I really like shower thoughts especially the ones that my mind go ahhh. So, I wanted to ask you guys to share your mind-bending shower thoughts so that I can read and enjoy them (including other fellow pandas).

Note: No repetition or bad language!


WHat ColOr iS a mIrRor


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I heard somewhere that it’s green? Like something about the color reflecting differently

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    if dinosuars are related to chicken and chicken are made into dino nuggies dino nuggets are the circle of life



    dragons are real, but we just don't realize that because we call them dinosaurs.


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    The 5-star rated 5-star rating system
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is probably how the legends and myths about dragons started, with ancient peoples digging up dinosaur fossils.

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    A long time ago, only the rich had cars and the poor had horses. It’s the opposite today.

    How come Cinderella’s slipper didn’t smash when she was running or dancing? And how does NOBODY else her kingdom have the same shoe size as her?

    If oil is made of dinosaurs, and oil is used to make plastic, and plastic can be used for plastic dinosaurs the PLASTIC DIONOS ARE REAL

    When you are little, you and your family celebrate your first piece of skeleton falling out



    If you touch a mirror your reflection pushes back with the same amount of force.


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    When you paint a room it gets slightly smaller. Waffles are pancakes with abs. If you punch yourself and it hurts are you strong or weak? The only part of your reflection you can lick is your tongue. Someone could commit a hundred perfect crimes and we would never know. Every time we go to sleep we trust that our body will keep working and we don’t die.



    The water im bathing in was once peed out by someone or something.



    1: why is it called a building if its already built?
    2: If u drop soap on the ground is the soap dirty of the floor clean?
    3: why is the slowest part of the day called rush hour?
    4: is the S or C silent in the word scent?
    5: is time only a concept made by humans?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The "s" and the "c" together make a softer "s" sound. Compared to the words "sent" and "cent", the word "scent" sounds more like "sscent." Similar to the words "ascent" and "assent", where assent has a harder and faster sound. Neither letter is silent.

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    If I see the color blue, I call it blue. But what if to someone else, blue looks like red, but they call it blue, and so we all can agree that THAT color is blue, and THAT color is yellow and so on, but in reality we all see a different color and that one color is way more pretty than the others but we all have different faverote colors but really we all have the same one??????????? DUNNO.



    What if whipped cream was just shaving cream with added sugar?



    Am I crushing on him or is he negative-crushing on me?

    Ice cream is just frozen cow juice

    Is Earth really a pebble floating through the universe?

    The best solution to overpopulation is the Hunger Games

    Corona is the vaccine, we're the virus, and the Corona vaccine is a component designed to mutate us to be immune to Corona...



    Superman can fly, see through walls, shoot lasers out of his eyes, and the whole shebang, Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior princess, The Flash is super fast, and Green Lantern has his ring. Batman doesn't have any real "powers" so instead, he has a sidekick, Robin.



    If a dog is sniffing the pee of another dog, does he know who's pee it is? Snif snif, oh that is that bitch from three doors down. Hmmm, I don't know this one, is it.... yes it's the black poodle who always barks at me


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes. Exactly like that. They can also tell how healthy they are and what they had for dinner. Lampposts are their Twitter feed.


    Do you know how some glow in the dark things need to be charged throughout the day?

    If you put 2 next to each other would 1 charge the other?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There’s not enough glow to make the second one go. It takes an hour next to a 60watt bulb to charge one but it gives off less than half a watt so the second one wouldn’t get enough charge. It works a little but not enough to be any use.

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    1. When I started trying to explain how feelings were really all based off fear by connecting it to primary colors. Then I proceeded to spend an hour bothering my friend by texting her different reasons why.

    2. What if the conspiracy about trackers in needles was actually created by the government so that people wouldn’t take the vaccine, so that people would die of the flu, this slowly but surely killing them so that it was secretly population control because they know that if they did it openly we wouldn’t have it

    3. 2020 was cause by a Time Traveler trying to prevent WW3 but because of that they accidentally set of Corona, but trying to slow that set off other stuff and now we just got a chain of weirdness and bad days

    4. What if cats are actually intelligent and slowly bending us to their will preparing for world takeover


    See Also on Bored Panda

    You can’t imagine a new smell


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    Thanos literally had six stones to control the universe and barely even used them.



    1) Have we already encountered aliens and not realised it? There are plenty of strange sea creatures, and as most meteors land in the sea, what if they were carrying microorganisms that squid, siphonophores, sea cucumbers, etc. evolved from?
    Also, as cephalopods (the mollusc group that squid belong to) have existed for about 494 million years longer than us, are we also aliens to this planet? Did we also arrive on a meteor?
    2) The water is too cold now.



    If heat travels up why is there snow on the caps of the mountains


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Probably because it’s closer to outer space, but then it’s also closer to the sun.......

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Huey, Louis, and Dewey from Duck Tales are Donald's nephews. So what happened to their parents?



    People would take better care of themselves if We hade health bars :)



    If i slap myself and it hurts, am i weak or strong?



    what if showers take away your body and replace it with an identical one so you feel born again



    The app calm


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    Was Rihanna’s “umbrella” just a friend request to Britney Spears???? :0


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    I was showering and I thought that the universe is a giant fart controlling our minds with its smell.



    What if..... and this is going to be mind blowing for all of you..... but what if..... Trump is a really good president after all 🤯🤯


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    Adam Belaire
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is an infinite amount of universes and infinite timelines that shows every possibility ever conceived. He is a good president in none of them.

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