Hey Pandas, Can You Post Some Facts That May Or May Not Be True? (Closed)
Post "facts" that may or may not be true. Let other Pandas comment on whether the "fact" is true.
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I did not murder those kids down the street despite what Jerry tells you! I'm just an innocent li'l cat that is in no way demonic. :3
I am very very cool
If your child was conceived under a blood moon, your child will become the demon overlord.
That's just stupid (and also totally false). Everyone knows that children conceived under blood moons become rulers of the underworld. To become a demon overlord you must be conceived during a total solar eclipse that happens at night.
The downvote button *gasp* isn’t a dislike button! 🤭🤭🤭
Also, also, also, get this, the downvote button is modeled after Aang in remembrance of him ⬇️👨🦲🪦
The average number of skeletons in a human body is more than one.
In 1849 three women decided they'd had enough of their abusive, alcoholic husbands and made a pact to take their futures into their own hands. They started taking turns hosting dinner parties, always inviting several other couples. One party was only attended by the women and their husbands, where they plied them with alcohol laced with cough syrup (heroin probably). When they were all sufficiently passed out they tied each mans feet together at the ankle, blocked the doorways and set the house on fire. Investigators apparently believed the women's account of how they were able to escape the fire with grief over their terrible loss being their only injuries. They had retired to the sitting room at the front of the house and were able to flee when they saw smoke wafting into the room, while the men went to a room further into the interior of the house to resume their drinking. There was no money and very little property for the women to inherit but they pooled their resources and started anew in Pennsylvania. One of those women later remarried and gave birth to a son named Almanzo Wilder, future husband to Laura Ingalls.
Sequoia's roots grow close to the surface of the earth instead of growing down into the earth like other trees. Given their height they shouldn't be able to stand, but as the roots grow, they reach out to the roots of the other trees surrounding them and intertwine. They are literally holding each other up.
Pluto can host life
Finland does exist
People who believe in Finland are about as right as those people who believe in the Earth is round. I mean, come ON! You can CLEARLY see that there is no curve in the ground! 🙄
i am actually a bagel in disguise 🥯
Rabbits are rodents.
Yes they are, thank you, and I would know I have two pet rabbits
i am **not** a bicycle in a human suit
Of course not. And I am not a snail in a human suit. Such obvious facts should be well known.
A well developed orchestra has a symbiotic relationship between violinists and cellists, and if this isn't present something is wrong in the enviorment.
The moon landings was it real was it fake who knows.
It’s fake fsfs. Also the earth is flat, vaccines are unsafe, and my child isn’t waiting to be blended
Love at first sight don’t really exist =D at least, not the instantaneous kind. You don’t look at someone and hear a whisper say “soulmate.” Because humans can only see the outside!
Funny shower thought on this topic: how can there be love at first sight if love is blind??? :x
Some parents might disagree with this. See person covered in gunk that has just emerged from its first traumatic experience = love
I am actually 69.42 frogs stacked in a trenchcoat.
Go ahead and say false.
I dare you.
1. Wallaby mothers will take their children out of their pouches and fling them at a predator in order to escape. ‘oh wElL I GuESs tiMotHy Is a GoNNEr
2. Panda ants are actually a type of wingless wasp. 🐜➕🐼🟰🐝
3. The tapir is related to the rhino and the horse, but not an elephant. ‘I SWEAR ITS NOT A TRUNK!!’
4. The Yeti Crab exists. Look it up.
5. The Japanese Spider Crab is bigger than a 5 Foot man
6. Centipede males will sing to and massage the girl while mating.
7. Gnomes paint traffic lights Green and Red, but the yellow/orange light is powered with fossil fuels
8. Female seahorses are actually the ones to lay eggs, the males just carry eggs.
9. I am running out of facts
10. Alge produces more oxygen then trees do
True. He is head cashier in a SuperWalmart in Oneida, Tennessee. He has died his hair and lost a lot of weight, and actually is doing great.