My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years now, but I can see him marrying his coffee machine sooner than he marries me.
What’s a girl to do, other than create an Instagram account dedicated to humoring his coffee obsession and snobbery?
Forgive my obvious sarcasm—it comes from desperation. It's difficult to compete with his love for coffee. I think my suffering deserves some wider recognition. I've put together some memes based on classical paintings, but there are more on my Instagram.
More info: Instagram
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Just Like Any Coffee Snob He Has Very Strong Opinions
Magic Happens In The Kitchen. Not Where It Should
Too Much Money Is Spent On The Coffee Toys - Instead Of My Gifts
I Read His Mind, But It's Not Very Interesting - Just Coffee Stuff
He Spends Too Much Time With Hoffmann - Instead Of Being With Me
Trips And Romantic Walks With Him Are Like
He Does This. Every. Single. Time
Coffee Is What Inspires And Excites Him - Not Me
Our Opinions Differ, Just As Our Priorities
I Don't Drink Coffee. But In The Mornings We Fight For The Kettle
I Am Sure You Know What It's Like
Wayyy Too Much Effort Is Spent On Making A Perfect Cup Of Coffee
He Knows Exactly Where His Coffee Comes From
You should make this into a calendar for him! 🤣🤣🤣 I'm a raging coffee addict, but I try to keep my bf as far away from getting too snobby... Because he has a tendency to get obsessed and overspend when he finds a new hobby. So far he has abt 400 board games and probably 1-2 kg of high end teas (and all the snobby tea stuff). And 2 guitars and 3 amps. That's enough! 😁
You should make this into a calendar for him! 🤣🤣🤣 I'm a raging coffee addict, but I try to keep my bf as far away from getting too snobby... Because he has a tendency to get obsessed and overspend when he finds a new hobby. So far he has abt 400 board games and probably 1-2 kg of high end teas (and all the snobby tea stuff). And 2 guitars and 3 amps. That's enough! 😁