Hey Pandas, Choose A Superpower, But The First Person To Respond Selects The Side Effect (Closed)
Pick a superpower and let someone choose your side effect. They can have mercy and pick something that isn't much of a problem or they could completely ruin the ability.. have fun!
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The power of invisiblity.
To be able to talk to animals
The power of flight!
To not feel aches or pains or tired. Body refreshes everytime you waken.
Side effort: Because of the effort for you body to refresh you sleep for 23 hours a day
You Have A Piece Of Paper Where You Can Draw Anything And It Appears In Front Of You!
You can manipulate metal
The power to never get sick or hurt
The ability to understand all forms of communication / language. (Math, sign language, global verbal languages, written, etc.)
Able to make people to love you.
Stop time but not the folks around you
Shapeshifting to animals!
The power to have all powers
You can only hold on to a power for one minute every 24 hours
Although Deadpool makes a good case for 'Common Sense' (as opposed to Spider-Sense), I think I'll go with Empathy, as in the Star Trek: TOS series 'The Empath'. Using it to help people. Of course, for decades now, I've told people that my dream job is Santa Claus. I wish I had infinite resources to do good things for people. (Twilight Zone's 'Night of the Meek' is one of my all-time favorite episodes.)
for those who don't know, the episode features an alien woman, Gem, who has the power to heal wounds and injuries in others by absorbing them into herself. She then heals at an accelerated rate.................................... Side effect - You can absorb the wounds and injuries of others and they heal instantaneously, but not you. You heal at the normal human rate.
I think probably the ability to fly- but with wings, not like Superman
Side effect: Every time you fly you turn in to Donald Trump for a day
Being able to understand and speak every language and culture in the world, fluently.
To be able to go back in time
You may accidentally alter the future, and not in a good way.
Regenerative powers (Like Wolverine).
Every time you regenerate, a random endangered species dies
Can become a penguin whenever I want
I can transform into Ultraman!!!!
being able to get get competent mental health care in america
But your mental health problem is that you imagine you are in America.
The ability to understand women.
I don't know why this posted twice. Maybe that is my superpower.
Stopping time, so I can sleep in
The ability of super high iq (but I hide it so ppl think I'm dumb)
copying other peoples powers and/or abilities
side effect: you can only do it for 10 minutes at a time, and you have to speak to them to start that 10 minutes
being able to Bresche underwater
being able to breathe underwater
Side effect: Switching back and forth from air to water takes 2.5 minutes of terrifying near asphyxiation
Power: The ability to know the correct course of action to take or decision to make in any given situation.
Side effect: like most politicians, you are unable to act upon your decisions.
the ability to see the full spectrums of light.
the ability to make phone calls from almost anywhere.
What a super interesting and thoughtful question, we should will dedicate our time to cogitate upon the matter as it will surely bring together society and we would all acknowledge you as our saviour.
The power to be sarcastic at any moment in response to any situation.
But you can't be nice, whenever your friend/family/partner is in pain, you can only respond with, "wow. I feel your pain sooooo much," and it ends up destroying all the relationships you worked so hard to secure, and every single witty reply scrapes the emotionless black void you fought so hard to avoid all those years in therapy. But then again, you get a lot of upvotes (this isn't hating on Nathaniel btw, I'm trying to be funny)
Mine is: being able to change into, understand, and fit in with any animal species, and have no time limit for the Shapeshifting, don’t lose my memory during it, can change to it infinite times, and the creature always changes so that the new body has no injuries, and when I change into the animal I can speak to them. Try to come up with something for that!
Not only is there no time limit on the shapeshift, there is a time requirement: forever. You must always be shapeshifted into a non-human animal
Load More Replies...Mine is: being able to change into, understand, and fit in with any animal species, and have no time limit for the Shapeshifting, don’t lose my memory during it, can change to it infinite times, and the creature always changes so that the new body has no injuries, and when I change into the animal I can speak to them. Try to come up with something for that!
Not only is there no time limit on the shapeshift, there is a time requirement: forever. You must always be shapeshifted into a non-human animal
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