Hey Pandas, Could You Tell Me Something About You, Your Day, Or Anything Else?
I may not be a popular panda but i would love to hear about you, your day, your life, anything!
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hi, my name is amidhaar, amy for short cause your keyboard hates me: uh i’m 13. somehow. i like reading and listening to music. yup that’s pretty much it. i’m a pretty basic person 👍
I finished my geography project and did a lovely sketchmap so there’s 3 out 5 projects completed! Kind of stressed about homework, very stressed. I’m craving a bit of either Gouda or Brie cheese now. My crush gave me a pancake with honey and even though it was a small gesture it really made me happy
i’m anxiously awaiting the moment when my mom gets a call from my therapist to tell her about my depression and how she thinks i should get more help.
Since medical issues and finances pretty much keep me home, I've started crafting. Discovered I'm really good at making centerpiece, usually holiday themed. Also make amazing Xmas wreaths, so I'm working on some to try to sell. Not good at the selling part, but trying to learn
I'm going to a trans pride event tonight with one of my friends. I've been feeling very not great lately but I hope I can sort of enjoy it
I am an animator and voice actor for an upcoming YouTube series.
I’m from Poland but I live in Tennessee now on a small farm. I’m 14. And my mom is a dog breeder and I have 8 collie puppies (rough collie not border collie) that are loud. And my interests are robotics and agriculture :)
Hey there, I'm Taswell! Recently I got new shoes with the pride flag on them, they are really cool!
My husband is a therapist who works with a lot of kids who are trans or nonbinary so he got a pride shirt that's rainbow striped, and I got a pair of pride overalls, and I can confidently say that the world needs more rainbow attire.
hiiiiiiiiiiii I don’t share my name online cuz it’s a lilllll unique in my place so I think my parents might find it and that doesn’t need to happen ;). I had an old account but then I stopped using it cuz i low key wanted a fresh start. I really like my new online self. Just me but with a different name. Now I go by Sunshine lol. A little kiddish but it’s what my friends call me. I’m trying real hard to get better at SH. I love Heartstopper and think I’m Charlie Spring in real life haha. So yeah. Also low key would love to get more friendly with some other users around here.
My service dog, Po and I went to the river today. We swam and hunted craw dads. He sticks his whole head under water trying to grab them. It was fabulous to be in the woods for the morning
Um idk there's not much interesting about me but my favourite colour is purple and the other day I got to wear rainbows in school for pride :) I had a whole flag
I’m Charlie, my friends and my boyfriend call me the brightest light in the sky, and I never stop smiling. I’m always happy, even if things are tough, I always smile. I have a crazy taste in fashion that is why I’m unique.
I often see the ''villan's" point of view, and get quietly annoyed at the fact they are treated as evil.
i like pizza, green day, the simpsons, and drawing
Im Olivier or Olli! I love broadway and slushies :) also happy pride
My youngest daughter is coming home tomorrow afternoon. The day after tomorrow, she's having her wisdom teeth out. Poor daughter. Mama will look after you & give you all the loves. And painkillers. And icepacks.
Oh goodness, wishing your daughter good luck! I had 7 wisdom teeth that had to be removed and I was laid out for almost a week afterwards. It's a surgery that we all know has to be done, but it's so brutal! D:
Hey Everyone, I made this post and am just wondering what I should ask in my next question thingy!
Hey! Yall can call me donut or sloth :3 either works!
I am 17 (in a couple months) and am currently spending my day inside the confines of a car
*to the tune of the darth vader theme* sloth sloth sloth sloth donut
I live somewhere in a small village in Québec and today there's so much smog from the forest fires up north so we'll probably stay inside all day. Also I'm a bit excited for September or November as I might get a dog or a puppy.
We were told to expect more air quality issues here in New York bc of the wildfires. It sucks not being able to spend time outside, but at least the weather's been gross- I wouldn't want to be outside too much anyway. If I can butt in with my $.02, consider adopting an adult dog- puppies ARE adorable, but adult dogs will already generally be house trained and have at least a little in the way of house manners. Imo training a puppy is exhausting.
Hi, I’m boring!
I recently got admitted in to good university for their Masters programme in Physics. But it's my first time staying away from home and I am scared. I love Physics, I am passionate about it and I want to do Phd in it. But I don't know if I can. I am not brilliant or anything. Also I want to go abroad for my Phd, Germany perhaps, but it is very costly and I don't think we can afford it. I have many plans during my masters like prepare for the two main competitive exams for Phd in my country, NET and GATE, read more about various topics in physics for my masters project.. but yeah I am scared thinking about the future. I am worrying all the time and I guess that's how you know you have become an adult. I know I should just focus on the things happening at the moment and work on it but I can't stop thinking about the future.
It feels like a sudden and big change. A few months ago I was just care free, watching Ghibli movies , preparing for masters level entrance exams but all of a sudden it changed. Now I worry about money, doing Phd, finding a job...I don't know, I just overthink a lot.
Also I miss my home. The fields, the outdoors. I used to just explore outside when I was not studying. I lived in a village. I had so many animal friends. I would go after each insect and spiders to upload their pictures in the app inaturalist. My very old neighbour, a grandma ,we used to go fishing during the monsoon season. And now I am moving to a big city for my masters and after that even if I don't go abroad, I don't think I can come back to my village and live that life again. I cannot still accept the fact that I have grown up.
Hi🤍 some things about me is that I play the piano and trumpet, I like drawing, making lists, being with my friends, and horror stuff. :) I love everything horror, like movies, podcasts, shows, everything. Currently, my favorite horror movies are the Saw movies! They're so amazing! Y'all need to watch every movie! I am a girl and I got to see my bf not too long ago and I might get to see him again this weekend and I'm so excited!
I'm a travel freak panda and I'm going on a vacation next week. Really looking forward to it.
Other than that, my days are pretty monotonous, same thing everyday.. gahhhh!
uh here we go!
hello, the names Nari and im transfem
Hi! I’m Audacious. I raise dairy goats and play the cello. I really like plants and music theory and I’m going to Europe for the first time this summer! Nice to meet you all 👋
I'm 60 years old and I run 8-10 kms 5 times/week. Today a woman I see regularly on my run, who always has a smile for me, stopped and asked me how old I am. She said I look fantastic for my age. Really made my day.
Wow! I’m literally in middle school and I can’t run that far. (Assuming kilometers are relatively similar to miles because dumb American brain)
I spent the day in my room and then at like 4 o clock we watched the new Is It Cake season and now I’ve locked myself in there spare bedroom.
I spent the day in my room and then at like 4 o clock we watched the new Is It Cake season and now I’ve locked myself in there spare bedroom.