Hey Pandas, Can You Describe Some Of Your Experiences With Synaesthesia? (Closed)
I just wanna hear about some of your experiences with synaesthesia.
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I have around 3 types of synesthesia but my most prominent one is Ordinal Linguistic Personification (OLP) and it’s basically a type of synesthesia where I associate stuff like numbers, letters of the alphabet, months, elements of the periodic table etc with personalities. For me the numbers 1,3,5,7 and 0 are males while 2,4,6,8 and 9 are females. 1 is a loner and feels bad about himself most of the time, 2 is one of those types of people who take revenge on the behalf of others (usually on the behalf of 4), 3 is a spooky brat and always throws tantrums, 4 is very kind and she likes to give others a second chance and she’s very innocent which is why numbers like 3,5,7 and 9 take advantage of her, 5 is a middle school bully type of person who loves irritating and annoying other numbers (especially 2), 6 is also a nice person willing to give others a chance but unlike 4 she doesn’t let others take advantage of her (sometimes she goes for revenge and she’s always successful), 7 is a pervert who tries to take advantage of 4 but most of the time the other numbers prevent him from doing so (he used to date 8 when they were younger), 8 is very assertive and firm with the bully numbers and she also takes revenge on behalf of 4 and she doesn’t tolerate 3’s tantrums and she doesn’t give him what he wants because she wants him to change for the better (she sadly gets bullied by 9),9 is a very mean person and she’s beaten up all the numbers and rarely shows mercy to anyone except 3 because even she can’t deal with his tantrums
This is really interesting! I've always seen numbers/letters/months/etc as having gender too (except for me 7 is female) and I do associate them with personalities a little bit, but not this detailed (although I also have a specific meaning associated with single-digit numbers... for example 3 means away from home, 4 means home, 5 means friends, 6 means family, etc)
Numbers up to 99 (and some numbers above) have a color, a gender and a personality.
Days of the week have colors too.
I see music as moving forms of color light on a dark screen (rather like a computer screen saver).
So basically the essential experience is cringing when your Spanish teacher is describing Costa Rica on a map and its not in fact, because you got it wrong on the test but because now you have the overwhelming taste of maraschino cherries in your mouth and it tastes disgusting. Because the words Costa Rica taste like cherries. I don't get it either.
Hmm that’s interesting. I don’t have that type of synesthesia, and i think it sounds cool but i can see how that would be frustrating!
Music has color for me. Higher notes are warm colors, lower notes are cold colors, electric-ish notes are more neon. Most songs are blues and purples. I've only found a few that contain reds and oranges. I often choose songs based on how beautiful the colors are!
For me higher are more pastel, lower are darker, and different notes are different colors so every song is a different rainbow and the most prominent color is the key it’s in. (I’m good in choir lol) i agree with the neon too. That’s rlly cool!!