Hey Panda, When Your Extended Family Gets Together, What’s Something That Always Happens? (Closed)
This summer, I saw both sides of my family and noticed something that always happens with each side...
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I always get told how I could have done better. One, I’m now in my 50s. Two, I’m part of the management team for a nationwide catering brand in the UK, but they don’t understand that bit!
I let it go because I get to travel home once or twice a year, since COVID, next month will be the first in two years. Not worth getting annoyed about it. I know who I am and my worth.
Massive jam session (much of my father's side of the family is musically talented), fish fry and at least one person is going to get dumped in the lake.
My little (4-9) cousins fall asleep on me as I read them a story book I brought for them, after playing with them. Their mother talks with my mother and I remain there, completely helpless because I do NOT want to wake them up. I love them so much if you can’t tell.
My sister and her family will be two to three hours late.
In my family, we tell my sister to meet 30-60 minutes BEFORE we will actually be meeting so she is relatively on time.
I avoid such things like the plague.
My husband and his sisters make a huge batch of homemade gnocchi, as their grandmother and great-grandmother did. Now their children are drawn in. I watch and wait (my family is more the chopped liver and matzoh ball types). I'm delighted to watch the youngsters develop expertise, it's a tradition that really wants continuity!
I would have thought that the continuity is less important than the relatives doing it together. All together it's great
Are you hungry? Have you eaten yet?
Showing love by feeding! Have a few of those in my family! Not complaining and I never leave hungry
My family - Someone died. Only reason we still get together
My wife's family. Laughter, joking, hugs...
Sitting on giant rocks drinking homemade rootbeer
my mom and ads side of the family are very different, with my moms side of the family, when we get together its usually for a wedding or thanksgiving and its always a bunch of my distant cousins who I've never seen before but knew my mom so i'm ALWAYS bombarded with "you look so much like your mother"
my dads family on the other hand, when we get together its because we hadn't seen each other in a while. and instead of distant cousins, its my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. no matter what happens you can count on at least on night of a full game of Mexican train, and my dad and uncle playing on there guitars. (you can also alway count on there being one or to rounds of "American Pie)
We’re all friends, so we talk and eat and laugh a lot! They’re my favorite people to spend time with:)
My cousins get into a wrestling match.
There is always too much food
My grandma hates me and my mom
It sometimes can turn out ok but most of the time it’s not
Ok so my family lives kinda all over the place but when we do get together my siblings I get the same thing ever. single. time. "Wow! you're so tall! Have you grown?!" Like bruh just because we're the only ones in this family who ended up with any height at all doesn't mean we grow five inches every time we see y'all.
We play computer games. Seriously. When growing up, computers were fascinating things that my uncles were starting to work with, so every time the family got together we would gather as a group to see what these computers could do. It ended up being a christmas tradition that after the food and merriment, we sat down as a family and demonstrated new things and we all played together. Even now, nearly 30 years later, three of my uncles in IT, we still do it. Friedly competition that brings the family together. We're a bunch of nerds :P
My brother and I will get into a serious argument over nothing because we both have to be right. Nearly coming to blows during the argument.
And five seconds after the argument, we end up laughing at each other because it was such a dumb, trivial thing to be arguing over.
My extended family is pretty normal. We just sit at the table, talk, and try to be polite.
Talks. About. Religion. We never fight about it, but we always try to prove whose right and whose wrong.
Talking about politics, every single time
You're lucky, at my family gatherings we don't talk about politics, it's more like one person is silent while the other person screams about politics (who wants to guess who the screamer is affiliated with?).
A least 2 people make comments on my dyed hair. It's really annoying.
I get deadname, misgendered, and hear homophobic bs while my cousin laughs at it like it's a frickin romcom. And in the other room, you can hear the antivaxxers and their political opinions.
And the den has the religious fights, of course.
Considering my extended family hardly get together and when we do only my Nan can come. Everybody else is in either Ireland or Scotland. We usually have a nice lunch somewhere. I usually get something from my Mum.
My one uncle still references nsync and backstreet boys?! I think he saw MTV one time and...?!?
Backstreet's "Everybody" is a great video for Halloween time... or anytime. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=backstreet%27s+back+video&view=detail&mid=D6A9F056530ECF5F4755D6A9F056530ECF5F4755&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dbackstreet%2527s%2bback%2bvideo%26cvid%3deb48a970b4c84266aea126b15fbb3398%26aqs%3dedge.0.0l5.7392j0j1%26pglt%3d299%26FORM%3dANNTA1%26PC%3dU531
Every time my dad's side of the family meets, someone always ends up shooting a lit roman candle at the rest of the family.
Drugs. And me being sent out of the room on some flimsy excuse even though I’m an adult and know exactly what they are doing.
me having a panic attack because it's 76% toddlers who all want to play with me
Lots of food. Talking about the past and those in the family who have passed away but with fond memories and fun stories.
It depends, just my 2 first cousins grandma and grandpa? If so then pool in the summer. Past august? Big leaf pile. Past October? SNOWBALL FIGHT!
Alternatively it could be my 22 other cousins, more of my uncles and aunts too. Then me and my 2 first cousins have been dragged off by 4 other cousins, and of course we have to give an opinion on mascara.
Oh and I forgot to add that one of my first cousin looks like the boy version of me so we’ve been called “the twins” every time. I’m also 2 inches taller.
My aunts will get drunk and fight, someone will comment how much I’ve grown, and my cousin will demand that I film him throwing baseballs
As soon as everyone is seated at the table and eating (must be eating) the cameras come out. 3 dozen photo albums full of pictures of various gatherings, same kind of food, same people, different houses. Always the same questions when looking at the albums: "When was this? Where was this? Why was this gathering?" Same people always in mid forkful and boarding house reaches.
Photo albums are a thing of the past unfortunately. How many of the pictures that you have snapped digitally have you even looked at afterwards?
We‘re having a real good time and it‘s always fun, especially with family members that rarely meet each other
My Grandma will get drunk and then randomly sneak up behind you to smack you upside the head for no apparent reason. Everybody's automatically flinching when she comes near.
All my aunts have bad hearing so they yell at each other all the time, they are very noisy. My cousins and me used to flock around my uncle who liked playing with us (he doesn't have kids of his own) and is usually quiet but funny. Now all my cousins have bfs/gfs so I chill with my uncle.
Me, Sisters and Nan - laughing, wine & silliness.
Rest of family - mostly disapproval.
1. I drink way too much as an escape.
2. There's lots of loud arguing.
3. If the right combination of family is present, there will be a fist fight at some point.
Quarantine had its good points.
When I was a kid, that was something I’m looking forward to at least once a year. Great and abundance food, a bunch of friends to play with from the moment we opened our eyes till we slept, everybody was sleeping together in a common room, went to recreational places wearing “uniform” clothes, a lot of outdoor picnics. Fast forward to after 30: Nah.
My father's side of the family comes from Brabant, a very outgoing and high-energy part of the Netherlands (generally), so we get loud and slightly obnoxious to anyone not involved. My mom, on the other hand, who comes from a slightly rigid and strict upbringing, cannot handle the noise and secretly very much want to go home but can't get my dad away from his seven brothers, two sisters and about a million nieces and nephews :')
We all play dice until midnight for whatever reason
Ngl tho it's pretty fun. Although meeting friends of extended family always feels new every time like we talked uncomfortably for an hour last time and now it feels like I'm meeting you for the first time again
Everyone gets sick. It's a tradition that's been happening at least since my mom was a kid. She had a family reunion where everyone had the stomach flu and got chicken pox afterwards. As far as I can remember, we've had family gatherings where everyone got pink eye and bronchitis. Once we all prayed no one would get sick during our family gathering, and no one did. But my cousin's got lice. This is a family tradition I hope will end.
Mom's side: REALLY good food courtesy of grandma😋
Dad's side: Lots of packaged food and takeout. Also, someone always gets sick🤢
On my dad's side, someone will probably end up starting a game of dominoes or spades. On my mom's side, there will probably be some sort of argument.
Where's your boyfriend? Many of your friends are already married
Yeah, after years they asked me to focus on school.
Lots of stupid board games (for the kids), talking about coding and such (for some adults), talking about who knows what for everyone else. And usually someone ends up coming late or leaving early.
Our daughter will remind everyone she is a vegan. (We know, that is why there are vegan dishes prepared for you.)
My father-in-law will describe his grand plan for a BBQ/pizza oven in his back yard. The same one he has been planning for at least 10 years.
Some plans are not plans, they are dreams in disguise. Not important to follow through with, but important to have. Mine is building a sailboat and sailing around the world.
my mom and my uncle always get into a hopeless argument about politics and my uncle wins because he's a lawyer.
politics is just a collection of opinions. There is usually no right or wrong.
On one side, dancing, cornhole tournament, tables of games and coloring for kids. Lots of guilt being slung about. Chocolate popcorn, good food.
Other side over-polite dinner conversation, ridiculously bland food.
My family will be late, and then the rest of the family will make sexist/racist/homophobic jokes.
Everyone tells me how tall I have gotten since last time, than we start talking about baseball (and sometimes music)
I get very drunk, my cousin starts a fight with someone, my aunt will smoke inside and my mum and uncle will argue at some point.
I get very drunk, my cousin starts a fight with someone, my aunt will smoke inside and my mum and uncle will argue at some point.