Hello My Dudes And Non Dudes, I Need Help Picking A Name
so as you possibly know im genderfluid, i tend to swap between being pretty masculine and pretty feminine and daniel isnt really a name that looks right when im on the feminine side of things so i wanted a gender neutral name to use overall. the choices i came up with are Hayden, Ash, and Jordan, although im open for recomendations
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thanks everyone for responding, i currently cant respond via comments as my account needs to be approved due to me changing the pronouns in my user but thats alright
You're welcome! For some reason when I change my bio or account name, I can immediately comment. Also, I think Jordan really suits you! :)
I think Jordan suits you. I’ve always liked Jayden, Rowan, and Riley. Ones that start with D that I liked(in case you want your new name to be similar to your birth name) are Dylan, Devon, and Demi. Good luck with finding a name!
thanks jordan is my favorite actually and those are good ones too
Jordan is the name of a friend of mine and he's one of the best people I know, so I'd recommend that one. It's a great gender neutral name. Hayden is also really nice but it's more masculine (they all are, but Hayden specifically). Avery is also a good gender neutral name that I personally really like and think would suit you
Jordan suits you well in my opinion :). But I do have some names (I think) are gender neutral: Olive/Oliver, Alex, Scout, Finn, Jaiden, Tess/Tessa, Owen, Cameron/Cam, Orchid, Garrett, (Hayden as mentioned in other posts), Austin/Aussie, Cassie, Zachary.
Sorry if these choices aren’t the best!
those are all very nice, only one i dont like is austin as i have a not good history with an austin
Jordan fits you really well!! Others I've heard are Kai, Jayce (opens up possiblity of a neutral nickname as well), Leo. Jordan is really good though
Honestly, I feel like Hayden might be nice. I considered it when I was changing who I was known as. I decided on Darcy for myself. Whatever you feel comfortable with, bro! Best of luck. Also you x bee are rly cute
I really like Jordan for you! But i’m gonna call you the rus variant, Иордания! (Iordania)
Maybe Alex or Jamie
hey, i saw your bio, alright man, im not gonna tell you what to do, but i do want to try and help. listen, what do you want to get one day, it can be anything, think about it, think about how happy you would you be if you got it. think about what you want to do with your life, think about what goals you want to achieve, think about how great youll feel when you do achieve them. however its your choice to do what you want to do, you can end things or you can decide not to, this your choice not mine, not anyone elses, your not alone in this
Honestly, I I’ve always liked Danielle and as the other side the coin, so to speak, Daniel still fits. Just a thought.
I searched up gender-neutral names (I like Jordan tho).
Here is a list :D of all the gender-neutral names I think are pretty good:
nooo ezra is my no takie /j good luck on finding a name jordan!!!!!
the ones you came up with are really good, but if you are still looking, a few names i can think of are Spencer, Cameron (could possibly go by cami on feminine days), Alex, Devin
Kelly, Tracy, Stacy, Rory, Dana, Casey, Leslie, Shannon, Darby, Kelsey, Quinn….
For decades Ashley was a ‘masculine’ name, and only became feminine in the latter 20th century. You could go by “Ash” or “Leigh” for short.
Um for a more feminine name you could do Athena, i really like that name, and i think that Jordan suits you really well!
Um for a more feminine name you could do Athena, i really like that name, and i think that Jordan suits you really well!