I am writing a story and I came up with the name " The Starless Land " Tell me the truth.... Is that a good name for a fantasy story?


That's a great name! What's the general plot of your story?


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OH THIS IS GONN BE LONG JUST A WARNING!!!! So basically, in the book realm there are 4 powerful mages that NOBODY can defeat. A girl's mom went through a bunch of challenges ( which everyone had to do) both physical and mental, to face the mages. If you beat all 4 mages, you BECOME a mage. The mom suceeded, but kinda forgot about her 4 year old daughter who was on an island waiting for her. The one who was takig care of her was angry at the mom for leaving her daughter, so she told the daughter that she was STILL facing the mages. Then, about 10 years later ( when she is 14, which is the minimum age you have to be to face them ) she tries beating the mages. She also meets friends and learns spells on the way :D Idk I thought it was a cool idea but idk why its called the starless land

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    O.M.G why do i never think of good names like that. its the best title ever! i love the title "The Starless Land" cuz it does really sound like the most best fantasy and i know its gonna be epicly("EpIcLy"t-thats not even a word) great


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    best fantasy ever so i have to read it


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    kirbi i read your general plot thingy and it sounds totally awesome
