Having read all the books and watched all the movies, you know all the Harry Potter facts like the back of your hand. And you are the biggest Potterhead in your gang. Want to prove your Potterverse knowledge? What better way than answering all these easy and hard Harry Potter trivia questions? You will also find some uncommon facts below; tell us in the comments if you know them or not!
Why a Harry Potter Trivia?
After more than twenty years since the release of the first Harry Potter book, the fandom, lovingly known as Potterheads, is as strong as ever. There are card games, theme parks, conventions, Wizarding World-themed weddings, and so much more to commemorate the undying love for the Boy Who Lived and his story.
We also like to take part in professing an unwavering love for the story, and we do it in the ways we know the best. Yup, it’s either jokes, comics, or an article dedicated to a Harry Potter quiz, hard and easy questions, of course!
So, what should you expect from this Harry Potter trivia, hard and easy, you ask? First, some easy peasy questions for a warm-up - like naming the four Hogwarts houses and how Harry got his scar. Then, once you’ve stretched your cranium for some harder work, come the hard Harry Potter trivia questions, like the legendary Hippogriff’s name and Luna’s dad’s publication.
And, when your brain is running at full speed and operating in full CPU, it is time for the Harry Potter hard quiz questions, the toughest you’ve ever seen. We won’t give any examples right now - it’s better to leave them as a surprise for you! At any rate, you can be sure that there’s a trivia question suitable for everyone - whether it’s you, a bona fide professor in Potterology, or even your kids!
What Are Some Hard Harry Potter Quiz Questions?
Collected below are a few easy and a few hard Harry Potter quiz questions. Ready to check them out? Sure you are! Scroll down for them, give the best ones your vote, and be sure to share this article with the Potterheads around you! Who knows, you might even arrange a soiree to share your wisdom in answering these questions together.
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Name all the Weasley children.
Which two people gift Harry with broomsticks for Quidditch?
What are the three forbidden curses?
2 of Those are just the incantations.. the actual spell names are The Killing Curse and Cruciatus Curse >.>
How does Harry catch his first snitch?
What other house did Harry Potter almost get sorted into?
The sorting hat takes your opinoin too
What is Harry’s position on the Quidditch team?
Who is the Half-Blood Prince?
How many staircases does Hogwarts have?
Name all seven of Voldemort’s Horcruxes.
How was Hermione able to take extra lessons?
A yes, let's give a 13 year old a freaking time machine, but it's fine because she's a nerd. The time Turner is one of the stupidest parts of HP, if there was an item that would let you LITERALLY TIME TRAVEL every single wizard would have one.
What Are Some Cool or Uncommon Harry Potter Facts?
The Harry Potter Universe is one with numerous characters and multiple instances. You are bound to lose a few facts when the content is massive. So, to refresh your memories or to provide you with new and exciting information, here are some cool or uncommon facts about the Potterverse:
- The first chapter of the first Harry Potter book, The Philosopher’s Stone, takes place on November 1, 1981, and the epilogue of the last book, The Deathly Hallows, occurs on September 1, 2017.
- Before starting SPEW, Hermione planned to name it ‘The House Elf Liberation Front,’ but it was too long.
- Harry went on a date with Cho at ‘Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop’ in Hogsmeade.
- Robbin Williams auditioned for the role of Hagrid but was rejected.
- Dumbledore was in love with Grindelwald.
- The motto of the Black family is Toujours Pur, which means ‘Always Pure.’
- Araminta Meliflua, a member of the Black family, tried to force through a Ministry bill to make Muggle-hunting legal.
- It was Bellatrix Lestrange who indirectly taught Harry how to use the Cruciatus curse.
- Voldemort was 71 years old when he died.
- The character of Nicholas Flamel is based on a real person who was a French scribe and lived in the 1300s.
Who tells Harry he’s a wizard?
Where in Kings Cross Station does the Hogwarts Express stop?
Where does Harry go to teach Dumbledore’s Army?
Its called Potter's Army now.How do I know?I work for- I said too much...
What are the last three words in "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows"?
It was originally gonna be "and then Harry woke up, in his cupboard under the stairs"
Who tells Harry he’s a Horcrux?
On what day were the Weasley twins born?
Dumbledore bears a scar on his knee that is a map of what?
Who is the Headmaster of Hogwarts when Harry arrives?
What house is Harry Potter sorted into?
How are students sorted into their houses?
Where are the Slytherin common rooms located?
Who goes on to become a professional quidditch player?
And what’s the name of Hermione’s cat?
Where does nearly every Hogwarts student go to get their wand?
How many presents did Dudley get on his 11th Birthday?
What is the name of Harry’s owl?
Who killed Dumbledore?
Couldn't it be said Voldemort killed him because he was dying from a curse he got while hunting the horcrux. Didn't Snape just participate in an assisted suicide because Dumbledore told him he had to kill him .
What wizards are trained to catch dark wizards?
What happened to Voldemort’s parents?
What is the name of the popular, sweet drink usually served in Hogsmeade?
What does Hermione say Jupiter's largest moon is?
How does Harry get the lightning bolt scar on his forehead?
What kind of dragon does Harry fight during the Tri-Wizard cup?
Name one of Dumbledore’s middle names.
Name the six subjects every Hogwarts student is required to study during their first two years of school.
What are the three European wizarding schools that participate in the Triwizard Tournament?
Who anonymously sends Harry his father's Invisibility Cloak on Christmas?
What was the name of the orphanage where Lord Voldemort grew up?
Name the four Hogwarts Houses.
Why does Snape protect Harry?
What’s the name of the three-headed dog that guards the door to the Sorcerer’s Stone?
What keeps the three-headed dog asleep?
What’s the name of the dance that takes place in Goblet of Fire?
Did you know that the goblet of fire was hand carved from a tree trunk?
How do you close the Marauder’s Map?
What magical creature pulls students the carriages that take students from the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts?
Does anyone edit these for miatakes? Or do the Thestrals also pull students outside the carriages?
Harry’s patronus is a stag. What other person also has a stag?
I would like to precise that as long as i remember we never see which is James Potter's patronus. If i'm correct, we only know that Harry's patronus is a stag cause James IS a stag himself, in his animagus form.
What does R.A.B. stand for?
What do Remus and Tonks name their son?
How is Bellatrix Lestrange related to Draco Malfoy?
What is Harry Potter’s date of birth?
Who played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter films?
And after he got killed by Voldemort he first became a Sparkling vampire and then batman Was a very weird spell
Harry, Ron, and Hermione help save the Sorcerer’s Stone from being stolen. How old was its co-creator, Nicholas Flamel, when he decided to destroy it?
You'd think if there's one dude who invented a rock that makes you immortal then literally everybody would know who they are.
How many possible Quidditch fouls are there?
Who teased Moaning Myrtle about her glasses?
In the first movie, how does Hagrid describe his job at Hogwarts?
In Book 7, what three Ministry of Magic employees do Ron, Harry, and Hermione impersonate?
What is Luna Lovegood’s father’s name?
Name the three different types of balls used in Quidditch.
What is a Horcrux?
What does the map do?
You meen the Marauders map? Quite the vague question. "The map". Unless you're watching Dora, of course
What does it mean to be a parselmouth?
Yes, being a parselmouth means having the ability to talk to snakes and other creatures related to the serpent family and you can find books in knock turn alley about parselmagic as well.For example if Harry had chosen the Chinese Fireball dragon instead of Victor Krum then Harry could have use his ability in parseltongue to ask the dragon for the egg instead.
Why was being able to speak parseltongue especially troubling to Harry?
Wasn't the biggest problem that Salazar Slytherin was a parseltongue and so everyone thought Harry was his heir ? Since only a very few people knew that Voldemort was a parseltongue as well
What are thestrals?
They aren’t exactly invisible. If you have witnessed death you will be able to see them.
What sort of power do Dementors have?
Who poses as Mad-Eye Moody and teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts to Harry and his friends?
Why does Ron decide he hates Krum?
How does Rita Skeeter learn secrets for her sensational articles?
What magical creation can people use to view other people’s saved memories?
Where does Arthur Weasley work?
What’s the full name of Nearly Headless Nick, Gryffindor’s House ghost?
What is the visitor’s entrance to the Ministry of Magic shaped like?
Ron Weasley had a phobia for which insect?
This one is a two-parter. Where does Vernon Dursley work, and what does the company produce?
In which book do Harry and Ginny share their first kiss?
What does Dumbledore tell Harry he sees in the Mirror of Erised?
Whose name appears on the “Service to the School” trophy next to the quidditch trophy?
Name at least two Hogwarts electives.
Answer: Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studies or the Study of Ancient Runes.
In Book 4, which two teams compete for the Quidditch World Cup?
What are the two pubs in Hogsmeade called?
Who wrote A History of Magic?
Where is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets hidden?
What kind of magical creature is Aragog?
How is Bellatrix related to Tonks?
What color is Teddy Lupin's hair when he is born?
What is the core of Draco Malfoy's wand?
What does Professor Kettleburn wish to do after retiring from Hogwarts?
What is Lily Potter's birthday?
Why did Hermione miss the lesson on Cheering Charms?
Where are the Hufflepuff common rooms?
What’s the name of Ginny’s Pygmy Puff?
What does Prof. Lupin offer Harry to make him feel better when the Dementors try to attack him?
Which Hogwarts professor was rumored to be dueling champion as a student?
Why was the Whomping Willow originally planted?
Answer: To help Remus Lupin escape Hogwarts when he needed to turn into a werewolf.
Who said, “Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!”
Which is destructive enough to destroy a Horcrux when exposed to it?
Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plants. They are also known as what?
In Book 2, who is the first victim to be petrified by the basilisk?
How is mail delivered in the wizarding world?
The wizarding version of marbles is called what?
How do first years get from the Hogsmeade train station to the castle?
What do the students call the Gryffindor ghost?
Which incantation can levitate an object?
What class does Professor McGonagall teach?
Who does Bill Weasley marry?
What teleportation magic do sixth-years learn at Hogwarts?
What is Dean Thomas's favorite sport?
What does Harry do with his winnings from the Triwizard Tournament?
What was the name of the Quidditch team on the sock Mrs. Weasley tries to give to Harry?
Who lives at 4 Privet Drive?
Who does Scabbers the rat turn out to be?
What does the Sorting Hat list as two characteristics of most Ravenclaws?
Why does Rita Skeeter eventually get in trouble?
What is Honeydukes?
Who is the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic?
Who becomes Lord Voldemort’s trusted snake and Horcrux?
In “The Sorcerer’s Stone,” Harry and his friends are awarded last-minute House Points, putting Gryffindor ahead of Slytherin by just 10 points. What was the final tally?
For Harry’s 17th birthday, what color did Hermione turn the leaves of the Weasley’s crabapple tree?
What does the acronym S.P.E.W. stand for?
What does Romilda Vane ask Ginny about in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?
What does O.W.L. stand for?
What was Voldemort’s mother’s name?
Who hosts the radio show Potterwatch?
Where does Dudley go to school?
What does the Mirror of Erised’s inscription read?
Answer: “Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi” read backward says, “I show not your face, but your heart’s desire.”
Who are the only known characters to receive all 12 O.W.L.S?
How fast can a firebolt broomstick reach?
Fill in the blank from this line said by Cedric Diggory: “So… We’re______ each other again!”
Fill in the blank from this line said by Cedric Diggory: “You know that golden egg? Does yours ______ when you open it?”
What is Filch the Hogwarts caretaker’s greatest secret?
In Book 4, what magical creature does Harry answer a riddle from in the maze during the Triwizard Tournament?
Which centaur rescues Harry in the Forbidden Forest in Book 1?
What is the name of the magical hospital?
What potion allows a witch or wizard to disguise themselves as someone else for a limited amount of time?
In Book 5, Snape is assigned to teach Harry what type of magic?
How does one ward off a Dementor?
Where are the vaults kept in Gringotts Bank?
What is at the base of the Whomping Willow?
What school-aged peer is Harry’s nemesis throughout his time at Hogwarts?
What is the name of the pub at the entrance to Diagon Alley?
What year do Hogwarts students take O.W.L.S?
What magazine does Xenophilius Lovegood publish?
What's the address of the Black family home?
What is the name of the Weasley family home?
What is the maiden name of sisters Lily Potter and Petunia Dursley?
What day did James and Lily Potter die?
What does Hagrid use to channel the pieces of his wand once it's been broken?
What is James Potter's Marauder nickname?
How is the Grey Lady related to Rowena Ravenclaw?
What name does Buckbeak get after being saved from execution?
Who is the seeker for the Bulgarian Quidditch team?
What about The Weasley’s Rat?
Harry Potter Trivia: Hard or Easy?
If you are a passionate Potterhead, even the hardest questions will be easy for you. And speaking about passionate Potterheads, you should definitely look at this list of magical Harry Potter pickup lines. Who knows where you might meet a dateable Potterhead that you might want to charm? Isn’t it amazing how one book series can unite us all?