While the rich can afford to receive the best diet and nutrition advice, personal trainers, and dietitians, no amount of money can be traded for good health. While money does help to improve, sustain and lead a healthy lifestyle, once one’s health starts to deteriorate, there's not much that can be done to fix it. Aging is a natural process and, thus, inevitable. And while it can't be sidestepped, it can be slowed, not affecting life as much as it would otherwise.

However, while certain genetic factors that strongly affect aging can't be modified, the environmental factors highly dependent on individual lifestyles can be altered to slow down the signs of aging. Luckily, humanity wasn't born yesterday, and our ancestors passed on their time-tested knowledge in the form of health tips further backed by modern science.

Below, we've compiled a list of science-backed healthy lifestyle tips which may not help you hold a world record for the fastest marathon time aged 90 but will ultimately improve your general health and well-being. What advice on health have you received that significantly affected your life? Do you have a health tip you would like to share with others? Leave it in the comments! Also, check out our recent article featuring mental health tips!


Consider getting a vaccine.

One of the most effective ways to avoid disease is vaccination. Immunizations against polio, rabies, rubella, tetanus, typhoid, typhoid fever, cancer, cholera, diphtheria, hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps, pneumonia, and yellow fever boost your body's natural defenses. You can talk with your doctor if you wish to have yourself vaccinated or have your immunization status checked. Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My ex literally broke up with me because I'm vaccinated and he couldn't get it through his thick skull that once something enters your body through a vein, there is not getting rid of it.

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    Spend more time outside.

    The advantages that nature and being outside can have on one's physical and mental health have been demonstrated in multiple studies. Consider starting a new hobby or outdoor activity like hiking, jogging, gardening, paddle boarding, or just going for a walk. , Report

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    Zen out every now and then.

    Stress may impact your eating preferences, blood sugar levels, susceptibility to disease, weight, fat distribution, and more. Thus, it's crucial to learn effective stress management techniques.

    One such method is meditation, which has some scientific backing for its utility in reducing stress and enhancing health. Meditation was reported to lower inflammation and LDL ('bad') cholesterol levels compared to the control group in a study involving 48 patients with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or both. Report

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    Rise and shine.

    Forget the snooze button. Try to maintain a consistent sleeping and waking pattern, even on the weekends. For one's physical and mental health, adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If your chronotype makes you stay awake until late at night and sleep late in the mornings, this will be hard to do.

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    Maintain sufficient vitamin D levels.

    Vitamin D insufficiency is very much a common global issue. Around half of the worldwide population lacks vitamin D, and about 1 billion people have vitamin D deficiency. Even though lack or deficiency of vitamin D is not immediately threatening, maintaining healthy vitamin D levels significantly influences general health. Sufficient vitamin D levels can help strengthen bones, lessen depression symptoms, strengthen the immune system, and reduce cancer risk.

    While the quickest and most efficient way to get vitamin D is by spending time in the sunlight, not everyone is fortunate to live in sunny Cali and thus should consider consuming more vitamin D with food or supplements. Vitamin D can be found in cod liver oil, salmon, tuna, orange juice, dairy products, beef liver, or egg yolk. , Report


    Check your blood pressure regularly.

    The often-heard term "silent killer" refers to high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. This is because many people with hypertension may not be aware of the prevailing condition simply because it may not exhibit any distinctive symptoms. Due to untreated hypertension, several organs, such as the heart, brain, and kidneys, are at risk of harm.

    While how often you check your blood pressure is optional, make a habit of regularly checking it so that you are aware of your numbers. And if the digits are outside the normal range, schedule a check-up with your health professional to find the cause and start treatment. , Report

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    Eat more nuts and seeds.

    Some people shy away from nuts because they are high in calories and fat. However, seeds and nuts are highly nutritious. Besides containing lots of “good,” aka unsaturated fats, they have lots of protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals.

    Furthermore, one large observational study reported that a low intake of nuts and seeds may be potentially linked to an increased risk of death from heart disease, stroke, or type two diabetes. , Report


    Frequently wash your hands, and always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.

    By covering coughs and sneezes and frequently washing hands, contagious respiratory illnesses like influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), whooping cough, and COVID-19 can be kept at bay. Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I tried for years to convince my adult brother (37) to follow these rules. They are not even "rules", it's about common sense and care for personal hygiene. He just doesn't care, not even after the pandemic. So I've recently decided it's best to get some distance.


    Find yourself a furry shoulder to lean on.

    When you need to unwind, spend some time with your pet. Studies have shown that interactions between people and animals lower cortisol levels and lessen anxiety and panic.

    Taking your pet to work with you, running errands together, sharing snacks together, signing up for pet-friendly community activities, and practicing new tricks together are some suggestions for spending more time with your pets. Report


    Quit smoking and limit your alcohol consumption.

    Abuse of alcohol, illegal drug usage, and smoking can all seriously impair your health. If you engage in any of these behaviors, you may want to cut back on them or quit altogether to lower your risk of chronic illness.


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    Stand up every 30 minutes while working.

    To counteract the adverse effects of prolonged sitting (like at a desk job), get up and move around for a few minutes every half hour. Even among typically healthy people, spending a lot of time sitting can harm their metabolic health and eventually result in high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. These minor adjustments, like standing up every so often to move around, could significantly impact you in the long run. Report

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    Kyle D
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh that's cute. Sitting at work. We had the one chair removed from our back room cause the assistant manager 'caught' an employee on their 15 minute break.

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    Minimize your screen time.

    As digital transformation propels us into the future, ICT gadgets like smartphones, laptops, tablets, and PCs are becoming increasingly important in our daily lives. People are becoming increasingly dependent on screens but also becoming addicted to the internet. As a result, unhealthy digital habits are developing and endangering our productivity and health.

    Therefore, we need to adopt good digital behaviors to prevent excessive use of digital devices and assist ourselves in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Some suggestions include tracking your screen time, keeping your phone out of the bedroom, taking regular breaks, creating tech-free zones, removing superfluous apps, turning off notifications, and no longer dining in front of the television to minimize screen time. Report


    Drink water like your life depends on it. Because it does.

    A crucial although often neglected sign of health is hydration. Drink plenty of fluids to keep your body functioning at its best and guarantee that there is enough blood in your system.

    While the minimum recommended amount of water per day for an adult is about eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, try to drink enough to fully sate your thirst each day. Keep in mind that someone who lives in a hot climate or leads a very active lifestyle may require more water than the average person. , Report

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    Headless Roach
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Keep in mind that overhydration is as dangerous, though. You can drink water to death, as overdosed it kicks your electrolytes out of balance (among other issues)

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    Schedule regular checkups.

    A generation ago, people would only go to the doctor if they were very ill or on the verge of death. Thankfully, more people are receiving preventative healthcare as they become more informed and take ownership of their own health. Report


    Get more indoor plants.

    One study on controlling stress concluded that interacting with indoor plants can lower psychological and physiological tension. Moreover, participants in a different study also reported feeling less worried when working in a space with indoor plants or windows that looked outside. Furthermore, houseplants clarify the air in your home! , Report


    Reduce your sugar consumption.

    Today, sugar, also referred to as a 'white poison,' or 'the white death,' is a frequent component of pretty much any meal and beverage. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease are all associated with a high sugar intake. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise limiting added sugars to less than 10% of daily calories, whereas the Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise keeping added sugar intake below 5%. , Report

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    Jeff Gabrisl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, sugar addiction is a real thing. If you regularly get one of the sugary drinks at the coffee shop every morning, but black coffee doesn't wake you up, you're getting your energy spike from the sugar, not the caffeine.


    Do regular self-checks.

    It's wise to get accustomed to how your breasts feel and look because tumors might arise between mammograms. Need help figuring out where to start? Put some TLC into it: Watch for any changes, feel for anything odd, and if you notice anything unusual, discuss it with your doctor.


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    Spread the love.

    Always keep an eye out for a chance to show someone a random act of kindness or truly appreciate the feeling you get when someone offers you a helping hand. Random acts of kindness, such as complimenting someone or lending them a book you enjoyed, have been proven to boost the release of "feel good" hormones. Report

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    Air out the house.

    Let's say dust mites have a special connection with household items that collect skin cells, such as bedding, carpet, and sofas. Well, your house is no place for their love games. Make sure to often open the windows and air your house to reduce humidity and microscopic mold, which will disrupt their food chain.

    Besides, opening windows could also improve your sleep. Researchers found that by lowering carbon dioxide levels in the room, ventilation can thus enhance sleep quality. Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do this every chance I can. Also spray the bed / furniture with disinfectant spray at least twice a week.


    Limit sugary drinks.

    The primary source of added sugar in the American diet is sugary drinks, such as soda, fruit juices, and sweetened teas.

    Unfortunately, studies indicate that even in people who do not have excess body fat, drinking sugar-sweetened beverages increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

    Healthier alternatives include water, unsweetened teas, sparkling water, coffee (in moderation), and don’t forget freshly squeezed juice! , Report

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    Jeff Gabrisl
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sparkling water was extremely helpful for me to overcome my soda addiction. The flavored varieties allowed me to enjoy the physical feeling of chugging a soda, and still had some taste to it. Now I am happy just drinking plain water, and every now and then I will allow myself a Dr. Pepper if I go out to eat, but I can't imagine having more than one when I used to drink a 12 pack a day. Since then I have managed to lose over 30lbs

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    Avoid highly processed foods.

    Highly processed foods contain ingredients that are significantly modified from their original form. They frequently have additional ingredients, such as sugar, salt, highly refined oil, artificial sweeteners, colors, and flavors.

    Examples include snack cakes, fast food, frozen meals, candies, canned foods, processed meats, and potato chips.

    In addition to low-quality ingredients such as refined grains, inflammatory fats, and added sugar, highly processed foods usually lack fiber, protein, and micronutrients. Ultimately, they provide empty calories and low nutritional value. Report

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    Temporary Dork
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But they're cheap! How about the other way around: Try to fill up on wholegrain whatever, an egg, mackerel, legumes, onions or leek, chicken or mince, make your meals colorful with carrots and bell peppers, try to find some Chinese cabbage or Romaine lettuce. Potato chips are near the top of the Bad For You list, but they're friggin delicious and a handful a day won't kill you.


    Avoid eating burnt meats.

    Whether or not to consume meat is a personal preference. Either way, meat can be a healthy and nutritious part of your diet. It's also a fantastic source of nutrients and has a high protein level. However, issues arise when meat is charred or burned. According to research, charring meat, poultry, and fish can cause the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs), carcinogens that may cause cancer.

    Therefore, aim to cook the meat without burning or charring it. Also, it would be a good idea to limit the amount of red and processed meats in your diet in general, as these foods raise the risk of colon and other cancers. , Report

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    Watch your carbs but don't avoid them.

    The idea that carbohydrates cause weight gain is the biggest fallacy of all time. Warning: the following sentence contains spoilers. Carbs don't cause you to gain weight; consuming too many calories does.

    While technically, there are no 'good' or 'bad' carbs, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Due to extensive processing, refined carbohydrates often lack fiber. Eating too many processed carbs can actually be harmful because they don't contain many nutrients. The primary components of the bulk of ultra-processed foods are refined carbohydrates, such as processed corn, white flour, and added sugars.

    According to studies, eating a lot of refined carbohydrates may increase your risk of developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as well as binge eating and weight gain. , Report

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    Start lifting heavy. Lightweight Baby!

    Yeah, buddy, you read it right. We simply couldn't resist the urge to refer to Ronnie Coleman here. Either way, strength and resistance training are the best types of exercise to build your muscles and enhance your body composition. Additionally, it may lead to considerable improvement in metabolic health, including an increase in metabolic rate - the number of calories you burn when at rest - and enhanced insulin sensitivity, which makes controlling blood sugar levels easier.

    If you don't have weights, you may still get a similar workout and many of the same advantages by using resistance bands or your body weight. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans advise resistance training to be done twice weekly. , Report

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    Snuggle up and cuddle up.

    Even scientists agree that hugs are good for the heart, literally. According to research, hugs lower blood pressure and heart rate and decrease the release of cortisol in stressful conditions. Moreover, hugs are also agreed to be therapeutic. The human brain is programmed to perceive touch through specific neural pathways. Thus, through hugs, we communicate to the other person that they are loved, safe, and not alone. , Report

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    Practice mindfulness.

    Numerous health advantages of practicing mindfulness have been demonstrated, including the capacity to control pain, strengthen the immune system, overcome bad habits and addictions, ease insomnia, lower blood pressure, and perhaps even change the structure and function of the brain after only 8 weeks of practice. Report

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    Try "moving meditation."

    Do you find it challenging to develop a daily meditation practice? Try meditating while you are in motion! Moving meditation is a meditative state – a shift of consciousness – while doing simple activities. It is a technique for mind-calming and creating awareness. Meditation typically involves being still, sleeping or sitting in a comfortable position, and concentrating on breathing. Yet, movement can also provide a path to contemplation. Report

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    For success, rest.

    Don't feel bad for taking some time to unwind or doing less than usual. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle might be challenging with the ample activities around us and a tight schedule. How effectively you care for your body and mind can impact your general health. Exercise, relaxation, and proper sleep will improve your performance and make life more enjoyable. Taking adequate care of yourself may require additional time and effort, but it is worthwhile. Report

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    Check on the color after you do the 'number one.'

    It should be anywhere between colorless and the hue of light straw and honey when you're healthy and well-hydrated. If it's not, it may be a sign that you need to hydrate yourself. When you don't drink enough fluids, your urine becomes more concentrated and has a darker yellow or amber color.

    Just by looking at your urine, you can tell a lot about the state of your body. However, medical professionals can discover much more through a urine test performed during a routine physical examination. Report

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    Establish healthy sleeping patterns.

    We can’t stress enough the importance of a good night’s rest. Insulin resistance, hormonal imbalances that alter hunger, and diminished physical and mental performance can all result from insufficient sleep.

    One of the strongest personal risk factors for weight gain and obesity is poor sleeping habits. People who don’t get enough sleep tend to choose foods with higher calories, fat, and sugar, leading to unexpected weight gain. , Report

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    Take care of your gut microbiota.

    Your gut microbiota, also known as gut bacteria, is essential for overall health. Obesity and various digestive problems have been linked to a change in gut flora, a common factor in many chronic diseases.

    Consuming probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and some types of cheese, supplementing with probiotics when needed, and getting lots of fiber are all practical approaches to promote gut health. For example, fiber serves as a prebiotic or food source for the bacteria in your gut. , Report

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    Jeff Gabrisl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you are eating yogurt as a probiotics, avoid the sweet sugary types you usually find at the supermarket, instead go for a greek yogurt. You could also try fermented vegetables like sour kraut or kim chi. As far as fiber goes, beans and greens are always good. A good rule is it should make you fart! If you're farting, the good gut bacteria is doing its job

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    Befriend fruits and veggies.

    Prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which have profoundly beneficial impacts on health, are ample in fruits and veggies. Studies show that people who eat more fruits and vegetables live longer and are less likely to have heart disease, obesity, and other disorders. , Report


    Don't sleep on protein.

    Protein is essential not just for athletes wishing to build muscle. The ability of your body to regenerate new cells and tissues, repair, and oxygenate highly depends on the amount of protein you consume. Thus eating enough of it is crucial for sustaining good health. Protein is also essential for preserving a healthy body weight. Besides, consuming a lot of protein may burn more calories as it increases metabolism and helps you feel satiated longer. It may also lessen your cravings and help you avoid overeating at dinner. , Report

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    Get your bum moving.

    Cardio is one of the best types of exercise for your physical and mental health. It is especially effective at shedding belly fat, the unhealthy type of fat that accumulates around your organs, and may greatly enhance your metabolic health. However, cardio is only one of many ways to get physically active. Find an activity that keeps you moving and that you genuinely enjoy!

    The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that people aim for 150 minutes or more of moderate-intensity activity per week. , Report

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    Use more spices and herbs.

    Spices and herbs may not only bring flavor but also several health advantages, and luckily, the variety of herbs and spices available now is greater than ever. Today, there is plenty of evidence that spices and herbs have cognitive and mood-affecting characteristics in addition to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumorigenic, you name it properties. For example, ginger and turmeric contain potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that could enhance your all-around health. , Report

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    Tracking your food may be beneficial, but don't let it become an obsession.

    Although estimating your portion sizes and calorie intake is not an unreliable way to lead a healthy diet, the only accurate way to measure your calorie consumption is to measure your food and track nutrients.

    There is some evidence to show that those who measure their food consumption are more likely to effectively lose weight and keep it off in the long run. However, some studies have also established a correlation between counting calories, weighing food, and disordered eating tendencies. Therefore, we strongly recommend talking to a medical professional or dietician before considering any weight change plans. , Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am working with a dietician now, and we just talked about measuring food. She suggests when you start a new eating plan that you weigh and measure so you know what a serving looks like. But just for the first few days. She said she still does for a few days at the start of the month to be sure she is on track, or with new foods.


    Highly restrictive or 'crash' diets is a no-go.

    Crash diets or 'quick' diets are often unproductive and rarely result in lasting outcomes. In fact, one of the best predictors of future weight gain is past dieting.

    In reality, excessively restricted diets lower your metabolic rate or the number of calories you burn daily. They also impact your satiety and hunger hormones, which results in increased appetite and a potential for strong cravings for foods high in fat, calories, and sugar. This, thus, may have a 'reverse' effect. Trying to live a healthier lifestyle is more important than dieting. Focus on fueling your body, not depriving it. , Report

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    Switch to natural skincare and personal care products.

    Conventional skincare and personal care products are often packed with chemicals and ingredients we shouldn't regularly use on our skin, all the more so inside our bodies.


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    Don't keep hereditary conditions secret, and learn your family's medical history.

    According to a survey, half of the participants didn't discuss their medical histories with their family members, even if genetic ties could potentially put their loved ones at a higher risk. Regardless of one's genetic makeup, developing a few healthy habits can help prevent genetic conditions like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. This information is crucial to know for your loved ones. Report

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    Coffee is not the enemy.

    While drinking large amounts of coffee may cause specific side effects due to excessive caffeine, coffee surprisingly has plenty of health benefits.

    Coffee’s high antioxidant content may prolong one’s life by reducing the risk of acquiring illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and a host of other diseases.

    Nonetheless, coffee and other caffeinated beverages should be used in moderation. While it’s rare, regular caffeine overdose can lead to health issues like heart palpitations and insomnia. To be safe, limit your daily coffee intake to no more than four cups and try to bypass high-calorie, high-sugar additives like sweetened creamer and syrups. , Report

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    Up your consumption of fish and omega-3-rich foods.

    A great source of high-quality protein and good fat is fish.
    This is especially true for fatty fish like salmon, which is rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and many other nutrients.

    Research shows that regular fish eaters are less likely to develop illnesses like heart disease, dementia, and inflammatory bowel disease. , Report

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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got sick on tuna. Was sick for a week. Can't eat fish very much since then. Just thinking about makes me nauseous.


    Build and nurture your social relationships.

    The quality of your social relationships - with close friends, family, and other loved ones - is crucial for your physical and mental health. Multiple studies have shown that people with close friends or good relationships with their family live healthier and far longer lives. , Report

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    Consider getting rid of excess belly fat for your health, not for appearance.

    Visceral fat, or excess abdominal fat, is a rather dangerous form of fat around the belly and is associated with a higher risk of cardiometabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

    Cutting back on refined carbs, upping your consumption of protein and fiber, and reducing stress (which can lower cortisol, a stress hormone that encourages the accumulation of abdominal fat) are all strategies that may aid in your quest to shed belly fat. , Report

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    Join the Floor Gang.

    Most of us spend most of the day sitting on couches or chairs. You're probably sitting on one right now. However, some individuals prefer to sit on the ground. For example, eating while seated on the floor is a habit, ritual, and wellness practice all rolled into one in countries like India, Japan, and China.

    Others favor sitting on the ground due to its supposed benefits. Sitting on the floor is said to improve flexibility and mobility because it allows you to actively extend your lower body. Additionally, it can cause your core muscles to become naturally more stable. Report

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    Switch to more natural household cleaning supplies.

    Conventional household cleansers are loaded with hazardous chemicals that adversely affect our health, especially our skin and lungs. You can instantly lower your exposure to harmful chemicals by switching to more natural alternatives. Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you can afford them. Most 'natural' cleaning products are pricey.


    Take care of them pearly whites.

    Brushing your teeth twice daily is optimally sufficient to maintain oral health and prevent periodontal diseases and caries. However, most people find that their at-home oral hygiene routines are insufficient for removing plaque. Therefore, most dentists recommend scheduling routine dental cleaning twice a year. Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband brushes & flosses twice a day. It's an obsession almost. However, he lost his back molars ,they rotted out. So did he really do any good?


    Try "soberlizing."

    Try to "soberlize" (socialize soberly) more. For example, suggest eating breakfast or brunch instead of going to a bar, because those meals may not involve as much alcohol intake as lunch or supper. Think of drinking-free socializing as an adventure, a chance to learn something new about yourself, build relationships and recall conversations, and figure out your particular likes and dislikes. Report


    Brush your tongue.

    Your tongue may contain oral bacteria that later travel to your teeth, raising your risk of tooth decay. Dentists advise regularly cleaning your tongue, whether it's to avoid bad breath or just for general oral health. Report

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    Step out without the "ouch!"

    As we age, the form of our foot changes. Like other body parts, our skin changes elasticity and, with age, gets thinner, which causes the arches of our feet to widen and sag. As the tissues start to somewhat collapse, arthritis and chronic foot ache can develop. Thus, your feet need constant support, which may require investing in new footwear. Report

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    DJ Turn It Up!

    According to research, high-tempo music listeners who exercised had the highest heart rates and rated their workout to be easier. Extensive research also found that exercising while listening to fast-paced music will divert you and make your workouts appear less draining and difficult, ultimately increasing their effectiveness. , Report

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    Keep lights dim in the evening.

    It's found that exposure to light at night can interfere with the body's naturally occurring increase in melatonin levels, delaying the body's biological transition into sleep. Thus, it is generally recommended to keep the lights dim and avoid using digital screens right before going to sleep. , Report

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    Use extra virgin olive oil.

    Extra virgin olive oil is the least processed sort of olive oil and is frequently considered the healthiest. It has a lot of monounsaturated fats, which are good for the heart, as well as potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. According to some studies, extra virgin olive oil may benefit the heart, because those who use it have a lower chance of passing from heart attacks and strokes. , Report


    Eat eggs, yolk included!

    It is a common misconception that eggs are unhealthy because of their high cholesterol content. In fact, multiple studies show that they are a great source of protein and nutrients and actually have no effect on the blood cholesterol levels of most people. Furthermore, an analysis comprising 263,938 persons found no connection between egg consumption and the risk of heart disease. , Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Eggs cause my severe gas. It could peel the paint off the walls. Found out it's hereditary on mother's side. Found that out from my uncle.


    Trip the light fantastic.

    Dance step patterns like the foxtrot can strengthen both your feet and brain. Along with being beneficial for your physical health, dancing has several advantages, including boosting self-confidence, facilitating social interactions, elevating mood and attitude, as well as reducing anxiety and despair. Report

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    Avoid artificial trans fats.

    Although we should avoid categorizing into 'good' and 'bad' categories, an exception is trans fats, as trans fats are considered the worst type of fat to eat. Trans fats, aka man-made fats, are strongly associated with inflammation and heart diseases.

    Avoiding them should be considerably easier now that they are completely banned in the US and many other countries. Be mindful that some foods may still contain minuscule amounts of naturally occurring trans fats, albeit they are less dangerous than trans fats created chemically. , Report

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