Hey Pandas, Describe Something And Let Us Guess What It Is
For example... "cold wet block" =
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Has space but no room, you can enter but cannot exit, has lots of keys but opens NO doors…
It gets stuck in your feet and almost everyone plays with them
Thing that ran into wall
It gets shorter while it gets older!
It is always on a bed and is never dry.
Its something that belongs to you but people use it more than you do
What has a ring, but no finger?
I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old. What am I
Pixelated escape from real life = ____
cold frozen gas =
Has hands, but no arms. I can be many places, for example, on your wrist, or on the wall.
Has antennas but can not receive broadcasting with it.
You're naked and someone touches you and you feel better. And it's not sexual.
glass ball connected to the small stand, often has glitter or tiny beads inside with characters and buildings too
Mobile home that is never used for vacation.
The nickname of a germ named Anne.
Glass and metal/plastic device designed for visually assisting the wearer.
Small red or gray creature with large, fluffy tail=
A round spinning disc with music.
ice cube
This is a movie about someone who was brought to America against his will. His owner was murdered, setting him free. He raised 4 orphans and taught them the art of assassination, eventually confronting his owner's murderer.
bumpy delicious items you put in your mouth, but rarely look at while eating.
Someone who died In January of 2020 that people still miss very much
It wakes you up during the night, is very expensive, tends to be loud, and is the sweetest, most lovable thing you’ve ever seen
Mini swords that can cut pieces of cow.
Four legged creature that will give you slobbery kisses =