I am not good at sports. In gym class, I was on a team with my friend L. L was the only one who passed to me at all. The others would rather pass to people who were far away and heavily guarded than me, even if I was wide open. So when L got the ball, L passed it to me. L was then being gaurded, and some of the others were in the open. I was petty and passed to L but the opponents got the ball. Now everyone except L is blaming me for causing them not to get the point. AITA?


Extra info: I have asked nicely for my team to pass to me more. The gym class is graded only on whether you try (so you only would get a bad grade if you didn’t show up or just sat in a corner.) I personally am not a huge fan of competitive sports, but I still try to have fun.


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    you are a lil bit the ah BUT I feel you I hate team sports for that reason everyone always blames me and sometimes I almost cry because of it. that's why I do archery!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel you. I make a mistake, blame me. They purposely do something dumb, it was just an accident and not their fault. They blame everyone except themselves (I know and acknowledge that I am bad at sports tho)

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    L is the AH for passing to you, thereby putting you in a position where you are forced to perform to an acceptable standard, knowing that you skill level is low.

    "The others" are all an AH for taking a game too seriously and not giving everyone an opportunity to learn, practice and be involved in something that is supposed to be fun.

    YTA for not just hoofing the ball at one of the others faces "By accident". Personally I would have twatted the lot of them.

    But most importantly, the School is the biggest AH for forcing people to do sports even if they don't want to.

    Rest easy kid, you done nothing wrong.
    I was fortunate enough to be one of those kids that was good at most sports and represented the school often (even represented country), but I didn't want to be there when it was competitive or got too serious. I walked out of a cup final because the coach got all stressed and shouty, I just said, 'I'm here to play the game and have fun. Right now, this ain't fun! See ya later'.

    Despite being good at sports, I hated P.E (what we call gym class). The fact that we were all forced to be playing a sport that half the people didn't want to play took the fun away. But those same kids would meet up at the weekend, muck about with a ball and have a great time, before going home to their/our computer games.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, the schools definitely not the AH, gym is mandated by the state. Also I like the sport and do have fun when my teammates aren’t toxic. L is DEFINITELY not the AH because she felt bad that I wasn’t getting passed to and wanted to give me a chance(I was near the goal and saying “I’m open!”) The “ YTA for not just hoofing the ball at one of the others faces "By accident". Personally I would have twatted the lot of them.” is the funnyest thing I’ve read today!!!

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    If it is a team sport, then you should pass to whoever is open. You are the bottomhole a bit here although I understand where you are coming from.


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    A bit petty indeed. I think is a situation where you should talk to your teammates. At my school people were way too competitive and I was terrible at everything, so I get why you did it though. Pretty sure they will forget it soon, but if you want to participate more then tell them that. You deserve a chance just like everybody else (and you won't get better if they never let you play)



    Sports or hard. They’ll get over it eventually. NTA.


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    Hmmm, NTA. I had this in school, and totally see where you're coming from. I've always tried to keep in everyone's good books though so I'd just be sensible. Makes your life easier 🙃


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    as someone who's had the same experience of not being passed to, yes yta. and not fixing anything. doing this just made things worse for yourself.


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    Of course not! It’s a game and being good at something doesn’t mean you should get all the fun! Walk up to these people and say “You having fun is something that you will probably forget within a few years, but for me, it makes a big difference and I would remember it forever.”


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    I feel u man. I hate any team thing, especially sports. I hate it that it simply ends in a blame game at the end of the day.

    I mean, since they don't pass it to you even when you are open, then just take it that you returned the favour.

    Believe me, you were not being petty. Any person would have thought in the same way in that pressured condition.
    Its not like that stupid team full of unsupportive people would die if they don't get a point.

    Idiots couldn't help you to be better if you are bad at the sport but now can rally around playing the blame game.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    YTA. get good. you want the ball but you cant benefit your team in anyway. They can win but when u get it they cant.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t think you understand. These sports are just for fun, winning is not the point

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