Mine is, I say, “oh I’m gay so they aren’t attractive ” so they say “Well I'm not, so don’t go crushing on me”.
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I see a lot of people say asexuality isn't real and I've been told I just haven't found the right person yet. Like, that's not how it works. Finding the "right person" won't make me any less sexually attracted to people or any less sex-repulsed.
when someone lies about their sexuality, gender, or pronouns for clout. you can’t say you’re bi if you are actually straight
True but a bisexual male can date a woman and still be bi. It’s if their really faking it when it’s bad.
All the gatekeeping and infighting. Labels mean slightly different things to different people.
Some people are pan because it's inclusive of nonbinary people, but that doesn't mean all bi people think there's only 2 genders.
You can be ace and sëx repulsed, or you can be fine with it or even enjoy it but not experience that kind of attraction. You can be someone who enjoys sëx and doesn't feel attraction but not identify as ace because it doesn't feel right for you.
You can be trans with different levels of physical and social dysphoria.
You can be whatever feels right.
Some of this community needs to understand that people using nounself pronouns aren't the reason we're oppressed, bigoted cishet people are.
ItS jUsT a PhAsE.
I also hate it when people say the wrong pronouns right to my face.
Probably when people lable themselves. I'm still questioning and I don't think I'll figure out who I'm attracted to for a while. It's not a one day you wake up and you decide you're bi. It's a process and a lot of people don't get that
for real. it took me months to figure it out and im still not completely sure
People (mostly men) assuming that bisexual is synonymous with promiscuous. Just because I do not base my sexual attraction on a specific gender does NOT mean that I will have sex with any and everybody nor does it make me incapable of fidelity. I'm in a committed relationship and so many people assume that since I am bisexual, I'm going to just have sex with them.
This a really annoying misconception. By the logic that pan=likes everyone, then straight=only likes one person ever
When your parents think that you being trans is just a phase, and assuming that you’re gender-fluid, I’m just going to wait to see what the look on my mom’s face when my report card says my new name, and I don’t care what she has to say about that, because I changed, and I’m not changing back to my old self.
congrats on getting your new name on your report card! I'm not trans, just a cis female over here, but I'm pretty sure at my school the parents have to like sign off on the change? it's weird
I hate the idea that straight/cis folk can’t be a pride festivals. You can be Straight and Trans, Straight and Ace/Aro, Straight and Poly… same with Cis. I understand the idea that ally’s don’t have two much place at pride (I myself feel that they are completely welcome) but the LGBTQAI+ community should know better then anyone that identity is a complicated matter
Yes it’s annoying when fellow lgbtq+ people basically gatekeep pride , like, do you want people to support us or not? plus pride is fun :p
Lesbian does not mean woman attracted to women, it’s close but not exactly. A lesbian means a non man attracted to non men. So for example a non-binary person can be a lesbian. A woman can be a lesbian of course, yet she has to be attracted to non men, not exclusively women. This goes the same with gay men too.
Non-binary people can use binary pronouns. Non-binary also does not mean gender less. It means to not fit into the gender binary. Agender means to not have a gender.
I am bisexual and I am often told that bisexuxal people cannot be faithful to a partner because they will always be attracted to other men and women. As if heterosexual and homosexual people aren't often attracted to someone else. I also hate being asked why I don't just choose to be gay or straight and that I should just make up my mind and that dating a woman does not mean I have become straight or dating a guy does not mean that I am now gay.
The “what are you” question always gets me. I’m not an animal, nor am I an unidentified species related to crocodiles. I’m a f****** abrosexual human and honestly don’t know “what” I am in terms of gender or sex. So like, back the h*** off.
hey this is coming from someone with a lot of trans and non binary friends, I sometimes ask that question out of habit and I don't mean anything mean by it. I'll normally fix it. I've had people get offended by me asking their pronouns, so I try to find a better way to say it without being rude. If you could tell me some better ways to ask that'd be amazing!
When people act like LGBTQ people make it their whole personality that they are gay. Mayyybbeeee if you think that is somebody's entire personality, you don't know them well enough! Also, people don't tell straight people that being straight is their entire personality. Idk. correct me if I'm wrong. would love to hear some opinions on this.
alot of the time if somebody seems to talk about being queer constantly during school. its because they cant at home, or because their used to people only seeing them as that and refusing to look past it, causing them to belive that its the post prominent thing about them.
I'm gender fluid, and what really ticks me off is when people will say, "It's fine if a woman feels masculine and wants to dress masculine, I just don't agree with changing your pronouns. You'll always be a girl."
Like, b*tch, I already know that I will always have boobs, but that doesn't mean that I can't identify as a guy.
Also, "not agreeing" with changing pronouns is transphobic, it annoys me so much when people say they aren't transphobic and then use the "I just don't agree with it" card.
8th gradeers saying they're poly. B***H YOU'RE LIKE 8 WAIT TILL AFTER HIGHSCHOOL FOR THAT S**T. I mean if you know fine by me WHNE YOU'RE OLDER. If you're in highschool or younger, you're either doing it to DO it and not get in trouble, or your weird no offense but this is just in highschool I'm talking about so please don't take offense if you are an adult polyamorus person.
i dont fully understand how being a highschooler makes them invalid? people can know that their monogamous by 17 so why not poly?
ppl who headcanon thereself as lesbian
It wasn't even the right "their"
Load More Replies... I'm gender fluid, and what really ticks me off is when people will say, "It's fine if a woman feels masculine and wants to dress masculine, I just don't agree with changing your pronouns. You'll always be a girl."
Like, b*tch, I already know that I will always have boobs, but that doesn't mean that I can't identify as a guy.
Also, "not agreeing" with changing pronouns is transphobic, it annoys me so much when people say they aren't transphobic and then use the "I just don't agree with it" card.
Not really a pet peeve of mine but sometimes I think about making a 3D chart for sexual orientations and making the x,y, and z planes different orientations. Instead of labels there would be your “co-ordinates”. In practice it might not be the best, but in principle it sound pretty cool
Idk this may be weird, but I don't like when I say I'm pan and then people are like, "what's that? Do u mean ur bisexual?" No I am not bi I am PAN pls say the right thing
My pet peeve is when people gatekeep others and deny several identities such as asexual, aromantic etc.
My pet peeve is people taking their animals to pride. Like no don't do that ,this leads to them getting stressed.
Dont get me wrong, I love joking with some of my close friends abt lgbtq stuff from time to time. BUT, when it is all jokes and following the whole “slay queen girypop lgbt person” stereotype for laughs all the dang time just kinda makes me uncomfortable. Not because i think those people are weirdos or anything, just a bit annoying.
Idk this may be weird, but I don't like when I say I'm pan and then people are like, "what's that? Do u mean ur bisexual?" No I am not bi I am PAN pls say the right thing
My pet peeve is when people gatekeep others and deny several identities such as asexual, aromantic etc.
My pet peeve is people taking their animals to pride. Like no don't do that ,this leads to them getting stressed.
Dont get me wrong, I love joking with some of my close friends abt lgbtq stuff from time to time. BUT, when it is all jokes and following the whole “slay queen girypop lgbt person” stereotype for laughs all the dang time just kinda makes me uncomfortable. Not because i think those people are weirdos or anything, just a bit annoying.