It can be anything to comfort foods, to favorite places, to your favorite person, to anything that you relate home too!

Please don’t add any addresses on here and NO cyberbullying! If you bully….. ill come after you :)


Well, Home, really..... After 8 hours of the constant anxiety of being at work, Just being home, alone, in my own space..... Take off the outside world and just be me.....
My cat, my music, my little world,my citadel against society....


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just being home, alone, in my own space. - That sound perfect.

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    my room, with the door shut and everything quiet where i can just be there without having to worry about anything.



    Ill go first! The thing I relate to home is RAMEN! Its 100% a comfort food. Also, bubble pop music. Me and my mom plays pop music on every car ride ans its become a tradition. So, if you see a crazy woman and a crazy child blasting bubble pop music in Florida, thats me! :D


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    My bed


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    Home for me is the only safe place I feel, I am a trauma survivor from childhood into my adult life. I was passed from one abuser to the next. Always having to make sure others were happy to keep myself safe, learning to not love myself because my needs didn’t matter. After I got out of my very abusive marriage and not having the normal time to grow and learn who I was like most. I developed hyper vigilance and always had to predict the behavior patterns of others. I can always feel when someone has selfish or ill will intentions towards me. So I never truely felt safe with anyone. I cut out relationships, went no contact with my abusive family and spent the last 3 years just me and my dog, every holiday I am alone. And lonely. But lonely was the only way to be safe. No one could ever love me without wanting something from me, and I just didn’t want to be hurt and retraumatized anymore. So after leaving my second abusive relationship , this time I was introduced to trauma bonding and it was so confusing for me because I was never shown love, just outright disgust, hate etc. so I was caught off guard. I spent a year healing and after two unalive attempts something in me snapped and I decided to heal. During my healing I still dealt with the “not being enough “ hating myself for how I handled my abuse by turning to drugs for awhile (was in recovery but hated myself for having turned to them in the first place)
    Anyway, I met someone, online and from the very first time we talked (which me replying to him was out of character I ignored all incoming attempts from people to get to know me but I replied to him without knowing what he looked like or anything.
    From our first conversation I felt like I wasn’t alone anymore and couldn’t explain it, I also told this man my life story which trust me if I told you. It’s like that one sound on tiktok “horrifying looks from everyone in the room but me” and prior to this I dealt with toxic shame and didn’t leave myself vulnerable to it but I couldn’t stop myself, it was as if my soul was guiding me. And from then on I started to learn to trust him, I never could feel nothing but genuine intentions from him. When I would have intrusive thoughts 💭 whjch would happen when the words and voices of my abusers would override my logical thinking. And I’d self isolate which always is how I handled things because no one ever was there told my hand during rough time, so I had to deal with things alone, so that’s why I learned to isolate. He wouldn’t allow it tho, and when I would go through periods of, not trusting him, and I would lash out, he wouldn’t respond in anger. When I would have an issue, and I bring it up to him, he didn’t attack my character. He did none of the things that people of the past did.
    He provided me a safe place to heal, the survivor mode in me slowly disappeared with him. I slowly started talking about my day, fears, things I had to keep to myself and had trouble communicating because of that for so long I was finally relearning how to love myself, how to talk about things without fear of being lashed out at for having feelings in the first place.

    And while he is 7000 miles away he is my home. And because of his nature , his demeanor, his unconditional love I’ve been given a safe place to learn who I am and come to find out, I am nothing like they made me believe. I am so much better, my moral compass is always my guide, I have integrity like no one I’ve met before, my love for others is without selfish intention. I was surrounded by toxic and raised by narcissists who knew since I was a child that I was different so they tried to keep me from finding my truth.

    Hopefully soon I’ll go home I just need a little more money I have to save but now I am working a great job, moved to another state, me and my dog are renting a room and when I get back from seeing him I’ll try to save to hire a divorce attorney to divorce my abuser , I haven’t seen him since 2016 and I was forced to be with him when I was 14 until I was 38 when I finally left. So I am behind in life because when most are going to high school I was trying to survive being made to believe I owed this man for saving me, when it was never my choice.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You've lived my life. I just sent my 'home' your letter. Mine is 9000 miles away. Closer to me than anybody except my dogs. My all. Your letter sent shivers down my spine. I wish u nothing but happiness and peace

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    My bathroom, bed and kitchen feel more home than home. My bathroom is the only place I can have peace and quiet.


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    Home to me feels like having one arm around my daughter and my other arm around my other daughter, holding them and hugging them. One is 26. The other 17. They are my world and always will be.


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    Dunghutti Country. My people have cared for it since time immemorial, my ancestors are there and when I'm there I feel like I belong


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    Wren Hard
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good for you. This is partly the reason I have to get out of Australia.


    Home is wherever my wife and my Bulldog are. With them, I'm complete and comfortable. Be it here in our apartement or on travels. If work and/or money wouldn't be an issue then I'd love to be in the Scottish Highlands with them, some place green, quiet and remote. Or in Hua Hin (THA). If possible, both. So I can travel between cool and hot climate :)



    My house, library, comic shop, Barnes and noble, the movies.


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    Heathers the musical or newsies :) I love musicals


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    omg if you like those, I will recommend you Legally Blonde the musical. You can watch it on YouTube! here's the link:


    The dark, most of the time alone, so I can imagine easier and have my thoughts to think about. I have social anxiety disorder so this helps a lot, especially because i have sleep paralysis and its hard to fall asleep, I like to daydream by emptying my mind and putting myself into my own scenes or reenacting previous ones. It has the same effect on me as sleeping does, I barely ever sleep and usually only for like an hour or so, but these little daydreams recharge my brain the same way even if its not completely shut down. sorry for the little "zen" moment here


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    Music is my home really. I listen to music at night to drown out my anxious and depressive thoughts. Those thoughts are the worst and I can almost never escape them. Music is one of the few things that helps me currently.

    Cats in my lap is also home. It makes me so unbelievably happy, an emotion I don't feel too often. When our new kitten laid in my lap for the first time after coming home, I almost cried. She trusts me so much and I really appreciate it


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    Home for me is ... leaving work, getting home and putting my comfy clothes on (& removing my bra). I'm a classic introvert. I just want to be home alone with my cats and chilling, reading a good book, maybe looking at BP or reddit, occasionally watching TV. I work in Healthcare so I feel like I "give" everyday all day at work and just need to recharge in my own space at home.


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    ok my Mom, sushi, and the song feel it steel

    461 rainbowtootieshoe lane

    jk im glad u say NO cyberbullying then ill come after you smiley lol


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    The songs "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman and "Casey Jones" by Grateful Dead.
    "Fast Car" makes me think of long nights in the car with my mom, just driving around aimlessly because we didn't have money for much else. She roll down all the windows and blast it from the speakers and we'd just cruise.
    "Casey Jones" makes me think of weekend mornings with my dad, singing along while we made breakfast together or worked on a puzzle.
    Whenever I hear one or the other, I immediately think of them.



    Lake Michigan. 💙


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    Grand Admiral Thrawn
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES. My grandparents live on Lake Michigan and I still go there for 2 weeks to a month every summer.


    I love being in the bathroom (without windows) and turning off all the lights and sitting in silence when my family isn’t home. But not in tight spaces where it’s so quiet you hear that noise that I don’t know what it’s caused by idk


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    Home to me is being in my room alone drawing characters and reading books and staying away from people.


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    Where you are loved and accepted for who you are.


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    Being in the ocean or surrounded by water… it’s glorious



    This is gonna sound a bit strange and nerdy, but it’s because of my multiple mental health issues and disability’s, and I accept that no one is going to completely understand. For me, home is being in the mountains with no one around, and walking on the beach after dark. the smell of trees in meadows in fall, being in the forest at dusk. Snuggled in with all the dogs in the house during holidays. That one time an owl landed on me (real story) All these little times where I feel like a part of nature, of something bigger than me, like I could just sink in to the floor and stay there forever. When I was little I used to sit in the forest so much that a few of the deer decided I wasn’t a threat and would sort of just hang out 15 feet from me. Plants and animals have always been their for me, and understood me, even when no one else was. Please excuse me waxing philisophical, as I’ve been awake for 18 hours now,


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    My grandparents swing at sunset in summer. In the background the sounds of my siblings and cousins playing around the garage, in the air the smell of my grandpa working at the grill. Adults laughter from the kitchen, floating through the kitchen window to the backyard. It's like the perfect scene from a book, but it's my story...


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    Not being around people and also good food. Plus video games and streaming services to play my favorite games and watch my favorite shows and movies.


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    Anywhere which has a room full of books.


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    My girlfriend. I’ve struggled with insomnia my whole life, but sharing a bed with her is so perfect and peaceful that I fall asleep and stay asleep. I love her more than anything else in the world!


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    Sleep away camp

    Off topic: How do you make an Ask Pandas?


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    When I'm really comfortable walking in the dark


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    Spending time with my husband and my dog in our pajamas in bed watching sitcom reruns we have memorized but just want to watch them again to spend time together


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    Anywhere with my man.


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    if I live in it


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