Hey Pandas, Come Up With A “Would You Rather” And We’ll Answer Them In The Comments! (Closed)
Kinda like a bit of a Bored Panda game night.
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Would you rather...
Go to a random fictional world and get to pick what your life is like
Pick the fictional world and not know what your live is like?
Would you rather not be able to eat ramen or not be able to eat sushi
🍣🍜 😱
Would you rather be part of the LBBTQIA+ community and support the BLM
Would you rather go to hell with the same people you hated.
I would definitely choose the first one, as I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community and support BLM.
Would you rather stay locked up indefinitely like in a prison, or risk getting sick with Coronavirus and spreading it?
I'm not sure, I would hate to give people covid and be part of the spread, but being locked up in jail is scary.... I would have to go with the first one I guess I just want covid to be OVER
Hey pandas....
Would you rather-
Watch cartoons your whole life...
or Watch live action things your whole life.
Would you rather...
Never be able to look at Bored Panda again
Be able to look at Bored Panda, but only your least favorite articles
Probably never be able to look at it, just because I am currently procrastinating starting an essay that's due in like 2 hours
Would you rather control the wind or the water?
Would you rather live in 2020 forever or 5th year of harry potter at Hogwarts forever [everyone else knows this, so they can change things]
Would you rather turn into a canine or a feline [you keep a human mind]
1. I'd control the water. 2. Harry Potter, cuz 2020 sucks. 3. I'd turn to a feline. :3
would you rather:
No games or No internet
No books or No comic
No fork or No spoon
Eat burger or Eat hot-dog
Die by Fire or Die by Drowning
2020 (COVID-19) or 1350 (Bubonic plague)
Play only 1 game for rest of life or Play anything but your favorite game
Save a cat or save a dog
Be Blind or Be Deaf
Eat a bunch of salt or pepper...
would you rather........
have everyone love you but no one like you
have everyone like you but no one love you
Would you rather 100% Knuckles Chaotix or watch the cringiest video you could think of?
Would you Rather...
Take a bath in your pet's blood but your dog still lives,
OR you never have to shower again and you won't get dirty but your pet dies
Do your Duolingo Practice for Spanish OR Get murdered by the Duolingo Owl.
Be friends with Rupert Grint OR friends with Daniel Radcliffe
Be Alexander in Hamilton OR Eliza in Hamilton (it don't matter which gender you are)
Be in the reality of Steven Universe OR in the reality of Adventure Time
Kiss Shrek OR Kiss Thanos
Be Black Panther OR Black Widow
Eat Worms only and they help you control the weather OR Eat pizza only and you have to be a plumber for a living
1. Never shower. 2. Duolingo owl murdering me. I had a traumating experience with someone who spoke spanish. 3. Daniel Radcliffe 4. Eliza 5. Can't choose 6. I don't really know tbh 7. Black Panther 8. Eat pizza only
would you rather lose an arm or lose a leg?
Would you rather always be hungry or always be thirsty?
Thirsty. It'll keep my body hydrated, since I'd be drinking water all of the time. XD
Would you rather...
Summon Bloody Mary or Slenderman?
Only be able to watch music videos for the rest of your life or gaming ones?
Never being able to listen to music again or never being able to watch your favorite show?
Would you rather...
Go to Hogwarts (Harry Potter)
Go to Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings)?
Would you rather
sit on a cake and eat d**k or.....
sit on a d**k and eat cake
Would you rather...
Lose your arms
Lose your legs
would you rather...
Go to Springfield and have to live with the Flanders family
Go to Springfield and have to live with the Simpsons family
*Hear a knock at your front door, it's someone you fancy but they have had bad plastic surgery.*
*Hear a knock at your back door,it's someone else you fancy but their skin is oozing puss out*
Which one do you let in?
Please add the person you fancy and which door you opened ☺️
Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside? ( For me it is the suitcase : )
Would you rather
Only eat cold food
Only eat hot food
Would you rather watch BEAST WARS or TRANSFORMERS?
Would you rather be able to have sex but never having orgasms or be able to eat but not taste anything?