(Part 1)So, I go to Lulla Middle School, and 1 - 2 months ago, I met someone. His name is Joshua Jackson. He is very nice, funny, sweet, and kind! I saw him as one of my best friends! Then one day, as we were eating lunch he looked shy! I asked him, "What's wrong?" and he didn't talk to me!Then, his friends revealed to me that he liked me! I was VERY surprised! I didn't like him, but at the same time, this could wreak our friendship! I didn't want it happening, but it almost did! He didn't admit it at first, but then he did! I was taken aback! I said I didn't like him, and his friends kept telling me how much effort he put into this.I said, "If he likes me, he could tell me himself! Also, WHY are you pushing him to do something he is not ready to do yet!?" I can see he was emmbarassed! I felt SO bad, but I had to stick with my boundaries! I was so worried. My parents won't let me date till i'm 19, so what will I tell my mom, what will I tell him?SO, AITA for not giving my friend a chance! If I could date, he would be the perfect match, but I can't so...? I will post part 2 soon! Love you guys!
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