I'm a writer working on a satire. Tell me the strangest or craziest rules and mandates your state or city government imposed without explanation to slow the spread.


No more than 2 people allowed in a vehicle, even if they are family.
Because when for example two parents have to go somewhere with their two children (so 4 people) covid is highly infectious in the car, while when you live in the same house 24/7 it's not.



    LA has just re-opened outdoor dining and bars, but they cannot turn on the TV.


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    Candace Fitzpatrick
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s because sports most likely is what will be shown, and people like to yell at the players. It sounds dumb but it’s true. We don’t want people yelling spit everywhere.

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    You can't leave the municipality you are registered in but you can go on a holiday to Mexico. Go figure. It's in Lithuania, by the way.


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    Sanne H.
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    4 years ago

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    Yeah...we have this weird thing where nothing is being enforced. (Louisiana)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *sarcasm* by the way, lol...sorry, it is 8 AM and I've still not gone to bed

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    Our city has had masks mandatory since may, but, only on February 1 (midnight) were the masks mandated on public transportation... I was up at 5 am watching the news and I heard this I was like... what. They weren’t already mandatory?? Just... odd.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ps. I was up at 5 am because my dog decided it was a nice time to reveal to us she was severely sick and sh*t in everybody’s bedrooms. On the rugs. We have to take her to the vet because she is dehydrated and hungry, her butt is irritated, and 60% of her poop was blood. Any ideas what it is? We believe she has giardia... again. She probably ate goose poop. .-.

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    You are not allowed to be outside after 6pm, there is a very strict curfew. The police checks the highways from 5:30 pm to see if people are going home. As a result, there are traffic jams, people are always in their cars after 6pm, and they receive fines.


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    Call Me Mars
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When the country I am living in right now was at war, we had a curfew from 6.00 in the morning to 9.00 at night.

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    High-level sports training is still somewhat permissible.


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    In PA, you can go out to a bar, but that bar must serve food and you have to sit at a table. Table OK... hey! Social distancing. But no alcohol by itself! You can't sit and drink. You MUST order food be it chicken tenders to a full blown meal but food must be ordered. Because we all know that covid is scared to death of chicken! Oh, and PER check! So if you have 4 people at a table and want separate checks, then 4 meals have to be bought. Because splitting a check makes covid mad, it's easier to have 1 check and 1 meal and figure it all out especially after a few drinks which not only confuses the drinkers but covid as well. And after eating, you have to leave. No more drinks. So you leave basket of cold dead chicken fingers in front of you while you get hammered! And covid is worse after 11 PM so you have to go home and hide. /snark


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    Candace Fitzpatrick
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So that a bar can stay open they need to prove they are a necessity. No one needs to go out and get drunk but people do need to eat.

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    Pee-wee, indoor sports like hockey are still permissible.


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    Soggy Crumpet
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not THAT odd. We know that children are the least affected demographic in all this. Thank goodness

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    SFUSD would rather change “ racist” school names that would cost millions, instead of helping the children in poverty go to public school and receive hot lunches and safety.


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    Soggy Crumpet
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can’t risk offending people so we have to cater to the easily offended!! Can’t just learn from the bad parts of history and respect the good parts; must erase it!


    Masks are required for everything, and hand sanitizer. Yet my city has only now started requiring putting sanitizer in public spots for people to grab some. Yuck! Although this bothers me, I stay at my house a lot and don't go outside often so I'm for the most part just tired of my city being slow.


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    Stores and gyms are closed 1-2 hours earlier than normal. I forgot that Covid only comes out at night.


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    Jaclyn Ciocco
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A lot of stores close earlier so they can do a deep clean. At least it started that way.

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    We are not allowed to move between our country's municipalities, you just stay where you live, unless you have a very valid reason to travel (e.g funeral, work.), you cannot leave the municipality you are registered in. We have police stations waiting outside the cities, so if you get caught without a valid reason you will be fined.

    Edit: We are an extra small country with less than 3 million people, there are barely any people living outside the major cities, so I don't really see a point in forbidding people to travel if it's for grocery shopping, etc, especially for elderly people who don't even have shops in small areas they live in, I understand if its for holidays like Christmas etc. Anyways, besides the fact that you cant travel within the country, you can travel outside the country so it doesn't make any sense



    We are allowed to visit our parents at home and sit inside with the 4 of us all day. But if we want to go outside for a walk, even staying 2 meters (6 feet) apart, we are being fined for getting together (only 3 people allowed to be together in the public space).


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    It’s legal for a contractor or estate agent to be inside your home, but not a family member.

    It’s legal that your boss can force you to work in a crowded office, but not legal to meet your parents outdoors in a park even if you stay 6ft away from each other.



    We're allowed to go eat inside a restaurant, go shopping, and kids go to school, but all sport/dance teams are cancelled and we can't have anyone but immediate family in our homes. (Alberta, Canada)


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    im in in-person school but your not allowed to run at recess or in PE


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    Ian Bartels
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's right! Running makes Covid spread faster! Best kids from running at recess. So stupid.


    Before indoor dining was reopened in NJ the diners would set up those large tents for people to eat in. Kinda defeats the purpose of the law. Why wasn’t this illegal???


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    The Dave
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In Houston, several restaurants began fully enclosing the tents, so it's basically just moving the restaurant into a structure in the front yard. I'm looking at you, Turkey Leg Hut.

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    In Nevada, when we reopened with limited capacity, the Governor said sushi bars weren't allowed to play music of any kind but restaurants were (just ambient music). No explanation. So...what if the sushi bar was in a restaurant? Was the restaurant still allowed to play music or did they have to follow the sushi bar rules? Or did the sushi bar have to be wrapped in plastic to keep the music out? What if you were at the sushi bar and heard the music from the restaurant? Would the music give you COVID? So many questions and so few answers.


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    Ian Bartels
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is by far the stupidest one that I've seen. Here, when you go through drive thru, they put the food on a tray and then have you take a food off the tray. Never mind that whatever germs you had on your hands anyway is on my bag of food.

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    We have a newly created police force to breakup parties, also all businesses must close at 7PM, restaurants have no tables but you can eat standing up at their bar counter, everything is closed on Sundays, elders can't go out but if they must they have to take someone with them, schools are closed but teachers still have to go twice a week to deliver school supplies, you can't read newspapers or books outside, you're not supposed to travel but hotels and vacation spots are still open, only one person per family can enter a store, public transport can only carry seated passengers, gyms and cinemas can only have 25% people at a time, the sale of alcoholic beverages is forbidden past 6PM, all you can eat buffets are gone, babies are barred everywhere, film developing stores now work like 4 hours per day, you now need a MD recipe to get let's say harmless medicine but homeopathy is still unregulated, you can't drink hot drinks outside, smoking is forbidden in most public places, you can only wash your car on specifics days, bread is now individually packed, you can't try on clothes anymore and stores only sell them on certain days, if you get COVID and you stay home your employer technically has no obligation to pay for those sick days and finally we still don't have a much needed UBI approved :I


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    Noemie Houtekie-N'Da
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This seems like a mess. What happens if you're a single mother with week old baby? Do you both die of starvation?

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    My company had specific area Im allowed to travel within but that area includes the nations hardest hit city for covid infections.


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    Sanne H.
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Romania maybe? I understood from someone who lives there that in Romania every city has its restrictions for entering the city from outside. With Bukarest, the capital city, as an exception, since it’s the economical heart of the country - and the city with the most covid victims....

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    No finger bowls allowed to use in hotels or restaurants



    In the UK the rules are so varied and obscure it's comical. They might just say that someone who's postcode (zip code) ends with a three can only accompany two people whose last name starts with an 'S'.


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    In California,most public schools have been closed for almost one year. Most Private schools have been open since October 2019.
    Thanks Govenor Newsom!



    In the UK when pubs were open you were aloud to meet up with another household (as long as there was no more than 6 people) sit across the table and drink with them but under no circumstances were you to go inside their house...


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    In the Netherlands, we currently have been given a curfew, or - literally translated from the Dutch word “avondklok” - an “evening clock”. Every citizen must stay at home between 21:00 and 04:30, except for a few valid reasons, one of them being that you need to walk your dog.

    Not only does it seem that the number of dogs has suddenly significantly expanded in my neighbourhood, but Dutch vocabulary has also been expanded with the word “avondklokhond”, i.e. “evening clock dog”, a dog you have bought or borrowed to be able to go outside after nine o’clock without getting any fine...



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    My nephew wrestles in High School. Instead of shaking hands they have to do a distance greeting and then do full contact wrestling (with masks).


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    I don't know if you Pandas think this is strange or not, but I just found out that one of the local hospitals here will be requiring it's employees to download some sort of app in their phone. This app links to a new system that they have implemented which allows them to verify that they are COVID free (and dispense them the proper 'color coded' sticker of the day), before they enter the main areas of the hospital. This of course also eliminates the need for the person who sits and takes temperatures all day. I wonder what rules apply to visitors. I also wonder will happen when someone's phone acts up or all the stickers have depleted.


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    Sanne H.
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My hospital has a website with a checklist, that needs to be used 24 hours prior to your visit. Only if you have answered all questions with “no”, and you can show it (by print-out or screenshot) you are allowed to enter the hospital. Nevertheless it’s purely a formality, that relies on the good intentions of the hospital visitors, since you can reload the website and retry the test as many times as you want.


    Last spring when the pandemic began there was a time interval for shopping. Between 9 am and 12 pm only people over 65 were allowed to enter shops (ANY kind of shop). All the other times only people under 65 were allowed, anybody over 65 was forbidden to enter the shops. Then it was cancelled after 2 months. Afterwards, when the second wave came, the above mentioned rule was slightly changed, from 8 to 10 am only people over 65 were allowed but the rest of the day was allowed for EVERYONE, even for the people over 65. But this rule was cancelled due to Xmas and the rule never came back since. ☺️ Maybe it wasn't that important after all.


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    I did love one thing about it...one sneeze and immediately 4 people that turned around to look at you!. Man, it was like being on "the Voice"!!! 🤣🤭🙃👏👏👏👏


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    In the country I live in, wedding receptions can have up to 300 guests, but they cannot dance and have to remain seated.


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    If someone you know like your boyfriend, girlfriend, bestfriend, or family member, has to move back to where they came from...

    Which is messed up because we can't even go there and see them...


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    wear mask and please use the hand fertilizer


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    Houston, Texas. Many clubs found a loophole that allowed them to reopen as restaurants. I'll let you all take a guess how many of them actually operated as restaurants.



    Scotland here, the local council closed one lane each way to traffic on the main Street, built decking in the closed lanes all to allow for better social distancing. Next they let most of the bars & restaurants build large marquees that take up most of the pavement for outdoor eating & drinking & converted the decking to bus stops.


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    Margrét Hauks
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you have ANY symptoms, youre not allowed to see the doctor without getting a covid test first. There was a rule where only 10 people were allowed in stores other than grocery stores. In the malls, outside the stores, it was crowded. And that was allowed. Now the max number has been changed according to store size. When you arrive at the airport, you have to have a covid test. Youre in quarantine until you get negative results, but you still gotta get to your hotel/home/whatever. Youre not allowed to take the bus and no one is allowed to pick you up in their car, but you can take a taxi. Because.. taxi drivers are immune?


    We have to where 2 masks


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    I'm from Belgium. Ilive in a town by the sea. The beach is quite large and sandy. First lockdown you were allowed on it but not to sit down. It streches from 50m when it's high tide out along 12 km of coastline. And on a nice day you'ld see no more than 30 people as far as the eye could see all wearing masks ..and they couldn't even stop to get soms sand out of their shoes. Meanwhile the busses were still carrying more than 30 people at the same time several times a day. Second lockdown they were selling ice-cream in shops from an open window in places you were obligated to keep your mask on. You had to stand still while eating it keeping at least 1,5 m distance between eachother. But you were allowed to pay with loose change and on sunny days you needed to go to the end of the street before you found a spot clear of the rest to eat what was left of what you had just paid for.


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    A few months ago, the government of The Netherlands decided that we were no longer allowed to leave our Kingdom. Which still includes a couple of tropical islands in the Caribbean sea from colonial times. Guess what suddenly became a popular holiday destination.....


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    Ice cream stores have to come out to you car, ask you what you want, and bring it to you.


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    At a Korean market in Columbus, Oh, “Only 2 members from the same family allowed in the store at a time”


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    I live in Alaska. No joke. My district hasn’t had in person school yet. We won’t be allowed to have lockers. Just backpacks


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    My state says everyone must wear a mask when outside of their home. My grocery store has many large signs posted cautioning "no mask, no shopping" (paraphrased). There are guards at the door to enforce that rule, and give out a free one use-mask. Still, I have seen folks shopping without masks or have a mask securely perched beneath their nose: playing Russian Roulette among the Kumquats?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wearing a mask outside your home is a GOOD THING! Stores not enforcing mask rule is STUPID and DANGEROUS.


    Food must be served to order a drink in a restaurant and there’s 25% capacity in restaurants and stores based on square footage , 6 people in a restaurant but no limit on malls or giant stores. Restaurants get fined if they get caught serving drinks or are over the limit but there’s no monitoring of malls that have multiple entrances


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    PreK-5 grade students can go to school 5 days a week all day, but 6-12 grade can only go 3 days a week half days. I feel like my 9 year old is more likely to cough in someone’s mouth than my 14 year old niece...


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