I know I'm not, so I thought I'd check on you guys
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I am somehow managing to keep everything working and I don't know how but hopefully it'll sustain itself since I'm trying some new meds.
I hope the meds work well and things continue to go at least somewhat successfully :)
Well, tbh, I'm always really tired and I feel like I'm not getting anything done. I'm managing, though. Today, specifically, has been a pretty good day so far :)
Yea, me too. I'm glad your day's been good! :D My day hasn't been particularly good or bad, although I did wake up about 12 minutes ago, so there's plenty of time for it to go either way
I’ll be fine … hopefully …
Yea why
Eh, not really
I feel as valueless as ever, and this self-isolation isn't improving matters. Nevertheless, after three years in this routine, I've grown used to it, so it doesn't matter at this point.
Not one but tbh a lot going on lately and trying not to give up tho highly doubt it will happen
no 💅✨🤪