I'd like to know about the creepiest experiences you've ever had.


I was at the central station changing trains pretty late at night after a party at school and a random stranger came up to me saying ”Are you, uhm, Nathalie?” While looking me up and down. I said no. He continues ”Because you are just so incredibly sexy. I was going to have a photosession with her and she has not showed up, maybe you want to come with me instead? My studio is really close up the street.”
I was like, ”Nope sorry, I have a train to catch. Good luck I hope she shows up.”
To this day I am glad that my younger self wanted to go home and read a book instead of following a stranger into the dark. I was 14.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Creepy as f*ck, but what does a 14 year old do alone at night on a trainstation? I know I wasn't allowed to ride a train alone at night at 14 and I live in a country with very low criminal rates but my parrents would always make sure I was picked up by them or followed home together with friends so that no one was alone at night at a trainstation with creepy a*sholes


    I read the Exorcist when I was 16. I plowed through the first half of the book by about 2 am, then tried to go to sleep. I kept hearing things in the attic crawlspace (just like the family did), but I chided myself for scaring myself. Then I head a floorboard creak in the storage room next to my room. I thought to myself, "If one more thing happens, I'm going downstairs to sleep." (Because being downstairs prevents demonic possession, right ?;) ) The next thing I know, it feels like someone gently pressed a thumbtack into the big toe on my right foot. Needless to say, I don't think my feet touched the ground, I went downstairs so fast. Because of that, I remain unpossessed to this day.


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    just a random panda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    maybe you could've been like gaslighting yourself, or whatever else that's called? though I guess a thumbtack in your toe is pretty hard to imagine up!

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    I was sleeping in my room in the apartment I lived in with my boyfriend. I was on the verge of waking up but was still asleep. Suddenly a little boy of about 3 years old was next to me in bed. I knew I was still sleeping, but I was also hearing some noises coming from the living room in my apartment that I knew were real noises and not from my dream. The little boy started saying, "Don't wake up, mommy. Don't wake up yet. Close your eyes." Somehow I stayed asleep until I didn't hear the noises anymore. When I woke up, the whole room looked just like it did while I was asleep, down to the morning sunlight illuminating my entire bedroom. I was supposed to have the bug exterminator come in that day for monthly maintenance. They didn't know I was home because they used a key to come in instead of knocking on my door, which would have woken me up as I'm a very light sleeper.

    Fast forward about ten years and my now almost four year old son looks identical to the boy from my dream. I think he saved me from something bad happening that day.



    Yesterday when I was walking back to my friends house after trick-or-treating, my friends and I stepped inside of a library to warm up when a group of boys walked in (one even brought in his bike) They were talking about a man following them and needed to tell an adult. My friends and I start walking again and a man in front of us was walking weirdly. Y'know when you can TELL they are a serial killer? Yeah, that walk. Anyways we were walking quickly and he seemed to slow down. We walk past him and his face is blacked out. He wasn't showing any skin or showing any part of his face. We cross the street and keep talking about him, he looks at us a few times and almost crosses the street but he doesn't. Instead he goes into an alleyway. We get to my friend's apartment complex and my friend says "Imagine he comes around the-" at that moment he literally came from around the corner. Then he stops at a stop sign and just stands there for a few moments. Then he turns away from us and slowly speeds up to a sprint. I literally thought I was gonna die or be assaulted. Btw I am a 14 year old girl. I told my parents but they said "On halloween?!?!" But he wasn't holding a bag for candy. Also everyone else had already gone home. It was just us.



    I was on vacation in Hawaii two weeks and one day I decided to walk from the rental house to the beach alone (2-3 min walk). I was around 2 block away when I noticed a guy had been trailing me for a while. I come to an intersection and stop to cross the street and all of a sudden he starts speed walking towards me. Not knowing what to do I sprint across the street trying not to get hit by a car and then he yells: “HEY KID” at this point I’m scared out of my mind and I see a girl maybe 3-4 years older than me and yell to her “oh m god I haven’t seen you in so long” and run up to her she thankfully goes along with it and the creepy guys runs off. Then the girl I ran up to called 911 and my parents for me (I didn’t have a phone yet ) and yeah that’s pretty much it



    Visualising this requires knowledge of standard English houses. Anyway, my Nan died and we gained a painting she always had in her lounge. We hung it above the mantlepiece on the chimney breast. So envisage, fireplace, 4 inch deep mantlepiece, china ornaments and clock on the mantlepiece, 3 foot square painting on the chimney breast above. We were eating dinner and heard a bang in the lounge, went in, and the painting hand fallen off the hanger (hook still in wall, string still in one piece) and balanced on a corner, behind the carriage clock, flat against the wall. Nothing damaged. You literally couldn't place it there. I'm no believer in spooky things or afterlives or anything, but it was the creepiest thing. No idea how it got there, or balanced there, or didn't knock anything off.


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    when I was twelve and didn't really know anything about how the world worked, I was camping with my family and heard a noise outside of the two-person tent I was sharing w my little brother, so of course, thinking I was so brave and cool, went to investigate. I didn't see anything at first but then there was like a rustling in the trees and I swear something big and clumsy scuttled off into the forest, making small grunting noises. naturally, I didn't sleep that night.



    I have 2 but I cant rlly decide which one was creepier (I definitely know which one was the worst by far but not creepiest)
    1.) When I was 10, I was walking home at night in the alley, and a red light from the sky shone down upon me, with an electronic "SHWEEEP" sound. I have no Idea what this was. I do believe in aliens AND believe they have visited Earth but I don't think this was that
    2.) so, for context, emotionally im very weak. Last year, when I was 15, in November, I discovered gore videos. The only one I watched in its entirety was "The Russian Brick Incident" which made me soooo sad and angry and two more, one where a woman in Hong Kong was torn in half after getting run over by a garbage truck and one where a man was gored to death by a bull after whipping it (deserved tbh). I also saw a screenshot from the infamous "Funkytown" gore video and also heard an audio-only version and also I read about what happened in detail. With a vivid imagination its almost as if I've seen it. I quickly started getting traumatizing nightmares, and so to avoid them, I avoided sleeping. I would regularly stay up past 4 AM and then wake up at 7:30. Eventually, towards early december, I spent a week of not sleeping until the sun came up (around 6 AM) and waking up at 7:30, and then, as my mind began to deteriorate from the sleep deprivation, I grew intensely paranoid. I was never really sure what exactly I was afraid of, but I kept being extremely scared all the time as if my life was in direct danger for no reason. I was also battling heavy intrusive thoughts. For the last 3 days of this nightmare before getting help, I did not sleep at all. I had my hand gently wrapped around my dog's neck for like 5 minutes before I decided I would not get over this on my own, and had to get help.



    I had an issue with what I now believe was sleep paralysis when I was about eight. It was roughly midnight when (I swear on my life) I saw a skinless red man walk into my room and lean down to my ear and whisper again and again and again "I see you I see you I see you" for three nights in a row. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, and never fully recovered.

    Another time, I was almost snatched by some dude in a Walmart

    I saw a person in our woods and he scared the living sh!t out of me

    And others.


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    Perhaps more strange than creepy, I have two...

    1 - My wife and I both knew the moment both of our children were conceived (and yes, we "practiced" more than twice over the years!). But in both of those instances, we rolled over afterwards, looked at each other, and knew she was pregnant. We had never had that feeling before, and t was extraordinarily weird for both of us.

    2 - I have had flashes of deja vu like occurrences, but once, I was talking to someone I knew but did not normally hang out with, and we were in a place I had never been, and after a bit of a pause, the conversation took a totally different direction. And I suddenly "knew" the next 3 or 4 minutes of the conversation - the setting, what we were wearing, the way the sky looked, the exact words, everything. It was very bizarre.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    according to the internet (Which could be wrong) Deja vu is caused by your brain remembering a dream but your memory doesn't so its a weird feeling because most of your brain remembers it but not your memory.

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    Okay, so this isn't exactly an experience, it's a dream, but god, it was creepy and it messed with my head.

    One night, about 2 or 3 am, I fell asleep and I began dreaming. I was going to visit some relatives and have a little fun event. I got there, hopped out of the car, and changed into my swimsuit because there was a pool with a playground set in it. Me and some cousins hung out for a bit, played, it was great. Then the sky went dark and I saw this beautiful eclipse-like thing that went into the sky and everyone screamed at me to not look at it, but I did anyway. Then I died(?) and an incomprehensible being told me my time here was up and I was put into this purgatory: A mostly empty mirror version of my home with all the doors to the outside either being gone or locked. The outside was white and had low poly trees. I had my phone and stuff and I desperately tried texting and calling my friends, but I just couldn't, like my phone was there to taunt me and bring me to insanity. I eventually got a call from my mom and I cried because I couldn't answer and then I woke up. It might be a bit of a stretch, but I feel like the purgatory thing that happened is what's after death.


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    When I was younger, I was walking on my road, when my neighbor's car drove by. She slowed down to say hi like normal, and then continued on. I didn't notice anything unusual until my mom's car pulled up. My neighbor had seen someone follwing me, and called my mom to come get me. I had no idea.


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    Eric Johnson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's scary! I'm glad that your neighbor was looking out for you. There's all kinds of creeps out there!


    The latest is from today. I thought Samhain might be a good day to talk to the spirits, but I wasn't really in the mood and when I'm tired I shouldn't do this either. Today my husband was playing Xbox and took the mic off and put it on the table. Suddenly the icon of the microphone appeared on the screen and it seemed to hear something even though it was not connected. Apparently someone has something to say, but I'm not a customer service person for the spirits. The last scary thing was when my cat died and months after that I woke up in the night to the familiar pattering of paws and how something jumped on the bed walked over my legs and pressed behind my knees. It felt just like my cat did that. I didn't dare to open my eyes or move but the something seemed to guess my tension because it got up and went around in a circle. I gathered my courage and called it by my cat's name and asked to go to sleep. It landed back pressed against my legs and I fell asleep too. Fortunately, it has now stayed away.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cat, Tommy, would come visit me after he passed. I'd feel the mattress give then he'd lay down in his favorite spot.

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    For this one, you have to know that I used to be anorexic. You also need to know about Linda Laura Hazzard, "The Starvation Doctor", and the Butterworth Mortuary in Pike Place Market. Hazzard was a quack doctor who murdered people by telling them that fasting would cure them of everything. All it really did was cure them of having money and being alive. She's considered to have killed at least 17 people. The old Butterworth Mortuary is considered one of the most haunted buildings in Seattle. At least some of Hazzard's victims were brought there.

    OKAY. Background over. I went on a ghost tour, once, with a friend-of-a-friend. We expected a tour of the Market with stops at many of the local ghosts...we *got* a tour of the old Butterworth Mortuary. On the way home I kept getting this feeling like I was being watched, and saw a reflection in a window of a skinny, really skinny, person that wasn't exactly lining up with the people on the bus. That part, eh, a little weird? But the lights could have been making the reflections weird.

    Got home, told my best friend "I think something followed me". She did a little ritual from her tradition to trick whatever it was into leaving me alone, and told me to wear hematite to bed.

    I did. That night I had a dream that an emaciated woman was looking in my window trying to find me. In the dream I looked down at my hand and one of the rings I was wearing (I went to bed in three of them) was filled with little holes, just...ready to fall apart. Woke up with my heart beating super fast, stayed in bed until full daylight.

    Went to take a bath to try to shake off the eerie feeling and took my rings off (as one does). As I was climbing into the bath I knocked the dish holding my rings off the edge of the bath. Only one ring broke.

    The one that had been covered in holes in my dream.

    I am 100% sure someone followed me because of the anorexia and wanted to take over my life. I do *not* go to Kells anymore.


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    not me but my friends. so, my friend well call her izzy, she was at our other friend, let's call her susan, house. susan was walking izzy home, it was about 8 at night. they start hearing some creepy music, like ice cream truck music. as they're walking, the sound is getting closer and closer. since they had just started walking, they immediately run back to Susan's house and get her dad. her dad said he heard it to. susan's dad walked izzy home with susan and then susan and her dad went home. my friends said it was probably just some baby toy or something someone left out


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    I had a series of dreams predicting my great aunt's death before it actually happened.

    In the first dream, I was in the apartment where my great aunt, grandmother, and another great aunt lived in. My family were all in the living room, talking to the (now deceased) aunt. She had dementia and was bedridden, meaning that it was impossible for anyone to have a conversation with her anymore. But in the dream, she said to me "you've grown so big" and I remember crying and crying so hard that I woke myself up. I've heard about people with dementia and illnesses like that gaining a moment of clarity right before their death, so that's probably why I started crying.

    In dream 2, I dreamt that my mother and I were back at the apartment and clearing everything up. There were several cardboard boxes, and it looked like the house was being abandoned.
    Two days afterwards, my great aunt passed away.


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    In the 80s, when I was 8 or 9 years old, my brother (2 years younger than me) and I were visiting our grandparents for the weekend. They went to go run some errands and dropped us off at a park nearby to play until they got back. This park was on a somewhat side street, built into a hillside, and was walled off so you couldn't see the inside of it from the street. There was a small parking lot, and you entered through an old creaky turnstile in an iron gate from the parking lot.

    At some point while we were playing frisbee, an adult, probably late 20s or early 30s, came in and laid down on a towel or small blanket. I couldn't see him super clearly (turns out I needed glasses but didn't know it until around age 16), but at some point I finally noticed that it looked like he was rubbing his penis (I was far too young to know anything about sex or masturbation).

    After awhile, my brother and I sat down to rest. Soon after, this guy approached us and explained that his girlfriend was mad at him and wasn't talking to him, and then... offered us $50 to rub his penis. I realized that, being the big brother, it was up to me to protect us. Running right away was out of the question, because of what we were sitting on and the fact that he would likely catch one of us, most likely my younger brother, whom I needed to protect.

    I made up a story about our grandparents giving us pretty much whatever we want, and giving us money if we need it (they were generous but not like that, but I wanted nothing to do with this weirdness). He even asked, "Are you sure? That's a lot of money!" Well... true, to me it was a lot of money, but I wouldn't have done it for all the money in the world! I tried as best I could to give him advice (maybe you could try buying her flowers and candy?) and, most importantly, acting calm and not at all as creeped out and terrified as I actually was. I was afraid that if I showed how scared I really was, he would decide to attack us.

    Finally, he gave up, and eventually left the park. Later, when my grandparents arrived to pick us up, I did the hardest thing I'd ever had to do to that point and told them about what happened (my brother was completely silent, both when it happened and when I told our grandparents about it).

    They were aghast! They called the police who came and took a report. Unfortunately, they never caught the guy. But as a result of what happened, the park was finally completely torn down, and rebuilt into a park with open access from the street, basketball courts, and more. To this day, people of all ages frequent the park and it's far more family friendly now. Although it was a creepy and horrible thing that happened, I'm glad that at least something positive came from it.


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    There used to be a strange elderly man in the town where I live. He ran a very small hardly used church, sorry but I can't remember the name. I used to chat to him when I saw him as he was always alone and often looked very sad. One day I stopped when I saw him and we chatted for a while. Then a few weeks later a friend rang and asked if could give a room to a friend of his who's brother had lived in our town but had died. He needed to sort out his belongings etc. We said yes of course. It turns out that this man's brother was the man who used to run the little church. The brother then told us when he had died. It was three days before I had chatted to him. When I thought about it later, I realised that the elderly man hadn't actually spoken to me, just me to him.


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    𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕗𝕗 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕕


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    on three separate occasions, I distinctly heard a voice calling me name that woke me up in the middle of the night when no one else was awake.



    Sitting on the living room couch with my girlfriend at the time, when the temperature in the room suddenly dropped a good ten or fifteen degrees. We both felt it and looked at each other. Glancing around the room, I saw a reflection on the T.V. screen of a light through the hall doorway. I got up and walked over to the door, where I felt a tremendous reluctance to cross the threshold. Steeling myself, I stepped in. As soon as I crossed, the temperature went back to normal and the reluctance vanished. I looked around the hall and found nothing unusual, other than a picture askew on the wall. Telling my girlfriend about it, she asked which picture? A man and a little girl in the forest. Turned out the man was a depressed father who took his daughter camping, killed her, then himself. That was the last picture on the roll of film in his camera when they were found.


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    Natty Tempest
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why did they have that picture in their house if it wasn't anyone they knew?

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    My partner was getting changed when I saw someone behind me. I leant close to the kitchen counter to let them pass... But once they left my peripheral vision... Nothing? Looking around, there is nobody there! My partner was juggling her outfits and hadn't left the bedroom...


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    sleep paralysis. I kept it short and sweet


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    I live in a haunted house. One morning I was procrastinating getting up, and when I finally did, there was a shadow figure staring right at me. It vanished a second later, but I will never forget what I saw.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How much you pay for this haunted house? They still looking for owners? Must be hella lot cheaper than over here in fricking Europe...

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    I was in a really abusive relationship years ago. This was the type of situation where I would leave and he would find me and basically drag me to his car and take off with me. In one of those times he had found me and drove us out into the middle of nowhere. Somewhere off the freeway and onto a dirt road that was far away from any houses. It was late at night too so it was hard for me to even know how to get back to the freeway if I did escape. At this point he said all he wanted to do was talk but I knew better. These were the moments where he became insanely violent and there would be no one around to hear me scream. We were pulled off the side of this dirt road and sitting in silence when his phone got a notification and I took that chance of distraction to jump out of his vehicle and run. It was only moments later he was hot on my tail chasing me down in his suburban. I ran off the road and into the sage brush thinking that would at least slow his down some but all it did was make me trip and stumble because I couldn’t see where I was running unless his headlights were shining in my direction. After many falls and scratches and bumps and bruises I just stopped and decided if he was gonna run me over I might as well get it over with now. He came speeding up to me and slammed on his breaks with the vehicle sliding to me just so that the front bumper barely hit my thighs. I just stood there staring into the front windshield at him making peace with whatever was about to happen to me. He rolled down his window and said please just get in and talk to me. I’m not going to hurt you. If you run I will keep chasing you until I accidentally run you over. I was frozen where I stood. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak. I just stood there. Finally he gets out of the vehicle and walks over to me grabs me by the arm and pulls me to the passenger side of the vehicle and shoves me inside. So we sit there in silence for what felt like an eternity. I’m just waiting for his wrath to come. He looks over at me and raises his right hand like he was going to back hand me and I just started screaming I REBUKE YOU. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I REBUKE. I DEMAND YOU DEVIL TO LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN. I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. I just kept saying it over and over and over until I was hoarse and out of breath. He stared at me for a moment, turned and put the vehicle in drive and drove all the way back to town and dropped me off at the same place he had just snatched me up from without ever saying a word. I’m not a deeply religious person, I’ve never said those words in my life but when he raised his hand to me I had never been more scared in my life and those words just flew out of my mouth like it wasn’t even me that was saying them. I went inside and sat down in the living room of where he dropped me off at and just cried and cried and cried. I felt like I had just given an exorcism. I will never forget the way I felt inside when I was yelling that at him either.


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