Man Refuses To Help Working-Mom Wife With Household Chores Until She Picks Up After Herself
Interview With ExpertSome people just can’t seem to read the room. It’s like they have a knack for saying the worst thing at the worst possible time. Sometimes, instead of offering support, people just end up adding fuel to the fire, quickly turning a well-meaning moment into a full-blown family drama.
That’s exactly what happened when one Redditor decided to make an unhelpful comment just as his overwhelmed wife was looking for a bit of compassion.
More info: Reddit
Working wife and mom feels overwhelmed by house chores, tries to talk to her husband about it but he brushes it off saying he’ll do the dishes when she picks up after herself
Image credits: Tony Schnagl (not the actual photo)
Both the wife and the husband have full-time jobs plus an infant baby, but the husband thinks his wife is too messy and doesn’t shy away from letting her know
Image credits: Keenan Constance (not the actual photo)
The wife takes a week off work to take care of the baby when the daycare is closed, but struggles with maintaining a clean house while looking after the baby
Image credits: u/Distinct_Papaya_8608
The overwhelmed wife has a meltdown in front of her husband, but he tells her that the messiness issues would be solved is she “just picked up after herself”
The OP (original poster), a hardworking dad, was married to an equally industrious woman, both holding down demanding jobs. He was clocking in 12-hour shifts while she managed 8-hour ones, all while taking care of their adorable one-year-old daughter. Sounds like a modern-day super couple, right? But here’s where things get a little dicey.
During the day, while both parents were at work, their daughter was spending her time at daycare. But, as her provider was out sick for a while, mom had to take a whole week off work to take care of the baby. Meanwhile, dad stepped up and worked an extra day to cover the financial gap. What a hero, right? Not so fast.
Despite dad’s extra efforts, mom was still feeling the heat. We get it, juggling a toddler, house chores, and everything in between can be a real pressure cooker. When dad noticed his wife was looking stressed out, he asked what was wrong and her emotional floodgates opened.
She told her husband that she was struggling with balancing work, the baby, and keeping their home from looking like a Turkish bazaar. And here’s where dad might’ve stepped on a landmine. He calmly explained that cutting back his work hours wasn’t an option, as they needed the income.
Instead, he suggested a solution: if she could just tidy up after herself a bit more, he’d handle the dishes. We’re guessing that seemed logical to him at that time.
His wife, however, didn’t seem too thrilled with this housekeeping proposal and became visibly upset. Dad, thinking he did nothing wrong, asked his coworker for some validation. He shared the incident with him, only to be slapped with a “You’re a jerk” and the Reddit community agreed, voting him the A-hole. Yikes!
Image credits: Karolina Kaboompics (not the actual photo)
This little drama got us thinking about how times have changed since the days of strictly defined gender roles. Sometimes, old habits die hard, and navigating modern expectations can be trickier than expected.
Traditional gender roles have been around for ages, like an old-fashioned script that casts men as the breadwinners and women as the homemakers. Back in the day, it was almost as if society handed out job descriptions at birth: guys got the outside tasks like hunting and building, while women handled the inside gigs like cooking and cleaning.
However, over time, this setup got a major rewrite thanks to social changes, evolving towards a more balanced and modern take on household roles. In cases where both partners have full-time jobs plus kids, sharing household chores fairly is very important for maintaining harmony in a relationship.
According to experts, “When you or your partner are unhappy about the allocation of household chores, the stress level in your home can increase tremendously. Researchers have found that the unequal distribution of housework is one of the top stressors in many relationships.”
Now, we’re not saying our dad was not helping his wife around the house, but maybe he could have been a bit more sensitive about her feelings. It would have probably been a good idea if he just did the dishes without commenting on her “messiness” and invalidating her emotions.
Marriage counselors explain that emotional invalidation is often the main cause of many relationship problems, whether it’s feeling disconnected from your partner or constantly arguing. What’s surprising is that many of us aren’t even aware when we’re invalidating our partners’ feelings.
To find out more on this topic, Bored Panda reached out to Dr. Carla Marie Manly, clinical psychologist, podcast host and author of “The Joy of Imperfect Love”. She told us that emotional validation is basically the foundation of any healthy relationship. When it’s there, partners feel noticed, understood, and loved. It helps them feel closer and more secure with each other. But when emotional validation is missing, real intimacy and connection just can’t grow.
We asked Dr. Manly to name some subtle ways partners might unintentionally invalidate each other’s feelings. She told us that “Partners may unconsciously invalidate each other’s feelings with subtle body language such as looking away, eye rolling, or grimacing. Partners who are less emotionally aware may unintentionally discount a partner’s feelings with statements such as, ‘You shouldn’t feel that way,’ or ‘You’re too sensitive.’ As well, many people who are uncomfortable with their emotional world ignore their partner’s emotions; this often-unconscious defense mechanism is an extremely common form of emotional invalidation,” Manly explained.
We wanted to know what strategies couples can use to validate each other’s feelings during disagreements. Dr. Manly explained that when couples practice emotional validation on everyday, low-key topics, it becomes easier for them to validate each other’s feelings during more stressful moments, like disagreements. Since it takes time for new habits to become ingrained, it’s normal for partners to struggle a bit as they build healthier ways of interacting.
“Like any new habit, learning to validate a partner’s feelings will take time, empathy, and patience. When a partner forgets to offer emotional validation, it’s important to allow for ‘re-dos.’ This strategy gives partners a chance to call out when they’re not feeling validated, and it gives the other partner the opportunity to pause, ask for a re-do, get attuned to the partner, and then offer healthy validation,” Manly explained.
What’s your take on this story? Do you think our dad was a jerk for offering to do the dishes if his wife picked up more after herself? Let us know in the comments.
Netizens say the man is a jerk for telling his wife he will do the dishes when she starts being less messy
Image credits: MART PRODUCTION (not the actual photo)
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How do you feel about the husband's reaction to his wife expressing her stress?
Sounds like she is already a single parent while married. And he'll be surprised when she brings up divorce.
And then when his daughter (who he goes days without seeing) prefers his mother, he'll tell everyone his ex turned his daughter against him.
This man is absolutely clueless! Working, cleaning and taking care of a baby is majority of the work and a lot harder than his job!
Sounds like she is already a single parent while married. And he'll be surprised when she brings up divorce.
And then when his daughter (who he goes days without seeing) prefers his mother, he'll tell everyone his ex turned his daughter against him.
This man is absolutely clueless! Working, cleaning and taking care of a baby is majority of the work and a lot harder than his job!