2020 was pretty crazy for all of us, what with the pandemic, the election disputes, and the economy going downhill. But like most bad things, there will always be a ray of sunshine coming through the clouds in the form of friends, family, and maybe a new hobby or two. So what’s something that you’ve done during your quarantine this year that you’re really proud of?


Quit Smoking, only took 13 years to do it :)



    I'm proud that I found my pansexuality. Love everyone!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me too! I was really confused beforehand but now I know who I am :)

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    My husband is still alive!!!!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope he stays alive and gets better soon. Wish you both my best luck <3

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    Bored Pandas. You guys keep surprising me and making me proud whenever I see your comments. You've been supportive, and some have shared interesting hobbies aswell. Foxxy, Ms. M, pansexualandproud.....thank you, Bored Pandas.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    However, what Soap didn't know is they are a prodigy of Bored Panda as well! Your comments are so funny!

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    I found myself and came out to my parents as a lesbian.

    I also saved a friend from committing and I'm so proud of her and myself for figuring it out together.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are really amazing. Also I LOVE CATRA SO MUCH!!! (Sorry, just a she-ra nerd here)

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    I'm proud that everyone reading this is alive and well. Im proud of the healthcare workers putting their life on the line everyday for us. Im proud of everyone wearing a mask because they know it might save a life.



    I went back to college at 54 to pursue my dream and now at the end of the first semester I have a 3.4 GPA.



    I graduated at the age of 59 with Radiographer degree!



    i'm proud of all of you! keep on going!
    i upvote you all :)



    Finally created art that I actually like!!!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a fellow person that draws, it's hard to do that!! Congrats!!

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    I don't really have much. This year has been a bad year for me. Got cut from the basketball team (coach explained, still don't understand why), NBA got cut short for like 2-3 months, I didn't go to school, I haven't seen my friends in almost 8 months now. But hey, at least the Grizzlies were good, that's something to be proud of...... right?



    i have found love but thats really it



    1-I AM ALIVE!!!
    2-Bored Panda is as amazing as ever!
    3-Although its been a hard year i have really gotten to know my family more and have had fun with online learning.



    I'm really proud of finishing my training as an office manager and I started my drivers license in september.



    1.me and My dog are alive.
    2.my parents are still alive
    3. somehow my maternal grandparents are alive
    4. I've been getting less and less panic attacks(i think that cute cats and dogs helped with that



    I'm proud that i've lived this long.



    I am proud of making REAL friends. Not the ones that say that they love you and then leave you. (Lol, that was kinda dramatic but, I'm just proud I found good friends)


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    Janet Bird
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Having friends is very important for our well-being apparently. :)

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    I'm proud I stepped out of my comfort zone to confess to my crush, I've never had the guts to actually tell someone I like them before.



    this may seem conceited, but... myself! I finally figured out how to love myself and love who I am in every way. I always thought It would take much longer than it did, but look at me! 14 years old ( I'm in 9th grade) and already have a great sense of self.
    It feels great after years of self loathing and contemplating suicide, and I feel like an independent woman now! I no longer feel like I need a relationship to be fulfilled (because honestly, guys are kinda WACK) and I am KICKING ASS in school during a f*****g pandemic! I have a lot to be proud of! my life is really coming together during this s**t year, weird right? IDK still really happy though. anyway, love y'all!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, that is really amazing. I was doing the same thing this year and I'm really happy too. You deserve a lot of happiness. I'm 12 but yeah! Sending you virtual hugs!

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    I'm proud to say this was the first year in a very long time where I wasn't suicidal.



    After I was thrown out of apartments three times because the landlords increased the rent, I built my own houseboat



    I have been working on telling people what I need and being more proud of myself:)



    That I still have my family that me and my Friend are close than ever and that she has gotten good grades!



    That I’ve finally found a workplace that really suits me and now working with my dream job!


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    Janet Bird
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Excellent. I'm happy for you, we spend such a lot of time at work you have to be at least content doing what you are doing.

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    Lost 3 kgs, got a 4-pec. What else could I wish for?



    Taught myself how to decorate cakes and paint :) Still mediocre at it but I'm doing good And I don't plan on giving up



    I yelled at a homophobic person that told me to become straight but kissed my future girlfriend UwU, I'M STILL LESBIAN


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same. I'm still pan anyway! (and if anyone asks me if I'm attracted to pans I will break something) Hugs!

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    I’m only ten but every day I think about committing suicide I’m just proud of myself for not giving up.


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It may help to know that life gets easier as you get older. Also, some of us aren’t lucky enough to have the biochemistry we need to get through life without a replacement (serotonin in my case), and you may find this is also true in your case. If that ends up being true for you, be happy it can be rectified, even if it takes a few tries to find what works best with your body’s chemistry.

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    I think being away from people has helped me reflect a bit about myself. Now I am feeling more confident about my personality and body then I ever have before, and am just really really happy. I hope everyone's holidays are lovely!



    I got an internship at Northrop Grumman, and I'm still figuring out if I should switch majors and schools, and that's okay!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes it is perfectly okay! I graduate today (2 days after grandbaby #8 was born!) so it may be too late for me to change majors, but right up to yesterday, it would've been fine! You know what you need! Feed that!

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    I finally got rid of my habit of biting my nails, after 3 years!!!


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I compulsively bit my nails when I was growing up but stopped after I left home...hmmmmm! However, because I had so much practice, I got good at biting them off evenly and not below the quick, so now when I want my nails shorter, I bite them down rather than using clippers. It’s a combination of nostalgia and practicality.

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    I designed and made a free bespoke wedding dress for an NHS bride who had to postpone her wedding due to Covid-19. I got it finished even though, out of the blue, my beloved dad died (not covid-related) when I was halfway through, six weeks before her wedding.



    I started writing and have filled up four legal pads



    I had a baby this year - and I am so proud of her and I'm proud of me as a mom. I wasn't so sure how I would be doing - she makes it really easy for me. And I just love her so much. And I'm proud of the pictures we took for a calender as a christmas present for the family (that was really a lot of work^^)



    I'm proud of graduating from high school in the midst of a pandemic and starting my music therapy journey as a student.



    We removed President Trump from office, I personally despise him, don’t start a debate in the comments though, I don’t care what you think on people, who’s good, who’s bad.



    May I share 2??

    1) My oldest son & daughter-in-law welcomed baby #4 on Thursday, 17 December! (which was also my oldest daughter's 34th birthday!)

    2) I officially graduate University today! Took me 3 years to earn a 4-year degree because I busted my @$$ to get it! Grad School, here I come!

    Thanks Pandas - for sharing these wonderful, uplifting things! ♡


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    Just a Marine Veteran
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Congrats on both! Just remember to give yourself some slack in grad school! I was like you and pushed hard to get my B.S. in 3 years, and I had it all planned out to finish my 3 year grad program in 2 years. Life happened, and I am a year behind in finishing now. I was really hard on myself at first, but had to accept that I will finish eventually and it is okay.

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    Went trough awful complications after my c-section, traumatized me, but my baby and I came out the other end alive and healthy!


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    i'm really proud that i've recognized my depression for what it is and i'm starting to go through treatments for it. i know this might not sound like a lot but i'm very proud



    drawing Blue Diamond and being proud of the result lol


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Come live with us in the palace! There's a room waiting for you. Come on, come on, come on. Just let us adore you.

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    im happy my family is still alive. we all got covid and me and my dad are still fighting it. I'm also proud that I found my sexuality and that my parents accept me fo who i am.



    Got an abused dog and showed her what love is. Her names Rona and she's a few months old. Female German shepherd



    Proud of surviving the pandemic...



    I am proud that I taught myself embroidery! I can sew in cursive now! (although no fancy stitches yet) :)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can speak in cursive! (My kid calls it cursing but whatever *** her!) LOL! Seriously - congratulations!! I am not patient enough - I'm proud of you too!

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    Gained weight! Been trying all my adult life because I was really underweight. apparently all I needed was a pandemic and the menopause 🤷



    Staying at home in self isolation for more than 300 days in 2020 to avoid spreading a fatal virus. Admitted: I'm an introvert.



    I talked to my friends and family about my depression and anxiety. And I came out to all my friends. I feel like I got a lot better about talking about my issues.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is fantastic! When we speak of things like our own mental health & core identity, it takes away the paralyzing grip of fear it can have over us - now you are free to be you...it's all about those baby steps! Congratulations on such amazing growth!


    2020 was the year of 4 cats (the mom came in feb and had 3 kitties in may) and my first grandkid! Also I am very proud of my two youngest kids and myself for doing so well at home schooling during lock down! Today my youngest (11) took his last tests until 2021!! The year was rough, but we made it!! (So far!!)



    figured out i was nonbinary and got complimented by one my favorite musical artists on a portrait i drew of them :) really the highlights of my year!



    I'm proud that I've acknowledged my feelings and realized I'm B. Oh and I also have a crush 🥴 She knows........ She likes me back!!!!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I wrote a book.

    It's written in hungarian language.



    I raised Fern for another year, i know its not big but i am so proud of her


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Shes the most beautiful girl ever. I love her with all my heart. Sometimes i Feel like im failing her, but then she gives me a hug and the bad thoughts are replaced with love.

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    I turned a teenager! Sorta silly thing to be proud of but whatever. I feel more confident somehow and I am actually starting to like the way I look on camera.


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    Aragorn II Elessar
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s the hardest thing to do. If you can accept the way you look in a picture and the way you sound in a recording you’re in a really good place.


    Fighting intense waves of depression from my bipolar downturn during the pandemic by making a video appt. with a new doctor to make sure my blood was tested for adequate levels of medication. My meds were way low and not keeping up, even with therapy and exercises. Glad I had them checked, and increased, instead of blaming myself for reacting "poorly" to bad stuff going on in the world.


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good on you! It’s so easy to blame ourselves and feel like a failure...I’m glad you gave yourself the credit you deserve!


    I am really proud of the fact that I am alive. I had the biggest mental health breakdown I have ever experienced. I live alone. We went into shut down and I became convinced the world was ending. The fear of covid overwhelmed me.
    I spent 2 months crying hysterically and unable to sleep more than 2-3 hrs a night. I couldn't eat as it made me puke from fear.
    I fought back hard, I called my dr for help (meds) and counselling. I called help lines, sometimes 4x a day. I called my friends and did outside yard visits with them when all I could do was cry. I worked so hard to stay alive.
    There were dark dark times when I wasn't sure. I knew I didn't want to commit suicide as it would devastate my family (even though they are not talking to me right now). I was terrified to go back to work. I made myself at least try it. I am back at work and rocking it!
    I won this battle. It was the hardest battle of my life. and I won. I am gaining back my mental health. I want everyone to know b/c we always think we are alone. We rarely reach out for help. But it is there. We are not alone. Please ask for help if you think you might need it.



    I was able to save quite a bit of money towards paying off my mortgage.



    I've had depression for the last few years, but we can't afford meds or therapy so I just kind of had to fight it off, and even though we only have a couple weeks left of 2020, i'm proud to say that i'm finally getting better :) I still have pretty bad anxiety, and my BPD isn't going away anytime soon, but still... one thing getting better is better than none!


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    The Einstein
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Um, this year GAVE me depression. But it's not that hard. It only comes about 3 times a week.

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    I found out my gender and my sexuality! I'm a demisexual demigirl! Also my art has improved a lot over quarantine! I hope everyone stays healthy and safe, y'all are absolutely amazing! Lots of love to all of you guys and gals and everyone in between!


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    A Random Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol, I searched up Demigirl and it turns out that they have an entire WIKI for genders.

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    I'm very proud of my mama who is a RN in a floor full of patients with covid-19.


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    Tina Hugh
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You're proud, we're grateful:-) Tell your mom the Pandas say thank you!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I was able to connect with people more. I actually feel....like a real person now...!? I don't know...I've made a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE, HUGE, HUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGEEEEE Improvement on my artwork.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well done. Things like that make a big difference to our self-esteem. Keep on going!


    In part due to the pandemic, we had a lot of rough days in the ER this year. Yesterday one of the ER nurses told me they were always glad when they saw that it was my turn to do the ER shift. Oof, right in the feels!


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    I’m really proud that as a fourteen year old girl I successfully trained a unbroken horse all by myself



    Staying sober and leaving my abusive ex husband. Almost 2yrs opioid free!



    I proud I've not been killed by my family by annoying the h*ll out of them. (So far...)



    I am proud of my bf for not being like other guys and being loyal. Im also proud of myself because I did so well this year in school, better than I ever had and im really proud of myself.:)



    I'm proud that I finally find my true self. I'm an on-binary lesbian.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the same year one of my friends came out as non-binary and lesbian too! I know it's hard sometimes but I'm sending you lot's of hugs!

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    i am proud of my dad (papa) and mom (mama). And also my stuffies, my birbs, and my creativity.



    This year I have discovered BoredPanda! How could I live without Pandas😍!? I also improved myself a lot about drawing! And I have watched all of the Star Wars movies and series again, can't wait for the new Kenobi series!😆


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Welcome to you both! I love BP & since today's my graduation day, maybe I'll have more time for joymining here! ♡

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    1.nobody in my family died
    2.i got to finish a whole lotta animes
    3.new music to listen to


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Staying alive.



    I'm proud that even though I've lost a lot of people I love this year, that I still have a few people that I love left, and that I'm still here too.



    I'm proud of my pandemic project. I took an unused corner of my basement that was full of junk, cleaned it out, refinished the floor, and turned it into my lapidary workshop.



    I didnt murder anyone this year. But there is still a couple of weeks left.



    I've picked up writing again and am writing a novel (over 300 pages 😊), I've also had really good grades, and have made progress in music and art!!!


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    I. Paid off my credit cards. 2. I am healthy and reasonably sane. 3. Pandemic did not kill me. 4. In season, I can still cut my own grass. 5. Car is only 12 years old and runs. PTL.



    I've gotten into the habit of upvoting a lot! Especially art. I'm also an artist so I know it feels really good to be appreciated. Whenever I come across art or crafts, I upvote to make people happy. I'm proud that I'm becoming a little bit better of a person. :)


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    I learned how to draw well!


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    I was able to catalog all off my movies, so now I have a complete (alphabetized and categorized) list of all of my movies!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Halfway through the 8th grade and I ain't failing this year! Yay me!


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    That I lasted long enough on my old route to make it to a new, better route instead of quitting...or killing myself. The old route was that rough.


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    my boyfriend, my sister and myself, getting stuff done when everything was crazyyyy


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    Hitting 3000 followers on insta, then surpassing that milestone seven months later.


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    It’s small but I’ve made friends even through virtual school and I learned to draw better :D



    Starting my 2nd internship


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    im proud that i found out i was bisexual💗💜💙(yes the colors are of XD)and that my art improved =)))))



    Became an Elite athlete after recovering from an eating disorder. So hard but so worth it :)



    I made my very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very messy closet into a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very nice reading room! It only took 3 hours! Also I donated tons of stuff


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I'm actually going further in the stories I write. My current project is about a girl who falls into a mystical dimension where she needs to overcome weird challenges to go back to the real world.



    1) For the first in maybe ever I am actually happy single and feel like I don't need a partner to feel complete. Got the chance to step into a relationship again, and where before I would have jumped at the chance of being 'whole', realised that I didn't want to be in a relation just for the sake of being in a relation.
    2) Bought a house on my own. Painted and decorated the most of it in the last few months. Learned all these cool things like how to install new door handles, hang lamps, drill and attach things on different surfaces, sanding and painting doors,... Might not sound like big revelations, but they matter to me.
    3) Started on the selection process to become a foster mom.
    4) Started studying Arab again.
    5) Generally survived the ups and downs of 2020 with all of the covid news, the lockdowns, missing my family and friends, ... It's been an emotional year!



    My daughters' spiritual growth.


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    Finally figuring out my spirituality after turning away from God in 2003.


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    lasting an hour without wanting to smash a canvas


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    thats easy getting to be on a horse drill team


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