Hi pandas! are any of you non-binary or similar? ive never come across anyone else who is and id love to learn more about other peoples experiences, i only recently found out there was a word for it and its not just me!

Is it hard for you to get people to understand and do you get people being mean to you? How do you explain it to people? Do you look/dress like a mixture of both boy and girl? When did you find out you were enby or have you always felt the same? Whats the difference between non binary, agender & genderfluid?


I'm not enby (I'm a demigirl-half connected to the term girl half not) but the difference between non binary, agender & genderfluid is that non binary people feel like a gender that isn't boy or girl, agender is someone who doesn't have a gender and genderfluid is someone who's gender changes



    I'm genderfluid but I don't really express it IRL. I've always felt like I didn't fit in with girls and was more comfortable around boys, always been a tomboy, etc. But it wasn't until my late 20s that I realised there was more to it than that (People can be tomboys without being nb, so I just didn't know). I try to explain it as 'basically I feel like a boy a *lot* of the time, but not all the time'. Transitioning wouldn't help, so it's basically just about finding some comfortable middle ground.


    See Also on Bored Panda