Hey Pandas, Badly Explain A Movie Or A Book Using The Least Amount Of Words (Closed)
We'll try to guess it!
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Older sister ruins younger sister's chance to be on national television
A guy dies because the girl didn't make some space on the door.
A bunch of superheroes fight a living prune over rocks
An orphan lives under the stairs with abusive guardians and goes to a weird school.
A guy breaks up with her girlfriend, so she goes to law school.
I thought you said A gay breaks up with their girlfriend, I'm like " What movie is this? "
scar dude is a favourite of witches and wizards takes time to kill a baldy
Nerdy farmer kid purchases robots and goes on a adventure.
A woman goes to a cottage and cleans it. Dies then gets resurrected.
Dragons go GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR and murder each other for their SOPHISTICATED MONARCHY
Take out the GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR and replace dragons with humans and you’ve got most of world history.
A father must save his son, but his only hope is a mentally challenged woman
A guy can't remember anything that happened to him, and constantly forgets the new stuff.
Furry with a yellow bunny suit kills kids and creepy chuck-e-cheese knockoffs hunt down teenagers.
Vampire terrorizes entire bloodline for no exact reason.
another one! ^^
Man goes around with a green elf trying to get the green elf with another person to train him
Ok I add another cuz @Kirbi copied mine😂
Short girl torchers buff woman #brainsoverbrawn
A kid who likes water goes to a fighting camp but then escapes and does an adventure
Horrendous Twilight fanfiction
Big purple guy kills half the planet and in the sequel it is reversed, but one of the most important person dies
son of the sea guy vs his grandpa possessing the son of the messenger guy
A young girl's only hope of escaping her abusive family is by marrying a foot fetish who can't even remember what she looks like
bossy girl and her friends make a club watching other people's children
Dudes and yeti thing save a princess and blow up stuff.
some girl doesn't know who she loves and she dies when she gives birth to her child and one guy is mad that she died and the other is extremely sad and then she comes back to life and tries to kill the first guy
A girl rides a boat to meet this guy so that they can give an angry island back her heart
A boy with a weird-looking scar tries not to be killed every year he goes to school
A disabled fish goes missing
Dangerous wizard school
harry potter ? i would have said: dude with ugly round glasses and wierd scar avoids being killed by white bald ape with no nose.
Son kidnaps orphan dad, to save dad from sleep-deprived bowler hat wearing childhood bestie.
Intergalactic war stopped by telekinetic farmers boy with the help of robots, a princess, a carpet, and a thief with a cool spaceship who always shoots first
Orphans get adopted by a guy and banana-loving friends.
Everyone dies because of the uncle.
Wise girl and seaweed brain die again
Girl genius gets kidnapped by cute guy to find out
A. She’s a freak
B. She’s actually kinda stupid
C. She’s gonna grow long ears
Shut up or they will find you... the only safe place is the waterfall
Movie sequel made 30 years after the original that nobody asked for
Teenagers go into a wood, sh*t themselves, nothing else happens. End
A bunch of people sleeping on a plane.
Some nerd trusts a weird person who was corrupt for 100 years and who killed his bestie soon the nerd bans HIS friend AND then gets attacked by giant spiders he needs a friend once more who came back for him. And somehow forgave him even though he threw him off a cliff
Girl sings about society, kills the principal, then changes her hair
Almost all of the characters die
any movie of a Shakespear tragedy, like Macbeth Hamlet Othello Romeo and Juliet King Lear
Girl with supernatural powers explores haunted locker room and then goes on to finish her late mothers and her paranoid fathers job.
a domestic cat joins a cult and fights for his life
A group without brain, heart and spine joins a killer on her journey home
A bunch of prehistoric animals look after a kid
fight dogs and their "parents", help a good friend out, and super powers.
A father pairs up with a mentaly ill girl to find his son.
Three kids are faced with the ending of the world. They have 100 days to get the news to the outside world. Since the town they are in is basically a fallout shelter they start getting weird, and even murderous powers. One is murdered by their close friend, then firm is faced with horrid visions of the past and future, and the one that killed the other is basically mentally insane. Can three save the world in time, or will everyone die in the hands of evil...
A girl and a boy are superheroes and don't know their identidies
Girl likes boy boy no like girl
Superhero boy likes Superhero girl but SHG doesnt like SHB
They like eachother without knowing
New sheriff faces racial discrimination
This is the third time I have answered with Blazing Saddles. Why does my response keep disappearing?
idk if someones done this but
A highschool girl falls for her stepbrother, whos in college
Gang beats up colored guy for trying to improve everybody's lives.
parents dead and fights a big ogre with a wand.
a super old guy becomes young, and saves the word from a bunch of dead guys with poetry and plants.
A teenage girl breaks up with a crazed teenager who killed 3 people
Stupid husband spreads infection after kissing his wife, leading to massive roasting of Hawkeye
(Bear with me, this is all the one book, just 3 different ‘parts’)
- Young adult gets possesed by alarm-clock doll so she hides in vents forever
- Mini ballerina dolls crawl into security guards body
- Boy ‘accidently’ kills another boy, but ends up dead instead of victim-of-murder
Giant fish eats swimmers in small town during major holiday
Neglected child becomes a home security expert.
goth gay and a soft gay and a bunch of kids try and stop the end of the world from the antichrist
Rule #1 Don't talk about...
Girl makes a wish and then has to fight Bowie because she changed her mind
.................................Catching fire
Parents search for kidnapped children, find dozens more
Mythical creature finds woman in castle wreaks a wedding and has his own with the woman who turns into a mythical creature.(He has donkey friend who has children with a dragon)
Boy is threatened by a bald white man with no nose and Marrys a freckled girl
They like in this fast thing, woosh, flames. Then they back...
A lesson you need to learn right now cant be taught with words
its not a movie its eps``````````
16th century emo kid ponders suicide and disturbs people.
Satire about dwindling intelligence in the future turns out to be a documentary
Kids fight in free-for-all deathmatch competition, establishing the name for a whole genre of movies and games
Dad time travels, black hole arc, oops, now daughter is older than him.
12 people go on a big walk and kill a dragon
Vaudevillian veteran vindicates vengeance verbose
The guy says wow then doing superman thing.
Kids escape legal slaughter house.
I have not watched that since I was nine I cant remember all the details but Monster house is a good movie for kids
A rip off of the Labyrinth from Greek Mythology
Little boy force feeds old man spoiled eggs and expired Hog, after chasing him far and wide.
Genius playboy billionaire philanthropist vs old man
Boy carries lock for 16 years to keep a promise, finds the key, but backs out last minute for a rich girl.
A mixed bag of fighters (and one actor) go up against supernatural enemies.
teenager has affair with soldiers widow and hangs out with his three obnoxious friends
Hot guy arrested for practicing something w/o a license, ends up with his house flooded and can't marry his wife because he lost her fiancé's and his ring. (you might not know this one)
A guy who was super dumb, poor, but crazy smart gets murdered my an old friend, and although he is bad husband, he gets forgiven.
Video game characters have revenge on humans.
Wake up. War of the Rodent. Sleep. Repeat.
Roommates prevent a magic cult from overthrowing the British government by using basic common sense and science
Everything goes down down under
homeless boy dies on a bridge then goes on adventures with an elf a dwarf a valkyrie and a talking sword all the while still being dead and also the sword sings badly and the elf is deaf and the dwarf is fashionable
i don't think anyone can guess this but it's going out
A weird ghost that crawls down stairs and all over floors, cursing all who come in her way.
I don't think anyone knows this one but still: A seemingly angelic little girl kills her classmate because she's a sore loser.
Kid with scar becomes hero for being alive
Bdsm Love Story
blood drinkers, two lovers, one falls in love with the baby, baby has weird name. hint it was said in this post already
Stabbed and changed bodies with a serial killer
Girl breaks world dragon dies trusts one who broke the gem holding the world together everyone turns to stone they then turn back to living people again girl who broke gem is friends with trust issue girl who only eats jerky the end.
I bet nobody is going to get this(it is not a very well-known book)
Boy tries to save family from plague, meets girl, girl works for government, most of family dies
Kid sneaks on to old man’s flying house, meets alien and weird dog.
Small girl terrorizes hotel guests
Some guy got his dog killed so he killed a huge organization.
Father kills son to unlock global curse, people are eventually impressed.
Tribute, sister, volunteer, mockingjay
This was fun to do! ( even tho I accidently submitted the same as some other dude ) Thanks for making this!
Yeah this is worth repeating . Maybe also do one where you hone in on a decade ad guess a popular(ish) band
Load More Replies...This was fun to do! ( even tho I accidently submitted the same as some other dude ) Thanks for making this!
Yeah this is worth repeating . Maybe also do one where you hone in on a decade ad guess a popular(ish) band
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