slowly stopped being friends. and now we hate each other basically. and the best part? she and my sis are best friends


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I did, I don't anymore. If there is a any piece of advice I've given over the years that would be the only one people used it would be this:

There is a line I have, this is the bullcrap line. It's the amount of bullcrap I'll put up with. That line is my self-worth, that line is the amount of abuse I'm willing to take. That line may raise or lower depending on the reason why I know someone, how long I've known someone, and how much I care about that person. I will not let someone use me or make me feel bad about myself. Once you've reached that line you're out. You are poison to me, those around me, and I won't have you in my life anymore. I've dropped family, friends, even my ex, because that line shows me just how little you think of me.

The second but of advice: Once you've dropped them don't look back. If you're truly going to cut someone out of your life do it. From that point on, even if you meet face or face, they are a stranger to me and I will treat them as such. If they are a co-worker I will not speak to you unless it's for work, I will remain professional, even polite, but you will know very clearly I do not see you.

This works for me, and it's helped me a lot over the years. I'm tired of hearing people say their done and then run back to the ones who keep hurting them. When I say I'm done, it's over.


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Sure, I did. And it's way better to say it in the past tense, rather than "I do." But hey, sometimes friends are a-holes: don't rush to discard the ones that are just misunderstood.


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Yep, she acted like she was smarter, more attractive, and just all around better than us. My group of friends decided to casually kick her out of the friend group about a year ago. She was toxic anyway...


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I don’t but my sister does. This one girl never listens to me or my mom and never cares when she hurts my sister. She talks about how she better that us at whatever we do. My sister try’s to avoid her but worst part is my parents always invite her over.


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