Hey Pandas, Describe What Your Gender Identity Feels Like.
This could be helpful to those who are questioning their gender, you can answer even if you aren't trans. I hope people will be respectful now that the trolls have disappeared.
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I’m not sure. I like being a girl, but I don’t like being CALLED a girl… if u get what I’m saying… but I go by they/them… idk…
dont listen to the trolls. ur explanation DOES make sense and I get it.
Ducktard/Madally, I thought we were friends. Are you alright? You don’t seem like yourself. If you think I’m annoying by talking abt queer stuff all the time, then I’m sorry, but why couldn’t you just tell me? I will stop talking to you abt lgbtq if you don’t like it, but I don’t want to argue with you anymore
I'm sort of a masc nonbinary person idk. I go by they/them and stuff, but I kinda like being called "pretty boy" or "handsome" idk. I don't feel like a girl (my birth assigned gender) at ALL, that's for sure. I feel masc but not like I'm a boy if that makes any sense. So yeah, I think I'm definitely nonbinary leaning a bit more to the masc side even though I present femininely AS F**K because I live in ✨the south✨ and my parents are far from accepting :')
I’m bigenderflux, so here’s my attempt at describing it! Sometimes I like being a girl, being called she/her pronouns, wearing dresses, and other people calling me a girl. Other times it’s like I’m somewhere in that big mess between boy and girl, and I like things that both genders tend to like, like both she/her and he/him pronouns. And other times I feel like I am a boy, wearing as close to masculine clothing as I can get, liking he/him pronouns….and yeah. Being trans is sort of like a feeling for me (idk if it’s different for other people), sometimes I can just tell where I am on the spectrum by what feels right :/.
Question: Since any specific pronouns don't apply to you all the time, what should I refer to you as when I don't know which stage of the flux you are in? They/them, maybe?
Hey guys! I go by she/her because I am a woman. I have always felt like a woman no matter what other people say. Some people look at me and call me a guy, it annoys me when that happens because I am a woman, despite how I appear.
once a 4 year old girl called me a he because i was wearing a black and white tie die t shirt and shorts. i look like a girl and i have long hair so… 😭maybe 4 year old kids are weird? if you look at me you could see that i’m a girl
First of all, I think I just spent a whole hour downvoting these f*cking stupid trolls and upvoting the people that speak up against them lmao. If anyone is getting hate, please please PLEASE tell me. I love you and I would love to help you and battle of these idiotic as*es.
My pronouns are she/her, and I've never really questioned it so its actually not really a big part of my identity.
Mermeow, thank you for creating this post, please don't let the haters get to you, and to all the others who are battling against the trolls too, thank you sm I love you
When will the trolls stop? They always come back.. Yet another post has turned into a warzone :(. (Trolls, why do you waste your time on this?)
I feel kinda like a girl but also non binary. so maybe genderfae. maybe non binary leaning a bit to the fem side. I like being called pretty not handsome so yeah
I'm non-binary and I lean more to the fem side but I still find both she/her and he/him pronouns uncomfortable.
Ducktard, what did I do that made you want to bully me? you used to be our friend but now it sounds like you hate all of us.
Sometimes I’m a blob with no gender, and sometimes I feel fem. A lot of the time I’m somewhere in between tho
Guys can we please just stop? This is stressing everyone out and these trolls aren't worth our time. Please?
this website is starting to suck ngl, im not leaving yet because I still wanna be able to support yall, but if they start targeting me im prob gonna leave because im not in the best state mentally rn.
I am agender so I don't have a gender. Think of me as a pile of moss. Would you gender a pile of moss? No you would not.
There is another label that I use. It's librafemmine. That's where you're agender but you have a strong connection to femininity. So I'm agender but I present very femininly (did I spell that right?) :D
honestly don’t get why the gender is such a big deal. you are not defined by what you identify as.
Wtf happened. So many of the amazing allies we had on here are trolling, im confused. Can the rest of you guys who are still... yourselves, promise you won't turn like this...?
hey lex i don’t remember where you said it but you were asking abt what that WJE thread was about cos you didn’t want to put it on your search history. It’s basically amy and madally got mixed up with a whole bunch of s****y people, and the only thing they do in that thread is talk to three friends about how we’re all “ret*rd f*ggots”, “babies” and “we need to wake up to reality” (all quotes actually taken from the thread). They are constantly searching for new threads to spam and are specifically targeting Mermeow and claiming that they’re a furry who identifies as a cat. It’s super s****y.
Load More Replies...wtf happened to this post? Everything is so confusing now, it seems like some of the users who used to be cool just turned out to be trolls? Idk if there is actually anywhere I can hang out online where I wont be bullied for my gender. This site is turning toxic, I think everyone should probably leave for the sake of their mental health at this point :(
They haven't been too active off of this post yet so we don't have to worry about that yet.
Load More Replies...Wtf happened. So many of the amazing allies we had on here are trolling, im confused. Can the rest of you guys who are still... yourselves, promise you won't turn like this...?
hey lex i don’t remember where you said it but you were asking abt what that WJE thread was about cos you didn’t want to put it on your search history. It’s basically amy and madally got mixed up with a whole bunch of s****y people, and the only thing they do in that thread is talk to three friends about how we’re all “ret*rd f*ggots”, “babies” and “we need to wake up to reality” (all quotes actually taken from the thread). They are constantly searching for new threads to spam and are specifically targeting Mermeow and claiming that they’re a furry who identifies as a cat. It’s super s****y.
Load More Replies...wtf happened to this post? Everything is so confusing now, it seems like some of the users who used to be cool just turned out to be trolls? Idk if there is actually anywhere I can hang out online where I wont be bullied for my gender. This site is turning toxic, I think everyone should probably leave for the sake of their mental health at this point :(
They haven't been too active off of this post yet so we don't have to worry about that yet.
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