Hey Panadas! Describe An Unexpected Compliment From A Stranger That Totally Brightened Your Day!
Receiving a completely unexpected and sincere compliment can be so touching and give you "warm fuzzies."
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Im not sure this counts but I recently met a wonderful (older) gentleman & his lovely wife who were friends of a friend. I knew who they were but had never met them, so I went up to them & introduced myself. We ended up having just this amazing conversation that lasted a good while. Just a kind, fascinating couple. This was last week. So yesterday I saw them again & walked up saying ‘Hello’ with my hand out to shake their hand. He pushed my hand aside saying ‘Oh, enough of that!’ with each giving me a big bear hug. It’s making me all warm & fuzzy even just writing this now!
On my birthday on my way to the store, i ran into some kids from my school. They didn't know it was my birthday at all by the way. They said I looked pretty, and complimented me. So yeah, it made my day
I was complimented when I was on the bus one day for being the only person to be reading a book rather than a phone :)
complments on my tatoos ;)
Someone complemented my sweatshirt (it's a Nine Line hoodie with a distressed American flag on the back) at the grocery store. First time someone I didn't know randomly complemented me.