Hey Asexual Pandas, What Were People’s Reactions When You Told Them You Were Ace? (Closed)
It's all in the title.
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I don't usually go around telling people I'm A-sexual. It does make it awkward in relationships. I feel pressured to make my boyfriend feel good by telling him his body turns me on. Not saying I don't like his body. I'm just not into sex and don't feel sexualized seeing his body.
Told my friends over online message during deep COVID. Most of their responses were "Oh that explains a lot" or "what the f*ck does that mean"
Tried to tell one friend, got super flustered and she was just like "You'll meet someone eventually". Otherwise closeted :). Although if you guys have any ideas for coming out, I'd be glad to hear them!!
Not sure how to/if I can update the post so im commenting, but if you care to know . . . there is a new kid at my school who is VERY gay (every other word that comes out of their mouth is gay) and they were talking to me and my friends, guessing who at the school was gay (it's a Catholic school, no one talks about it). He got to me and my friends were like okayyy are you?? ARE YOU??? And I was like "I'm aroace, I'm not explaining it, if you know you know." and the kid just nodded like okay. One of the friends is the one I tried coming out to, one is maybe bi, and the other one is maybe a little homophobic.
I've never told anyone... can't be bothered explaining it to people. it's just how i am...
Just wondering if you're in a relationship would this not come up when you feel no sexual attraction to them? Obviously your choice not to share this info and sorry if the question is judgemental or intrusive, my sister is asexual so trying to understand as much as possible. I'm bisexual so she says I'm the exact opposite of her, I love everyone ,,,,🙄 clearly misunderstanding from both of us!
Told to one of my best friends- they were like "maybe you havent found the right person?" But I explained that what they said was a bit homophobic and they were like "oh ok" and were very accepting
a mix between, "Your still pretty young, how do you know?" "Oh! me too!" "You should be at your age" and "What's that?"
Friends are mostly queer so they were cool with it- can't really remember it honestly my parents said I'm too young and that it's normal for someone my age...
" oh youre gay? Ok"
I consistently get told "just wait until you're in your 30s and married with 3 kids, you'll laugh at yourself" or other c**p like that
Ok just to start I'm ether ace or demi sexual but I told someone and they went "so you just realized?"
basically "but you're still so young!" and "how did you even find out about that concept?"
Quote from my friend: "I'm gay, but I can hate people with you." (I'm aro/ace by the way, so I do hate everyone.)
“I think you’re a little too young to be sure, but whatever makes you happy right now.” -My aggressively liberal, social justice warrior mother.
Quote from my friend: "I'm gay, but I can hate people with you." (I'm aro/ace by the way, so I do hate everyone.)
“I think you’re a little too young to be sure, but whatever makes you happy right now.” -My aggressively liberal, social justice warrior mother.