What customs do you have regarding midsummer in your own country? 


Taking a 15+ hr car ride so my husband who has MS can see the beach for the first time.



    Swede here, on my way now to dance around the midsommarstång! Glad midsommar! 💐


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    Hmm a bit of human sacrifice and pushing old folks off cliffs JK JK do not murder me. It's winter here in Africa.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh oh, that's right. Virgins into volcanoes, old folks off cliffs. Always get them mixed up JK JK censorshipsucks started it LOL

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    I'm going to have a midsummer night's dream about someone called bottom who gets turned into an a*s. And I'm going to be Queen of the fairies.



    We don't celebrate it here in Germany, but it seems like a good occasion to have some cake and coffee


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you need a good occasion for cake and coffee? That sounds amazing right now!


    Midsummer - or Sankt Hans as we call it here in Dk is apparently banned this year.
    Normally we gather around a huge bonfire and send a “witch” of to bloksbjerg, while singing and “hygge” (guess it translates to some sort of cozyness)
    Sooo, this year You’ll find me ind my garden, in front of my firepit, still singing though, with a glas of Wine.
    Glædelig Sankt Hans!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We have an unsual dry summer here, that is why we're not allowed. You know, small country with lots of forrest :)

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    My A-hole neighbor is having a barbecue, therefore I will be hosting an outdoor moot, drinking horns and all. And maybe draw from other pagan traditions and burn a wicker (or more likely straw man). Blow your leaves and grass clipping in my yard again and see what I do for Samhain.


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    Huddo's sister
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What is the definition of a moot? My sister's Rover Scouts do a couple of camps they call moots each year but I've never understood why they have that name.

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    I'm spending midsummer in the city and bonfires were not allowed, so we didn't go to the nearby beach and park area where you've usually seen several bonfires across the lake. There are always lots of people partying and playing yard games. On Thursday, the city was already clearly quiet and it was strange to buy barbecue delicacies in such an empty store. It seems that the whole of Finland is always sitting in their cars in the midsummer on traffic jams to get to summer cottages or a festival. It's actually nice to spend midsummer in a quiet and deserted city relaxing without doing anything at all. We grilled on the balcony with an electric grill and I drank cucumber cocktails. Today I'll probably go to the sauna because it's part of the midsummer celebration. Maybe I'll use a birch and lavender herb bag. It is made a bit like tea. We put the bag in warm water and wait 20 minutes, take it out and throw the scented water on the hot stones. Hyvää mittumaaria kaikille!



    nothing much, I’m going to a beach and I have a sound design camp at my local theater


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    it's winter time here in Australia, so I'm going to hibernate in my bed till my wedding day


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    We have been enjoying Midsummer by having ice cream sundaes for dinner since my children were tots!! Now all three are heading to college but the still like this tradition that started when by the last days of school…. Hot and harried days in NY, USA… just served ice cream!!!!


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    June is Winter here so no, just keeping warm in NZ and waiting for the endless rain to stop.


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    Huddo's sister
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Australia too. Was very wet today and looks like it will be that way all week.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I am looking up Juhannus for Juhannus


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    Hangin' with my fam in the fae realm since portals are so easy to create rn. :)


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    Me, i'm going to be waiting. As in waiting six months for it to be midsummer. Remember, it's winter for half the planet right now.


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    Travelled 7 hours one way to go to sauna and get eaten by billion mosquitos, followed by getting soaked in rainstorm. But got to see my cousins and grandparents so time well spent 😊


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    going to summer camp, going to florida, visiting family, going to see metallica, and going to a mets game.


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    Go to the hot pools: That is winter.
    Spend time w/ family: EVERY SEASON!!!!

    For Midsummer? I'll probably stay at home, avoid a super long holiday, and wait until my dad says we're going to Greymouth [SOOOO WET!] or Cromwell [hardly warm, since it's in near the mountains] or somewhere else or maybe just go to the mall with friends.


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