Hey Pandas, Any Tips For Coming Out To Homophobic And Religious Parents?
I recently discovered that I am Bisexual, and I want to tell my family. Thanks you for any help!
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Hi! I came out to my Christian parents as pan and genderfluid and they weren't too thrilled, but what I suggest is try your best to explain your point of view to them and tell them how you feel. You can also listen to what they have to say and then say your part as a sort of rebuttal. And if they still don't listen, you don't listen to them! They can't force you to change and what you identify as is your choice. Other friends or family members might be more supportive as well, so reach out to them and they'll help you through it!
I'm gonna be honest with you. Depending on how homophobic you are.. i wouldn't. Especially if you live with them. If you really want to risk them not being nice about it I'd either 1. Wait till im not reliant on them anymore or 2. Plan it out, write it down and speak to them about it
That's a difficult question and depends on so many aspects. What is your relationship like - do your parents love you and treat you accordingly? Can you perhaps turn to the head of your congregation, the pastor or priest and ask for help if necessary? In any case, it is important to involve a confidant, a friend, to support you and offer a safety net if things go really badly. I understand the feeling of wanting to reveal yourself to your parents - the initial situation is really problematic. If they love you, then they should be able to accept you as you are. Perhaps they are willing to deal with it and need some time to understand that it shouldn't make any difference who you want to be with. If they are not able to do that, shut down and completely refuse to deal with it, that would (in my opinion) be anything but Christian. I hope that everything turns out well for you - that you experience understanding, acceptance and love. And one thing is very important - don't forget that Jesus loves you, exactly the way you are! :)