If you're the "crazy ex", what's your side of the story? What made your partner dub you "crazy ex girl/boyfriend?


We got together very fast and he was nice, handsome and very caring. I didn't notice all the red flags a I grew up with a narcisistic mother and that kind of "love" was what I was used to.
He manipulated me from the beginning. He was controlling, he forbid me to wear short clothes, lipstick, curly hair, colored hair, short hair. He never said "I forbid it", he just said things like "I think I wouldn't find you sexually attractive anymore" or "My ex always wanted this, I thought you were different" or "My mother thinks red lipstick looks very s*****". When I said I don't like a shirt with a naked woman on it that much he got upset and told me I was controlling.

Everything I did or liked was questioned. I like reading, being creative, baking, etc. He always told me that was nothing worthy, I should rather learn something useful.
When I met Guyfriends he always made a scene, wrote messages every few minutes, was furious when I did not answer immediatly. If did that, bc thats what I learned was okay, he blew up telling me that was controlling and he needed his freedom.When I asked for more time bc he learned so much he got upset bc I "can't tell him what he has to do".

He didn't like my taste in music, in movies. So we only watched his movies, listened to his music. When I didn't laugh or said I liked it he got upset. "I thought we liked the same things. Seems like I was wrong. That was why my ex and I broke up." and then he punished me with silence.

He knew everything better. He always had to have the better things. I bought a new car? He got a better one. I bought a ne subwoofer? he got a better one. etc.

I could never make a decision without him, he always had a say in everything.

I was very(!) fit at that time. Had european size 34 to 36 at that time. He always told me to eat less, to make sports (I did. 3 to 5 times a week).

He often told me I was overdramatic. That I was mentally ill, I should get help. when I talked to someone about things he got mad. He told me I would make him look mean when in fact it was me who was wrong. When I wanted to go to a therapist he shut me down. I just needed to do sports.

Once he trew something in my direction. I got scared as it triggered me to a Childhoodtrauma. He got even more mad when he saw that I was scared and screamed what I would think of him.
I NEVER could say "no". To anything.. if you know what I mean..
He met his ex and other girls. I found out after, he lied about it. (He's going to marry one of them this year.)
He would always start a fight and blame me. provoke me till i cried and got louder bc he was just so unfair and I felt manipulated. I eventually believed him that it was all my fault.

There's a lot more. I got a list with everything that i remember and it is a very very long list. But in the end it doesn't matter. I'm the crazy ex who forbid him to see girls, who cried and screamed, who never seemed to fit in, who was controlling and jealous. And everybody believed him.



    I’m not going to lie, I was not nice to my ex. I cheated, I was rude, I’d pick fights. BUT. I was never dishonest. The second I’d cheat, I’d tell him. I attempted to break up with him numerous times, but he just wouldn’t let it happen. I didn’t want to be in the relationship, so I acted as such. I might’ve been a bad girlfriend, but I directly told him I didn’t want to be with him for like a year; he just always made me feel bad for leaving so I’d stay.


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    Mr. Clean
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i'm glad you managed to break up with him, sorry you had to go to those great lengths.

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    So my first real relationship started in 4th grade (last quarter of the year) and lasted till near the end of 6th grade. Long time. At the time I will definitely say I was a "little kid", but I was super smart. (Not saying your not, I just was GT, and working on upper level work in free time because I would finish my stuff so quickly).
    Well he sent his friend to tell me that he liked me and that he wanted to date me, and well I told his friend "yes". I mean, red flag🚩, he sent HIS FRIEND to "propose". But I didn't care, I was thinking I was older and already mature. I was now able to tell somebody everything about my self, I was truly in love.
    We never kissed, just hugged and held hands. We would talk and talk and talk! I mean like over even the smallest things. (This was a big deal for me because I barely talked to anyone)
    Anyway we had the summer of 5th grade we still hung out, not as much (He lived down the street.) As soon as 6th grade started we just didn't hang out. (My parents did not like the school we went to so we had to move schools.) I put in effort though, but it felt like he could never come out, when he did he would leave in a short amount of time. Meanwhile he never tried coming over to my house, call, or text. I was so confused and lost. I still loved him, my sisters didn't though, they thought he was awful. (Oh! Did I mention he was not the best behaved. He cussed, would make fun of certain people he didn't like, and would make inappropriate comments[mean]. I however didn't mind because I told him not to make fun of people, so he stopped that and actually became friends with some of the people he had made fun of. [Although that kid got kicked out and put in a different school:(] )
    So let's finish this quick. In the ending area of 6th frame while getting off the bus he came up to me and told me that "Mason said we technically are not together anymore because we don't see each other any more". I was butt hurt. I went home and cried in the kitchen for a whole 30 minutes. All the sadness had already ran away, and all that was left was anger. I texted him voice clips about all the ways I tried, and all the ways he was wrong, and how his breakup made me feel. He never really talked to me after that, and I never talked to him.
    But in the end I did try, I texted him I over reacted and I was sorry. But I don't plan on dating till I'm 26-28 so I'm 100% mentally ready!


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry I did not realize how long this is, and how much auto correct screwed my grammer.


    I don't know if he call's me crazy or not but I wouldn't put it past him. He and I knew each other from the time we were 13 and were engaged at one point. It was on and off communication after I broke off the engagement, but we were never together in a relationship after the engagement broke off - that's an important point.

    I was going through a rough patch in life and we had re-connected again. I was thankful for it because he was always someone I thought I could talk to. His fiancé at the time knew who I was and had no issue with me talking to him - I talked to her all the time too. Before I knew it they were trying to bring me into their relationship and I told them I wasn't interested in a Poly-relationship. Not against anyone who is, I just didn't like some of the stuff they were into and he basically created his own hybrid religion he was trying to attract others too.

    Those two broke up and I kept talking to him for a while longer until he started getting really weird. Making comments like me being a good mother for his children or about me moving across the U.S. for him - I had never encouraged any of that and had told him numerous times I wasn't moving anywhere. We finally got into one night because he was telling me we were supposed to be together. I had told him no and said this time we needed to stop talking for good. He then proceeded to call me 'crazy' and tell me he was glad he had never introduced his kids to me. So yeah. I'm probably on the list of his 'crazy' ex's.



    He called me his gf in 3rd grade and then I texted him “hi baby 🥰” 2 years later.
    Turns out he thought we broke up minutes after we got together.


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    Mr. Clean
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    haha, when little kids think they're "a big kid", you see a lot of drama, lol


    I was fifteen. so was she. her dad was a complete drunkard, and her mother was... actually, I don't think I even had time to meet her mother. anyway, she was also catholic. as a prodistent, that is a big problem. not just because of beliefs, but also because Catholics just don't treat us nice, not the ones I've seen anyway. so, it's all well and good, because I thought for sure the nerdiest girl in class could never betray me. I mean, I was the nerdiest kid in the school. as time goes on, (a week passed) she starts demanding my constant attention. I tell her that that isn't how it works, and I am a very busy person (which is true). This may make me seem like I was in the wrong here, but my idea of dating is not at all romantic, and she didn't get that. I thought I was just getting to know her better, but she thought we were already married. turns, I already knew her. and soon enough, I decided that she wasn't the one for me. and I dumped her. this is where it starts. she was always more dramatic than me, partly because her gossiping family members always lied to her to make me the bad guy. but she never cried about it or yelled at me, so I thought she was okay with it. but then she texts my parents... oooh boy. what I said was, "this relationship with you got me out of a rut. If I wasn't dating you, I would have committed suicide" it was one of the first things I said to her to affirm the relationship. what she said to my parents, is that I was only dating her out of a desperate need for some sort of sexual fulfillment. long, long story short, my parents ended my social life. but I still have other girls to date, right? wrong, because she also told them all the same sob story. so now EVERY SINGLE CHICK in the WHOLE SCHOOL thinks I'm a rapist or something. great, huh? I can't wait to graduate and leave these freaks. she may not have hurt me directly, but she found the only way to crush me. I only stay alive out of spite for people like her.


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    Madeleine Flowers
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I hope that soon enough I'll be seeing you answer on the pages asking if you've ever secretly gotten revenge on anyone.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My boyfriend said I was to rude because I took used the tv for a hour and him and me love anime but I wasn’t watching his fav anime so he left and now I’m depressed but I got him back thankfully 😅 and yes I’m 🏳️‍🌈


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry the 1 question marks were supposed to be a happy face fyi and the 2 one was also

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