I've had a friend, we'll call her 'Jocelyn' since around the 2nd grade. I got her number last year and we started chatting, we really hadn't talked since elementary so we decided to catch up. After that, I talked to her in school and after a while, I joined back with my old friend group to see that Jocelyn was now in that friend group. So we talked and I stayed in that friend group throughout the remainder of the year.

Another girl in that friend group, we'll call her 'Erica' decided to start some drama with me over something she started. Jocelyn got involved and cussed out another one of my friends, "Miley", for telling Jocelyn to butt out. Miley blocked Jocelyn on all social media and texts, and they haven't talked since.

Fast forward to this year, we're in 7th grade, I have 1 class with Jocelyn and have basically cut off all communication with her, except for the occasional text. Then, Jocelyn admitted to having a crush on me, (we're both girls), and since I liked someone else I politely rejected her. It was whatever, we didn't talk for a few months because she was pissed off, but eventually, she started texting me and admitted to doing something inappropriate on a children's gaming site.

I was extremely disgusted and told her to never talk to me again, to get some therapy, and that we were done. She begged for me to stay friends with her, she was "joking" she was "holy", whatever and whatnot, but I stopped by my decision. I feel like I'm TA because she said she was joking, and when I saw her the next day she was really sad. But I honestly don't think she was joking and this toxic behavior just set me over the edge. So...AITA?


NTA you were polite about rejecting her and setting boundaries. The distance was definitely needed. Depends on what she did but even if she said she was joking, that still is a little messed up. I don't think you are TA because you have every right to leave a friendship if you don't like it as long as you are polite and respectful


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Chickens are fluffy
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

NTA, you have the right to say no to her, I honestly think you shouldn't be with this friend group because of how much drama and toxicity there is. I think you should get new friends that aren't toxic, no one should "joke around" with something inappropriate on a place meant for kids either. Definitely suggest you get away

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    NTA. She needs to get therapy, because at her age, this will really mess her up. Secondly, she is TA for getting involved in drama that’s not about her. Yes, your friend started drama with you, but honestly, if they did that, then Erica isn’t a real friend, simple as that. Jocelyn needs to learn to respect boundaries and needs to know social cues, as there is a time and place for what she is doing. Overall, you are NTA by far in this case. Most of the time, those who have to ask themselves if they are TA are not in the wrong (excluding a select group of individuals).


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    Nope. I've been there. Not at all.


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    If you stole this from reddit, are under 18, or are lying for attention, yta, if not, nta


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    Your Gay Bestie (she/he/they)
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ....what?! im not even allowed to use reddit, its blocked on my phone, and im 12! like bro yes im under 18.....i dont get your point