Hey Pandas, Can You Tell What Are The Top Three Worst Zodiac Signs In Your Opinion And Why? (Closed)
Have fun! I want to know your thoughts.
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geminis, scorpios, aries,
scorpio bc its mine and i got none others
all im saying is that mine is the worst in my opinion
Disclaimer: I don’t believe in atrology. Due to the fact that I only know three they are my favorite. Here they are:
1: Leo
2: Libra I think? (August 23- whenever)
3: The one in February (ik there are two so I choose both)
Virgo’s August 23 I think Also Aquarius and Pisces are February I’m a Leo hehe
none. cuz astrology is a pseudoscience. zodiac 'signs' are just when a bunch of stars are behind the stars.