I really like games such as truth or dare or never have I ever and I want to play it with my friends but as it is covid 19 quarantine I want to play it with my friends here at the bored panda.
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Would you rather have a lot of money, but no free time OR have a lot of free time, but very little money?
Would you rather go to a holiday in heat, example : The Sea, or in the cold, example : Scandinavia
Would you rather eat only pizza OR eat only chicken?
Would you rather have loved and lost or never have loved at all?
Would you rather drink a whole thing of tooth paste or eat a bowl of fish guts?
Would you rather have a pet tiger or bear?
Would you rather be extremely hairy and not be able to shave, I mean unibrow, back hair, and the full yeti kind of hairy or have no hair what so ever?
Would you rather always have really bad breath or really bad gas?
Breath I guess you would only have to worry about yourself smelling it because of the mask but gas everyone would smell it
Would you rather:
Have an infinite supply of something, but one at a time. (If it was money you'd only get a dollar but it would reappear
Have 5 years worth of something all at once, but after the time period you can never have it again.
Would you rather forever drown, or forever burn?
Would you rather never be able to eat sweets again or never be able to go outside again?
Would you rather live by a train track or an airport?
Would you rather give up all pets, family members, and things you love, or would you rather destroy a tenth of the world's population?
Would you rather go to Disney World and ride every ride but only meet one character, or meet every character but only go on one ride?
Would you rather live for as long as you want and never age or have unlimited money?