Hey Pandas, Describe A TV Show Without Saying Its Name And Have Others Guess It
Describe a TV show in a way that makes it sound more messed up than it actually is, and have others try to guess what show you are talking about.
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A 10 year old leaves his home to fend for himself, catch dangerous wild animals, and use those animals to gamble. Meanwhile, he is followed by numerous strangers and ends up getting jumped repeatedly.
A boy and his dog have fun in a matriarchal post apocalyptic world.
Highly trained people of various species explore space in the future wearing matching pyjamas.
Here's someone you already hate and something stupid they just did, followed by sports and weather
A shabby detective plays dumb but ends up catching very clever and highly intelligent criminals who constantly underestimate him.
a human enters the witch realm and makes some friends
An angel disguised as a normal man and his ex-cop, mortal friend travel around the USA, helping people in need of guidance and support.
Man leads double life an has murder tendencies
A little boy sees a photo of the ocean in a book; 1.2 Billion people are dead.
A cheese-loving menace keeps a cat from living a peaceful life.
One "straight" boy and one gay boy fall in love very quickly and then have to work out how to work through mental illness together. And everyone is gay.
A cubed sea animal that works at a burger factory and has a star-shaped friend? Hint: Are you ready? Well to bad.
Hot guys and gals , down on their luck, play dangerous games, organized by even hotter evil psychopaths, and people don’t care about the games anymore, but about who’s being the hottest.
Girl becomes Chosen One after realizing she's been working for the enemy. Switches sides and has 5 seasons of lesbian tension with her ex best friend.
the journey of a young boy who is stubborn and wants to become the leader of his village. With a group of 3 him, a blue-ish black-ish haired boy, and a pink haired girl, with a gray/white haired man train them. And they do a lot of fighting.
A man wakes up 3 million years in the future and only has a hologram, a senile computer, and a cat as companions. Though he knows there may no longer be an Earth, he still tries to get home.
Cute little animals die. The end. :)
a paper company where everyone is either morally questionable, or just sits back and watches the chaos
Five friends hang out in a coffee shop, navigate relationships, and hilariously deal with life’s ups and downs in a big city source url https://sizlermenu.com/
a 12-year-old boy goes on a quest to retrieve a stolen object of his uncle's to stop a world war. Hint: "You drool when you sleep"
People find stuff they think is valuable. They bring it to a bald guy who calls another guy to see if it is valuable. Bald guy makes offer.
The stuff holder is either offended about the experts opinion or says cool, I'll take the offer.
A depressed hippie, a mad punk, a short con artist who talks to the camera too much and an obnoxious anarchist wannabe who writes lousy poems.
4 friends living in NYC droning over mindless minutiae.
I would say that there's a ton of roaches crawling around this website pissing people off but thats an insult to roaches.. especially the headless kind
I would say that there's a ton of roaches crawling around this website pissing people o https://www.movie2uhd.tv/ [URL="https://www.movie2uhd.tv/"]ดูหนังออนไลน์[/URL]
I would say that there's a ton of roaches crawling around this website pissing people off but thats an insult to roaches.. especially the headless kind
I would say that there's a ton of roaches crawling around this website pissing people o https://www.movie2uhd.tv/ [URL="https://www.movie2uhd.tv/"]ดูหนังออนไลน์[/URL]