Hey Pandas, Describe A Fictional Character In One Or Two Sentences And Let People Guess Who It Is
It can be any fictional character you like! Have fun!
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Give a sock, no more working on the clock.
trapped in ice for 100 years. funny, bad at not laughing, has invented a game where you float on a ball of air....all of his friends and family are dead, has a monkey and another animal that if I told you what it was I would give the person away.
Blue beehive-haired mother of three.
A kid with a short arm and an overprotected dad.
I'm orange with stripes and I love lasagna
Cupboard-dwelling, blind orphan who attempts to needlessly sacrifice himself for his friends and has a bit of old weirdos soul stuck to him. Magic, apparently
____IS A FREE ELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hairy feet small man addicted to a smoll ring
Wears green , has a dog and says ZOINKS!
"I am ______, and NO ONE is more powerful than I am"
Rocky’s Friend, learned to talk with him, saved him, and now lives on his planet. Saved earth and survived a suicide mission.
Elves, dragons nearing extinction, and a mad king with magic.
He knows nothing.
He fell in love with his aunt, and later stabbed her.
Gay sexy Doctor Who character.
A horse girl from the 1940s who can summon gems and happens to help save the world (with 6 other people)
He's here to bring about the end of the world, but would rather have a chocolate bar
Single disabled father of twins, one of whom blows up his home in a spaceship.
2 lesbians who are madly in love morphed together to create a loving, punching, purple being
She is not ___, she is Melon Lord
Depressed gay kid who can talk to dead people.
A demigod who was to save the world from something that wants to destroy western civilization.
A boy with a peculiar face and overprotective parents
Used to be manipulative towards her closest friends. Now she’s a cool ass blonde leading an army trying her best to save Earth (hint, she’s from a Disney show)
One for All
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down? 1. Yoichi Shigaraki 2. ? 3. ? 4. Hikage Shinomori 5. Daigoro Banjo 6. En 7. Nana Shimura 8. Toshinori Yagi (All Might) 9. Deku (Izuku Midoriya)
Big, bulky humanoid that can’t be killed. Has one target: Jill Valentine.
Has some of the worst parents you'll ever meet, one of them is verbally abusive and the other wants to take over the world and had tried to kill him and his friends multiple times.
Cocky, humorous and a great artist, he has great hair and practically the whole fandom has a crush on him
Little hamsters, big adventures
The granddaughter of fairy godmother. And is in the Happily Ever After Assembly. Hint: Land of Stories
An insufferable know-it-all
She has a BF(now engaged to him) who she met in highschool who went to a military school, and died about 3 times for her. She also used the souls from her friends to defeat a demon warlock in the last season she was featured in, and all of us in her fandom are praying and hoping for her return in a 7th season.
Pink puffball who can suck stuff and become it.
An opportunistic rat vital to the plot of the story..
witch but not witch. gay.
Through a laundry grate. Giant creatures all around.
I'm pink with a red dress and I like muddy puddles.
Genderfluid icon, red hair, sharp teeth, green-ish skin, voodoo.
Leader of thunder clan after blue star.
Defeated scourge
Died of wounds
Last and final battle with dark forest Tigerstar
A cat
Who is it
Late night ghostly intervention changes stingy businessman into BFF of hardworking employee.
Pretends to be a psychic. Male
Great chess player.
"Does Ickile ___kins got somethink on his noesie?"
Single father wants to solve world hunger. Also he likes rocks.
Has sea-green eyes, loves blue food. Also known as "Sea Spawn", " Peter Johnson" and "Seaweed Brain".
A girl volunteer's to save her sister in a set of cruel games ...
Normal kid sees mom and stepdad kill real dad. Blindness, muteness, deafness, pop adoration and rebirth ensue.
Thinks her species is all about fighting. Soo sadd helpp I crieedd
Publicly executed. Felt better three days later.
A diamond-obsessed wackjob that lives on a half-sunken river boat in a bayou with a quirky henchmen and two pet alligators
A lesbian reindeer who may or may not have accidentally frozen her friend to death while being mind-controlled by her other friend.
Teenage girl. Brother committed suicide.
Sarcastic and mildly traumatized
About half of the protagonists from every young adult fantasy ever written?
BANG ! mother? we’re are you?
Raised by a scientist, runs away, saved by a bunch of kids.
Man finds a plant
Death follows...
Teenage boy's body is changing and he figures out he can shoot white sticky things
Nerdy engineer gets hit by car, wakes up a century later and becomes a spaceship that saves humanity.
An angry manipulated cat that almost destroys the universe a couple times. Falls in love with a buff lady and the two defeat the bad guy with the power of gay agenda
Teen boy travels back in time, learns he can see monsters
Glittery royal that likes to kidnap babies, sing and dance, and tell people that they remind him of a babe. Also has a thing for tight pants.
In his childhood, he was an anarchist who supported Hitler a lot, but in an alternate timeline, he became a rabbi who traveled back in time to save his friends.
Big head, dresses like a bee—can’t kick a football