This May Sound A Little Shallow But After A Year Of Cancer Treatment, I Got My Wig. Natural💗
Was Told In High School I Wasn't College Material Because I Probably Couldn't Even Spell, "Sat." Married Young To A Lady Who Believed In Me, Made All The Difference, Trust Me, Never Give Up On Yourself & Find Someone Who Believes In You...btw I Do Know How To Spell Emmy
Yep, those are mine, I failed English 10 three times in High School, had to take it in summer school to graduate, couldn't diagram a sentence, no college prep courses. 10 years later into college through night school, graduated, spent the next 40 years in Journalism, every dime I've made as a professional came from writing stuff...never once asked to diagram a sentence. I talk with kids/adults about my experience tell them to believe in themselves, find others who believe in you, and don't give up, it's not easy but it can be done.
We Never Had Kids. I’ve Got My Whole World Here. (Inc Hubs)
Our Rescue Kitten, 'Jelly'. We Found Her In A Parking Lot. Two Years Old Now And Do Loved
Hank. My Favourite Teddy. I Still Sleep With Him. My Girlfriend Thinks I'm Childish For It
One Of My Best Friends Gave Me This On My 9th Sober Anniversary Last Christmas
Congratulations! A very hard thing to do and a beautiful item to remind you that you've done it and continue to do it one day at time!!! I'm proud of you!!
Stilgar. 4 Months Old And Battling Distemper. Protecc At All Costs
Sending hope. Wish you both the best, and Stilgar to become a healthy doggo asap. :)
Our Life On Our Farm In The Pnw
My Twig
My Baby Boy And Nina
Me And My Girl Rosie.
Put This On Another Post Too- But This Is My 100+ Year Old Camera Given To Me By My Grandfather
Louie Aka “Pancake”. Nearly Lost Him To Fip, But He Fought It And Won! Mustachioed Superhero And Best Friend
And a magnificent mustache it is. If I had a mustache I'd Twirl it!!! 🐾🐈⬛🐾
King Leo
This Whole ( Or Half ) A Blanket. There Is A Really Long Story Behind It. It's Ratty And Certainly Not As Pretty As It Once Was, But I Love It Just As Much As When It Was New, And It's The Only Non Living Thing I Would Fight To Pull From A Burning Building
I Bought A Cake Plate A Few Weeks Ago For All My Baked Goods!! It Wasn't Super Expensive, But $50 Is A Lot When You're 15 😄. It Makes Me Happy!!
You're 15 and you've found something that makes you happy 😊. You're way ahead of most people twice your age. Do what makes you happy and you'll never WORK a day in your life
I Praise You, O Lordly Lord Of The Universe. May You Reign Forever
Love Of Our Household
My Portrait Camera
I Love Her Like The Daughter I Will Never Have
I feel you. I had 2 sons. 1st became paraplegic at 18 from a cold. 9 yrs later my 2nd child died. My oldest is 43 now and married to the girl I never had but had wished for. They are not having kids by choice. I'm almost 65 and I've had to accept and change my dreams many times. After going thru cancer treatment for the last year we've decided to live for us, enjoy our Golden years. Maybe in Costa Rica!!! Lol
A Portrait Of My Great Aunt Commissioned By My Great Uncle, A Paratrooper Who Jumped Into France During Ww2. It Was Done By A French Artist With Only A Tiny Photograph For Reference.
Caring For Dogs Saved My Life. Hanging With Elle Makes Me So Happy.
I Gave So Many Pictures Of Her, It's Hard To Choose Just One!!!
My Uncles Hat
Goven To Me By My Boyfriend. Tin Fred Astaire From Occupied Japan, Made In The 40's
My Dog
3 Originals Found At A Local Thrift Store. Took Me 6 Months To Aquire All 3 And Another 2 Months To Find Similar, Thrifted Frames.
My Pointe Shoes. Got My First Pair After 2 Years Of Harcore Training And I Couldn’t Be More Proud. Any Questions I’ll Answer In Comments!
Mouse, My 'Little' Tuxedo, And Wiser Than His Years
I Know The Creator Of The Post Is Not Supposed To Do This, But I Had To.
I only wish you could share your sound with us. You go! And Fight to play that bari! I fought to switch to bari from flute in 8th grade (she didn't think a flute player could handle a reed) and it was one of the most awesome choices I ever made! I play both 'til this day!
Coconut My Koala Plushie. Given To Me As Gift From A Late Family Friend.
Yes I named a Koala Coconut even though they aren't in the same areas. I was 4 years old. I have 5 prize plushies. Each have sentimental value on them.
Meet Tilly. I Love Her Beyond Words. She Is Indescribable And Unillustratable In Her Beauty, Humor, And Cuteness. When I Say Cuteness, I Mean Cuteness. She Completes Me.
My Baby ( German Shepherd, Aussie, Red Heeler )
Painted Glass Chessboard And Ivory Set
That is one of the best chessboards I’ve seen. We own a heavy wood chessboard, and it’s amazing, just not very portable.
He Is Mine And I Am His
Great Great Grandfather's Clock 1840 This Is A French "Portico" Clock That Was Given To My Great Great Grandfather And Passed Down. It Still Works And Has A Beautiful, Light Chime On The Hour And Half Hour. I Get Chills, And Am So Humbled, When I Think Of All The People Who Heard Those Chimes Before Me
People who can clean and repair these are getting fewer and fewer. I can tell this clock has been well cared for.
Kind Of Blurry But Irl, I've Been Wearing This Ring Since 2007 And Will Be Buried In It. My Husband Picked It Out!
My Children Me In Camouflage 1st Grandbby Wish Had Other Gbbys In Pic Old Pic Grandson 14 Now
Children really are the best-I look forward to grandchildren someday, my 4 kids (5 I’m expecting another) are still little, the oldest is 7. I hope that when I’m old we have one of those huge extended families and that my kids and grandkids and all their spouses will have huge celebrations together.
Guitar, Amp And Multi-Fx Board m/
My Mother's Wedding Ring. My Parents Had Custom Cartouche Rings Made With Their Names In Hieroglyphics, One Of A Kind Just Like Their Marriage. My Mom Passed Away From Melanoma On A Christmas Eve Before Her 43rd Birthday. Someday, I'll Pass It On To My Daughter.
Left To Right, Lulu Larue (12f), Biscuit (9f), Mini Larue (7f) And Ms. Penelope Beasley (10months) In Front. All Strays We've Taken In, All Of Them Are Directly Related And Actively Dedicated To Stealing Our Bed..
Yay! Thanks for saving/fostering these kittens! We need more people like you :)
Bootsy. He Has Been My Best Friend For Almost 6 Years.
My Bike.
My Instruments
My Son Nate The Great!!!
Please don't consider this rude but as a rider myself...essentials are long pants, jacket(padded on the back if preferable), boots and gloves.EVERY time you ride. You never PLAN to wipe out but if you do... you want to keep as much of yourself off the road as possible. Leather is keeps you from sliding as much. I like the full coverage helmet. So many riders use the most minimal helmet they can legally get away with and it means they have mush for brains or will if they wipe out. I know this was just a picture session but I'm just making sure he learns early before he gets his own bike. How do you spot a happy Harley rider? By the bugs on his teeth. PS: I hit a bee while riding...with my throat! That was the tiny spot that wasn't covered by jacket or helmet. Aggggh. Safe riding to you both.
My Car That Gets Me To College! I Didn't Have One For 14 Years!
The View Five Minutes From My House, The '65 Mustang I'm Going To Restore With My Dad, And My Friends And Family.
I don't have a pic of the mustang but it's a candyapple red, mustang GT. 289 small block paired to a C4 automatic.
Semi Valuable Pokemon Card. (Not For Sale)
My Violin
My Cat, Hans Gruber
My Doggo, Buddha Statue, And Ganesha Statue
My Favorite Plushie Rabbits, Right And Grumpy (The Orange Sweatered One Is Right)
Our Rescue Kitten, 'Jelly'. Found Her Behind A Car In A Parking Lot. To
Lucky baby. Don't name her lucky! She's so beautiful, maybe Freya 🐾💗🐾
All Warrior Cats Books From Prophecies Begin To Dawn Of The Clans (Rest Of The Books Are Being Shipped) I Protect With My Life
We worship the powerful one, the one with knowledge that shall last a lifetime
My American Bully Pup, Beasty. We Expect Her To Make Champion In The Next Year.
My Dog ♥️
To Get People Interested In Coin Collecting- Here Is One Of My Prize Coins - See Comment For More Info
I won this as a raw coin for a $20 ticket in a raffle. It was marked MS65. I sent it to PCGS and it came back MS66+RD which is like winning the lotto. (Sorry I obscured the serial number for privacy or whatever)
My Cat, Felix...and The Felix Cat Food!
My Nikon D5500 :)
For me that would be the photo of my lwgs as they carry me up to 8-10 miles in a row walking. Their price is \infty. The right thing would be to enter a photo of ourselves and family and/or friends because they are the most valuable thing to have. The prize is \infty.
For me that would be the photo of my lwgs as they carry me up to 8-10 miles in a row walking. Their price is \infty. The right thing would be to enter a photo of ourselves and family and/or friends because they are the most valuable thing to have. The prize is \infty.