Hey Pandas, Choose Your Superpower And Which Ability You Would Give Up For It
If you could have one superpower in exchange for one ordinary physical ability that a person possesses, which superpower would you choose and which ability would you let go of?
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I would choose the ability to manipulate time (but so that i could fast forward/pause the actual events, not just the clock) and give up the ability to cross my eyes.
I would choose the power to literally go into the worlds I make with in my mind and give up my ability to bend my arms backwards to make people uncomfortable
I would choose to manipulate/control/create fire cuz that would be great :) and I would give up my ability to move one eye at at time (like in opposite directions)
I’d like the ability to always know whether someone is actually my friend or are really just tolerating me. I’d give up my ability to turn my thumb around backwards.
Shapeshifting and understanding the animals when I shift into them, I would give up understanding human speech and being a human.
Same here. Animals are so much nicer than some people. One of my favourite quotes is 'Feed a dog for 3 days, and they'll remember you for 3 years. Feed a human for 3 years, and they'll remember you for 3 days.'
The power to safely & securely find anything I am looking for, no matter how obsure or hidden. In exchange I will trade my ability to laugh (not using it anyway).
I'd choose having really cool wings (or mental manipulation for the literal worst reasons) and give up my weird double jointed elbows, now that I can't argue that it's completely normal it's not as funny (my entire ultimate team told me it's not in fact normal)
Power: godhood Ability: irrelevant I get it back instantly
Or if not just cheating: knowing what someone thinks about me, and the ability to notice someone's change in actions when I enter the room
The ability to change how people can interpret what they see, feel, and hear. I would give up the ability to fart loudly
I'd be able to shapeshift and I'll get rid of my ability to jump (don't use it and if I did I'd probably be able to work a way round it with my powers)
I would fly. And become a professional photographer. I would gladly give up auto maintenance
The power to transform into a giant Ultra Warrior (AKA be a host to an Ultra, like Shin Hayata), which includes other abilities such as being really tall (40m), Shooting laser beams out of everywhere, take down enemy forcefields, lift 200,000 (or more depending on the Ultra) tons, the iconic Specium ray, flight, speed, and intelligence. I would sacrifice my ability to worry and obsess over minuscule things because it only causes me stress and despair. all in all this feels like a good deal!
Some abilities I forgot: Generating spears and other weapons out of energy, psychokinesis, excellent senses, and size change (In my ultra form, I could shrink back to human size and still stay an Ultra). BTW this ability is not all mine, as I have to be merged with an Ultra warrior. Together we would fight as one for the peace of the Earth for all time! EDIT: Forgot to mention I can just casually beat the s**t out of monsters even more powerful than Godzilla, usually in less then three minutes. Also, many Ultras use up a vast amount of energy in Earths atmosphere, which means they can only fight for three minutes. I spend most of my time in my human form, when I need to transform to fight, I use a device called a Beta Capsule to transform. Also, not all Ultras have this three-minute weakness. Some have protectors over their color timer so that they don't use up all their energy. It will still blink if im in mortal danger. Ideally mine would have protectors but I'll take what I can get C:
Flying. Oh if I could fly. Everything would change so much. I'd give my empathy abilities to all the people.on here that want to mind read. :)
Ichhose the ability to make my p**s appeer in anyone in the world's pants
i give up the ability to roll my tounge