Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What’s The Worst Homophobia Or Transphobia You’ve Witnessed Or Experienced?
I made this to vent, and you're most welcome to as well (as long as you're respectful and not prejudiced, thanks :))
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Okay, so: My choir teacher, the sweetest most amazing person ever, put up a sign that said Protect Trans Kids in her classroom. One day, it was gone, and I guess someone had torn it down. That night, I stayed up until 11 making a new one with the trans flag and the progress flag, and I had it say Protect Trans (& Nonbinary) Kids. It stayed up for a few weeks until last night. So, last night was closing night for the play I was in, and I walked into the choir room and IT WAS GONE. Bear in mind that theatre is a very accepting community and a safe space for LGBTQ+ people. I was horrified. I found it in the trash can, ripped to pieces. I asked people if they had seen who took it down, until one girl, who I was friends with, declared "I took it down" like she was proud of it or something!!!! WTF??!! I was furious. I can't even describe how much I hated her in that moment. Do you want to know why she took it down? It's because it was right under a sign that said 'God is safe and He is love.' THE DAY BEFORE THIS HAPPENED, SHE LITERALLY WROTE 'HE LOVES ALL' ON THE WHITEBOARD!!!!! WTFFFFFF!!!!!!! I stormed out of the choir room and yes, I may have said she was a b*tch, but not to her face anyways, and I think I was justified? Anyways, my best friend was trying to defend her and I was so pissed like how can you stay friends with someone who could do something like that?? I burst into tears and sobbed for most of the show. Also, some people from the production wrote stuff like 'Love is love, repect everyone' on sticky notes and put it where the sign used to be. I can't believe someone would just rip it down like that. It f*cking hurts. I took that opportunity to come out to my mom.
Be nice, everyone.
Worst Joke Ever, it's an extremely toxic website and it is the definition of hate speech, if you aren't a bully they will insult you, wish death upon you, and bully you to the point of suicide, the trolls that are currently harrassing us are from there.
Remember that the thing trolls care most about is hurting others, the stuff that they say is rarely the truth.
I was reading Worst Jokes Ever and they are going spam this post. Please don't interact with them!just downvote and report. They want us to reply and fight. Don't feed the trolls!!
Hey, do you mind explaining what Worst Jokes Ever is? Is this a website or something?
I'm back from my lil break :)
Someone told me to kill myself and that I don't deserve to live because I'm trans, I think that counts...?
some of the submissions to this post. Absolutely unacceptable and bordering on hate speech TBH.
Idk if this would be considered as such but a friend texted me “straight pride” once and it made me uncomfortable as LGBTQ+ individuals have had (and still have to in 2023) to fight for their rights while cishet individuals always have their rights heard no matter how bad it is (trump, musk, desantis,)
BP: Given the amount of trolling already on this post, I am hoping there will be some major checking of accounts.
BP: Given the amount of trolling already on this post, I am hoping there will be some major checking of accounts.